Two Cops, Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree


Well-Known Member
I've yet to see ANYTHING linking them to the Tea Party. Since you fucksticks like mewling for citations, let's have it shit for brains. You already went down in flames by your own post, please continue the hilarity.
They had a tea bagger flag and went to the Bundy Ranch. How much more proof do you need, lack-wit?

Racist killers = teabaggers


Well-Known Member
Why would we do that, it appears perfectly accurate in this case. After the confrontation with the good guy with a gun, precisely how many victims did they subsequently kill?

Still waiting for that Tea Party affiliation citation, MidwifeHo. We know they were thrown off the Bundy Ranch for being annoying and felons, but we haven't seen anything to support your assertion.
LAS VEGAS - A husband and wife who went on a deadly shooting rampage in Las Vegas harbored anti-government beliefs and left a swastika and a "Don't tread on me" flag on the body of one of the two police officers they killed, authorities said Monday.

Jerad and Amanda Miller had been kicked off a Nevada ranch where anti-government protesters faced down federal agents earlier this year because they were "very radical," according to the son of rancher Cliven Bundy.

Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said the Millers had ideology shared by "militia and white supremacists," including the belief that law enforcement was the "oppressor."

An isolated act?

Police believe the shootings were an isolated act, not part of a broader conspiracy to target law enforcement, McMahill said.

Ammon Bundy, one of Cliven Bundy's sons, said by telephone that the Millers were at his father's ranch for a few days this spring before they were asked to leave by militia members for unspecified "conduct" problems. He called the couple "very radical" and said they "did not align themselves" with the beliefs of other protesters, who thwarted a roundup of Cliven Bundy's cattle by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which wants to collect more than $1 million in grazing fees and penalties.

While thousands of people have been to the site over the last couple of months, "Not very many people were asked to leave. I think they may have been the only ones," Ammon Bundy said.

On Sunday, the two Las Vegas police officers were having lunch at a pizza buffet in an aging strip mall about 5 miles northeast of the Las Vegas Strip when the Millers fatally shot them. The attack at a CiCi's Pizza killed officers Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, both of whom were husbands and fathers.

Pulling the mortally wounded officers from the booth, they took their guns and ammunition and put a yellow Gadsden flag featuring the phrase "Don't tread on me" and a swastika on Beck's body. The flag, with its roots in the American Revolution, is a symbol for anti-government groups. Police said they believe the swastika was intended to paint police as Nazis, not necessarily an expression of the Millers' own white supremacist views.

Definitely tea bagger aligned nutjobs.

Behind Dark Clouds

Well-Known Member

LAS VEGAS - A husband and wife who went on a deadly shooting rampage in Las Vegas harbored anti-government beliefs and left a swastika and a "Don't tread on me" flag on the body of one of the two police officers they killed, authorities said Monday.

Jerad and Amanda Miller had been kicked off a Nevada ranch where anti-government protesters faced down federal agents earlier this year because they were "very radical," according to the son of rancher Cliven Bundy.

Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said the Millers had ideology shared by "militia and white supremacists," including the belief that law enforcement was the "oppressor."

An isolated act?

Police believe the shootings were an isolated act, not part of a broader conspiracy to target law enforcement, McMahill said.

Ammon Bundy, one of Cliven Bundy's sons, said by telephone that the Millers were at his father's ranch for a few days this spring before they were asked to leave by militia members for unspecified "conduct" problems. He called the couple "very radical" and said they "did not align themselves" with the beliefs of other protesters, who thwarted a roundup of Cliven Bundy's cattle by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which wants to collect more than $1 million in grazing fees and penalties.

While thousands of people have been to the site over the last couple of months, "Not very many people were asked to leave. I think they may have been the only ones," Ammon Bundy said.

On Sunday, the two Las Vegas police officers were having lunch at a pizza buffet in an aging strip mall about 5 miles northeast of the Las Vegas Strip when the Millers fatally shot them. The attack at a CiCi's Pizza killed officers Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, both of whom were husbands and fathers.

Pulling the mortally wounded officers from the booth, they took their guns and ammunition and put a yellow Gadsden flag featuring the phrase "Don't tread on me" and a swastika on Beck's body. The flag, with its roots in the American Revolution, is a symbol for anti-government groups. Police said they believe the swastika was intended to paint police as Nazis, not necessarily an expression of the Millers' own white supremacist views.

Definitely tea bagger aligned nutjobs.


Well-Known Member
"Miller’s online presence over the last year includes dozens of Facebook posts and 20 YouTube videos posted under the username USATruePatriot.

The posts and videos depict Miller as a man frustrated with the government to the point where he considered violence.

“To stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed,” Miller wrote in a lengthy rant posted on June 2.

One video posted on Oct. 15, 2012 shows Miller dressed up in full face make-up as the Joker, Batman’s comic book nemesis. The video, titled “joker for president” shows a costumed Miller ranting in front of an American flag.

“Year after year I’ve watched you Americans, my fellow citizens, vote for tyranny,” Miller said. “His other online posts mention having visited the Bundy ranch during Cliven Bundy’s showdown with the federal government in April. They also touch on topics ranging from Benghazi to gun rights to the militia movement."

"Jerad Miller’s Facebook page showed material from anti government organizations like the Three Percenter Nation and Operation American Spring, said Heidi Beirich, a spokeswoman for the Southern Poverty Law Center. Miller also posted a photo of he and Jared Mack, the leader of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, a radical Patriot group whose members were also at the Bundy standoff, Beirich said."



Well-Known Member
They kind of sound like a few RIU members with their crazy anti-government views. Very hateful of the government and of President Obama. Ok we need to do a head count. See who is missing from RIU.


Well-Known Member
Jerad? what was he, Superman's father? might as well of named him Trayvon. Harry's and Frank's don't do fucked up shit. name your children well...........

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
More coming out...

"Jerad Miller's Facebook "likes" include the NRA, American Patriot Media Network, Support the 2nd Amendment, The Patriot Party, Rand Paul 2016, Ron Paul, the Washington Examiner, Legalize Weed, Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Heritage Foundation, FreedomWorks, American Crossroads, and Allen West."
and the unabomber ted kasszynski was a huge al gore fan and had a worn, dog eared and heavily annotated copy of "Earth In The Balance" in his hooch.

ergo, all global warming enthusiasts are just one step away from becomeing mad bombers.

chucky manson was a hippie dippie flower child who chilled with the beach boys and was a huge leftist.
ergo all leftists are just one step away from Helter Skelter.

the tsarnaev brothers were moslem fundamentalists, and foreigners they were also inscrutable orientals, thus everyone east of the bosporus straits who is a musselman is just one step away from becoming a terrorist bomber

ohh wait... that one actually tracks.


Well-Known Member
Since the OP decided to politicize this right out of the gate, let's run with it.

Hearing reports that they may have had their "revolution" interrupted by a citizen with a concealed weapon. The police took approximately 15 minutes to respond, even though this started with two officers being shot down.
unfortunately, not abnormal depending on location of available road patrol..during shift change your basically SOL for about 30 minutes 3x day
If true, it raises a few questions.

How many "whimpering libs relying on the police to protect them" could they have killed in that Walmart if they hadn't run across a citizen with a weapon and a spine?
libs don't shop at wally world; they shop at tar-jay..
Why aren't there multiple victims from the reckless response of the CCW savior? We all know they can't aim, spray bullets at innocents and do far more harm than good.
apparently the revolution only included those with guns..makes sense, less collateral damage.
Shouldn't the CCW benefactor have joined up with them, instead of acting the part of the spoiler? We all know that these dangerous NRA folk are white supremacists, strange he/she would turn on one of his/her own.
not really, remember charles manson and those crazies.

fun fact: everyone who died that day had a gun..jus' sayin'



Well-Known Member
They had a tea bagger flag and went to the Bundy Ranch. How much more proof do you need, lack-wit?

Racist killers = teabaggers
I think you need to turn off MSNBC for a few minutes, you're really starting to go full retard.

You really should Guglée the Gadsden flag, there are quite a few people other than Tea Party members who fly and have flown the flag.

The Bundy Ranch was the militiamen, not the Tea Party. Fool.

Lolz at the troglodyte trying to troll. MidWifeHo, you aren't very good at this. Let UB make the inane comments, you just keep mashing your fat, sausage fingers on the "like" button for him.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to turn off MSNBC for a few minutes, you're really starting to go full retard.

You really should Guglée the Gadsden flag, there are quite a few people other than Tea Party members who fly and have flown the flag.

The Bundy Ranch was the militiamen, not the Tea Party. Fool.

Lolz at the troglodyte trying to troll. MidWifeHo, you aren't very good at this. Let UB make the inane comments, you just keep mashing your fat, sausage fingers on the "like" button for him.
the Bundy Ranch and the teabaggers share the same views.