Two tents A lot of weed!

Doing good so far! Had some older leaves showing yellowing and decay so I fed 1tsp coast of main and watered them water phd to 6.3. The mendo jilly is loving the soil and water while the other two showed some wilting, but will bounce back!!! Im gonna move them into the bigger tent soon I clean it.IMG_1542.jpegIMG_1543.jpeg
^mendo jilly
I’m loving the branching on this ☝ IMG_1544.jpeg
Butter milk biscuits has really tight branching^
doesnt like as much water and I tied some branches over.IMG_1545.jpeg
^ Monica Lewinsky perking up after a watering! IMG_1546.jpeg
butter milk biscuits
Just watered and topped yesterday bouncing back from transplant nicely!IMG_1547.jpegIMG_1548.jpegIMG_1549.jpeg
Bombsicle survivor!!!!
Messed up and gave it water I put tomuch ph down in so I gave it unphed mountain water naturally alkaline to try and even it out lol! Should be ok didn’t get but some of the lowered ph water!
Got a little problem! The Monika Lewinsky showed some signs of toxicity I think!
Only two leaves and there the oldest but it looks to be continuing. Base soil was virgin soil with about 4tbs of coast of Maine stoneington blend total mixed in layers. Water is phd to 6.3 from the moutains. Any thoughts? Could it be over watering I water in small amounts only when it’s light to lift. I know these pots well by now on when there dry!IMG_1558.jpegIMG_1555.jpegIMG_1556.jpegIMG_1554.jpegIMG_1557.jpegIMG_1553.jpegIMG_1559.jpegIMG_1560.jpeg
This is the mendo jilly
Got them into the bigger tent and gave them each except for the baby a tbs of coast of main and plan to hit with cal mag next water! I already gave the butter milk biscuits and mendo jilly half strength cal mag split between them.image.jpg
Really hoping the two pull through!! Cut a couple clones from the ones I feel might not make it for a second chance!!! Haven’t watered the two sickly ones yet but top dressed them all with another tbs of stoneington blend. Tried the hydro cloner with mountain water prolly a mistake gonna pull it and restealize it and use distilled with a tad bit of lotus grow. Had awesome results in the past with this method. Got some nats times for sticky traps
^butter milk

^mendo jilly
Finally seeing results from the feeding! The hydro clone threw roots about 3inches long so I tossed it in a solo cup along with the rest of the clone. This weekend imma cut a bunch from the Mendo jilly to fill out my flower tent again along with some from the other two depending how many cuttings make it!image.jpg
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Got some clones cut from the mendo jilly! The original buttermilk biscuits prolly will be tossed I have another doing beautiful anyways! The Monika lewensky seems like she’ll be fine! Next watering imma start the lotus grow nutrients weekly.image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
lol test run on exactly what my res has. 1.5gal distilled with 1/2 tps of lotus grow ph to 6.2. Got 12 mendo jilly cutting and seems like 3/4 from the Monika lewensky
Got 100% of return on the clones from the mendo Jilly! Seems like both the buttermilk biscuits and the Monika lewensky! Definitely whipping them back into shape split a gal of water with 1.5 tps lotus grow between the mendo and the other buttermilk!image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Seems like the clones are twisting from the lotus imma cut what I dosed this run in half next set of clones!
Cut more clones! 12 from the healthy buttermilk biscuits and 4 more from the mendo jilly much better sized cuttings!
this res has
rainwater with 1tps of hydrogen peroxide because I didn’t bleach it in between runs
Small pinch of lotus grow an ph to 5.8 IMG_1599.jpeg
The butter milk biscuits looked the worse imo and she bounced right tf back!! Trying a bunch of cloning techniques see what I like the most! So far the first batch I cloned from the mendo jilly in the ez cloner is ready to transplant. Gonna cut some more tomorrow from others. This RES is tap water left out for 48hr and a pinch of lotus grow ph was good to go at 6.1. Imma use clonex gel but other than that this one looks promising if the tap isn’t to hard. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
My grow tent is in the 80s on hot days could I toss a couple ice cubes in my cloner res to cool things down?