Two 13 watt cfls, one 40 watt cfl


Well-Known Member
yes you can clone that plant. just cut the top off of it, dip it in rooting hormone, plant it, put a dome on it and stick it under the light. spray it once a day till its alive again.

you really wont get much from that plant. During flowering the plant stops all new growth and focuses on producing flowers or buds. Dont expect your plant to stretch much more after the first 3-4 weeks of 12/12.

Next time I'd recommend you at least waiting until you have decent length secondary growth. that way you will have a fighting chance of growing some decent bud...hopefully when you take your clone you'll do better with it than you did its mother.


Well-Known Member
This is called the dutch method. I have done it before under a 150W HPS and I yielded 1/2 an ounce dried in under 10 weeks. Right now I am doing it with CFL and expecting more than my first attempt.

its a solid method. dont judge it until you've tried it. I felt the same about it "It wont work. Its a waste of time" Its a golden method.


Active Member
peopel stop tellign him to not flower he obviously doesnt have enough l ights to grow a large p[lant hell gte what he can form what he has