Two White Men Arrested for Murdering 3 Black Men

destroying and rewriting history??you mean now they are starting to tell the truth about what really happened to minoritys in america for so many years?
how are NATIVE americans treated in their own country?by white ppl?how are NATIVE australians treated in thier own country by white ppl?
if you force ppl to live in the gutter,when you easily have the resources to help them,dont be suprised if it blows up in your face.

Somebody tries to force me to live in the gutter and either Im going to move or straighten that out. Not being white really hasnt been a huge burden to me, neither has not having a higher education. I never even went to high school. The only person who can hold someone down is themselves. That white man holds me down crap is a bunch of bull. Yeah I lived in places like that so I moved. There are so many who arent white, come here from other countries and have to learn a new language and somehow become successful cause they figured out this one thing: I found out by working hard there was money in it, worked a little harder and made more money, saved money and then I had money. This entitlement idea is false and is what keeps people waiting for someone to give them something instead of going out and earning it. Of course there has to be opportunity to do so which is why people go and live somewhere that presents a greater opportunity to them, or they start their own bussiness.
Bill Cosby tells a story about pound cake.

Bill Fucking Cosby Bitch!

Last weekend we were at the supermarket. A young couple were sitting on the tailgate of their truck when a suv full of black men pulled up and started making lude comments toward the young girl then jumped out and attacked her, ripping off her shirt and began beating him calling him white boy. My wife called the cops and I ran over and was called all kinds of racial slurs. Travan was mentioned several times. They were trying to drag her into the suv, and may have also killed him had we not intervened. The cops didnt want to do anything. This kid was beaten so badly he could not even stand up 15 minutes later. I asked the cop if this young guy had civil rights. Because it was clearly racially motivated. These cops did not even want the licence plate number of the suv, saying well they are gone now what can we do. No arrests were made and I doubt they will. I guess its only a hate crime or important when blacks are victims. I am disgusted with all of this kind of thing.

Its how folks are raised, more than anything else. The fact that black victims are portrayed as greater victims than anyone else is teaching society a lesson in bigotry. Its sickening. If anyone points that out their a racist. This perpetuates and encourages bigotry. Whatever happened to peaceful, non criminal behavior? Its cool now to beat up white people it seems.

as a white person, i have to disagree with your assertion that it is now cool to beat us up.

i see black people all the time. i walk past them on the streets, i ask them for directions when lost, and i even flip them off on the highway if they drive in a manner unbecoming of a safe motorist. none of them have ever tried to beat me up.

if it were cool for "black victims" to "beat up white people", then i would be as much of a target as those rare michael jordan shoes that cause ruckus at the malls.

after all, you seem to be pretty awesome at telling me what black people think is cool.
I dont know why the cops didnt care. None of the cops were white though, which shouldnt matter as badly as this kid was beaten and the girl who they attempted to abduct/rape. Many witness were there and wanted to give statements that were not taken. Maybe the suv belonged to a family member or friend of one of the cops. If the kid had a gun and shot these guys I bet it would be a headline story.

lol, your story is 100% fake and you are trolling hard.

yep, you were just sitting there when some black guys in an SUV rolled up and tried to beat up and "abduct/rape" some white girl. some black cops rolled up and let the black guys off, despite all these witnesses and offers of license plate numbers.

that is the fakest story i have ever heard in my life. is this tryingtogrow89's sock puppet account? you seem to be on a similar intellectual level.
Last weekend we were at the supermarket. A young couple were sitting on the tailgate of their truck when a suv full of black men pulled up and started making lude comments toward the young girl then jumped out and attacked her, ripping off her shirt and began beating him calling him white boy. My wife called the cops and I ran over and was called all kinds of racial slurs. Travan was mentioned several times. They were trying to drag her into the suv, and may have also killed him had we not intervened. The cops didnt want to do anything. This kid was beaten so badly he could not even stand up 15 minutes later. I asked the cop if this young guy had civil rights. Because it was clearly racially motivated. These cops did not even want the licence plate number of the suv, saying well they are gone now what can we do. No arrests were made and I doubt they will. I guess its only a hate crime or important when blacks are victims. I am disgusted with all of this kind of thing.

hahahaha nice try dude. nice try. now everything you say i have to questions its truth because your a doucher that makes up internet stories. you just shot yourself in the foot. hard.
lol its funny I bet you guys would believe his story if it was the other way around. It seems you don't think that there is racist black people? Thats racist.

Also you seem to be under the delusion that police give a fuck about peoples welfare or are some kind of super hereos or something? I trust you have never been a crime victim yourself? White or Black it doesn't suprise me that the police just tried to "Break up the Scene" and didn't take any actually reports. I am just suprised the victims weren't takin in to custody and put under a hot lamp in an attempt to convict them of a crime. Like I said, they are lucky they didn't have any weed on them. Typical statis delusion, believing the police are out there helping people like supermen crushing crime at every turn.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 5 shot - 2 survived. All of them black.

Lets see how this gets spun. I wonder if they are going to use the Stand Your Ground Defense? And let's hear how it wasn't racially motivated.

edit: Fuck! Come one main stream media. Get your shit together.

Mabye they were just trying to lower the 93% Black on Black murder rate....
i heard on the news .one of the guys put on his facebook that it was 2yrs ago that his dad was shot by a ### explicet n word .. he went off the deep end
lol its funny I bet you guys would believe his story if it was the other way around. It seems you don't think that there is racist black people? Thats racist.

Itz kinda funny how u dont hear about cases like the black guys who shot and killed that white student at MS ST Univ, but if it were the other way around, then THAT would be considered racist... But, I dont care what color a person is, if I feel like my life or the lives of my family r in jeopardy, I'm going to refuse to be a victim and stand MY ground, especially down here in The Great State of Mississippi, where we have open-carry laws, and have what's known as "the gun-slinger's law", which helps citizens protect themselves on their own property and even in their cars, which r considered an extension of our homes... In our modern-day society, itz apparently ok for blacks to murder whites or other races, but it is not ok, for whites to protect themselves against black people who pose threats to any life... It ISN't a RACIST thing at all! It's about protecting our civil liberties and human life, no matter what the color or creed...
Also funny how there's a Black History Month, and not a White History Month, as this would be viewed as racist... And there's the Black Entertainment Television station, but not a White Entertainment Television station, as this would also would be considered racist... When will the day come that we all can realize that we are all on this ball of mud together, however different we all may be, and we will be able to live in harmony and peace with racial equality form ALL sides????
Also funny how there's a Black History Month, and not a White History Month, as this would be viewed as racist... And there's the Black Entertainment Television station, but not a White Entertainment Television station, as this would also would be considered racist...

you have CMT, quit yer bitching.

once you have a history as a persecuted minority in this country, you can feel free to bitch and moan.
Oh dear me. As a white person who doesn't much like country music, am I a race traitor? Which brings me straight to Nascar. I'd rather watch F1. Double race traitor checking in. cn