Twitter hides Trump tweet for 'glorifying violence


Well-Known Member

Saga contiues: Twitter has hidden a tweet by President Donald Trump from his profile,
saying it violates rules about glorifying violence.

It did the same hours later when the official White House account tweeted a copy of the president's words.

Instead of being deleted, both tweets can be viewed by clicking on a prominent warning.

It says that "Twitter has determined that it may be in the public's interest for the Tweet to remain accessible."

This is the latest twist in an escalating row between Twitter and the White House.

Mr Trump was tweeting about the US city of Minneapolis, which has seen
consecutive nights of protests following the death of a black man in police custody.


The president said he would "send in the National Guard", and followed that up with
a warning that "when the looting starts, the shooting starts."

That second tweet was hidden by Twitter for "glorifying violence".

Twitter's policy of adding a warning to, rather than deleting, tweets that break its rules when it comes to
major public figures was announced in mid-2019. But the social network has never used it on Mr Trump - nor deleted any of his tweets before.

"This is the bravest and riskiest thing I've ever seen Twitter - or any social media giant - do," said Carl Miller,
from the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at UK-based think-tank Demos.

"This pours rocket fuel over the online-harm-versus-free-speech debate. Online content policy doesn't get more incendiary than this."

The same post remains unaltered on Facebook, without any warning attached.

The move means that other users will not be able to like, reply to, or simply retweet Mr Trump's post,
Twitter said. However, they would still be able to retweet it with a comment attached.

In a Twitter thread, the social network said: "This tweet violates our policiesregarding the glorification
of violence based on the historical context of the last line, its connection to violence, and the risk it could inspire similar actions today."

The "historical context" is a reference to the phrase "when the looting starts, the shooting starts",
coined by Miami Police Chief Walter Headley in 1967, in reference to his aggressive policing policies in black neighbourhoods.

A later report submitted to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence found that his "get tough" policy,
involving "the frequent display of shotguns and dogs by Miami police in black neighbourhoods" contributed to a state of
agitation in the black community until the eruption of the 1968 Miami riot some eight months later.

Twitter said: "We've taken action in the interest of preventing others from being inspired to commit violent acts,
but have kept the tweet on Twitter because it is important that the public still be able to see the tweet
given its relevance to ongoing matters of public importance."

Hours after the warning was added, President Trump tweeted: "Twitter is doing nothing about all of the lies & propaganda
being put out by China or the Radical Left Democrat Party" and alleged that the social network was targeting Republicans.

He directly referenced the executive order he signed the previous evening, aimed at removing some of the legal protections given to social media platforms.

Earlier this week, Twitter used its fact-checking function to attach warnings to the president's tweets for the first time. That led the president to threaten to "shut down" social networks over allegedly stifling free speech.

The executive order signed by Mr Trump has no immediate effect on the social networks, however - instead, it begins a lengthy process that may result in changes down the line.
Im wondering how many of these people showing up and doing violence are getting triggered by Putin's trolls to help cover for Trump's completely inadequate response to the virus.

Someone in Detroit pulled up and opened fire into a protesting crowd last night. And 7 of the 9 arrested were from outside of Detroit.

It is a bummer that the President of our country is such a would be dictator like his little buddy Putin. It is hard to put anything past him.

How long before Dear Leader starts taking up Putin's tactics on dealing with protesters?
Im wondering how many of these people showing up and doing violence are getting triggered by Putin's trolls to help cover for Trump's completely inadequate response to the virus.

Someone in Detroit pulled up and opened fire into a protesting crowd last night. And 7 of the 9 arrested were from outside of Detroit.

It is a bummer that the President of our country is such a would be dictator like his little buddy Putin. It is hard to put anything past him.

How long before Dear Leader starts taking up Putin's tactics on dealing with protesters?
These divisions exist in American society hanimmall, they are a weakness that enemies exploit, they do not work in a vacuum, but within the context of the situation. Do they really need to do much to aggravate this situation? Donald is doing enough on his own, his supporters will soon chime in, I doubt they will be visiting black neighborhoods with swastikas though, they would be ripped to pieces by the raging crowds.

The recent contrast in way protests are handled by whites and blacks is stark, we've all seen the pictures of white privilege and assault rifles in legislatures, violating public safety laws and risking lives for political purposes and social disruption. These black people have just cause to protest, though it is a mistake to riot, but understandable. I could not even bring myself to watch the video of the murder, it was that disgusting and have depended on reports, I have a strong stomach too. The reaction of the officials did much to fuel the anger, so did the treatment of the people justly protesting, when compared to those white assholes who were just playing games. Blue lives matter never said a peep when the white guy screamed in the cops face from a foot away, but they will find their voice over this one. I don't get really pissed by much except social and political issues, but I'm plenty pissed over this and the larger context it is set in.

Racist are more to blame than Russians for this one, they don't need to do much at all, besides Americans are now using their playbook and taking orders from them as allies in a civil war. Republican leaders only care about power and holding it to make money while conning the base, they've made their deal with the Devil already and are ensnared in Donald's web of stupid and evil. Meanwhile people die like flies and the country reels like a headless body, devoid of top leadership at all levels, the body twitches, but there is no brain controlling it. The stupid cunt can't even fake empathy and lead the nation in mourning the horrific milestone of death, Joe had to do it. No heart and no brain is a lethal combination as we are finding out, it's one thing we've learned in Trump University, because of covid graduation has been early for many.
that twitter lefty ceo is everything that is bad about USA
Everything bad because they are no longer doing absolutely zero about Trump using their platform to lie to the American public?

These divisions exist in American society hanimmall, they are a weakness that enemies exploit, they do not work in a vacuum, but within the context of the situation. Do they really need to do much to aggravate this situation? Donald is doing enough on his own, his supporters will soon chime in, I doubt they will be visiting black neighborhoods with swastikas though, they would be ripped to pieces by the raging crowds.

The recent contrast in way protests are handled by whites and blacks is stark, we've all seen the pictures of white privilege and assault rifles in legislatures, violating public safety laws and risking lives for political purposes and social disruption. These black people have just cause to protest, though it is a mistake to riot, but understandable. I could not even bring myself to watch the video of the murder, it was that disgusting and have depended on reports, I have a strong stomach too. The reaction of the officials did much to fuel the anger, so did the treatment of the people justly protesting, when compared to those white assholes who were just playing games. Blue lives matter never said a peep when the white guy screamed in the cops face from a foot away, but they will find their voice over this one. I don't get really pissed by much except social and political issues, but I'm plenty pissed over this and the larger context it is set in.

Racist are more to blame than Russians for this one, they don't need to do much at all, besides Americans are now using their playbook and taking orders from them as allies in a civil war. Republican leaders only care about power and holding it to make money while conning the base, they've made their deal with the Devil already and are ensnared in Donald's web of stupid and evil. Meanwhile people die like flies and the country reels like a headless body, devoid of top leadership at all levels, the body twitches, but there is no brain controlling it. The stupid cunt can't even fake empathy and lead the nation in mourning the horrific milestone of death, Joe had to do it. No heart and no brain is a lethal combination as we are finding out, it's one thing we've learned in Trump University, because of covid graduation has been early for many.
I don't know how much of these videos of the protests here you are seeing in your country, but they are highly integrated groups of people. During the daytime they are peacefully protesting, but then at night new groups are moving in and the destruction starts.

It doesn't need much to get the wackos on 8chan/4chan or whatever other communication sites these racists and their foreign handlers use to get people out and infiltrate these crowds, just like they have been doing to ANTIFA and BLM trying to turn Americans against these demonstrations when they get taken over by the people spreading hate.
You’re what’s bad about America you stupid motherfucker.
He's a Canadian, much to our shame. He reminds us not to get too full of ourselves about Americans. I figure RIU should have national flag icons on their profiles (mine too). A Canadian runs the site and if I ever get access to him I might point a few things out for improvement, I try to set bounds on my involvement in internal American affairs like primaries and even VP picks. I wouldn't want Americans overwhelming my country and influencing policy decisions, a balance must be struck, but intentions are important too. There is a difference between a friendly Canadian who is seeking to help Americans as an ally and one who supports social division and intrudes dishonesty in internal American affairs to support America's enemies.

Our fate is linked as our economies, there are many ties that bind including blood and 80%+ of Canadians hate Trump's guts, it would be like that in America too, if the social situation were more normal. Obama was not that much different in terms of personal and governance style than Trudeau, America can be like that again too, in less than a year. Get rid of the republicans by a good margin and Trump by a landslide and the new government can have a big mandate for change and they will get it fast and furious too. The right and racists will feak and whine howl and dance, fuck them, their voice and concerns were the only one for too long in America, compromising with evil is ended, the price is too high, one or the other, it's time to deal with America's original sin.
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tRUmp has called for his deplorable base to come defend him, the racists will stir shit up and probably start killing people to make things worse, tRUmp will be furiously masturbating to the violence outside tonight.
tRUmp has called for his deplorable base to come defend him, the racists will stir shit up and probably start killing people to make things worse, tRUmp will be furiously masturbating to the violence outside tonight.
The news is no longer covid and his fuckups, Donald noticed and wants more of the same, riots in the streets and people going tribal on both sides, left and right. Normal folks are plenty pissed at this slow motion murder without mercy carried out on TV, I was so appalled, angered and disgusted I could not watch the video, even though I normally don't turn away from shit like that.