Moses Mobetta
Well-Known Member
destroying and rewriting history??you mean now they are starting to tell the truth about what really happened to minoritys in america for so many years?
how are NATIVE americans treated in their own country?by white ppl?how are NATIVE australians treated in thier own country by white ppl?
if you force ppl to live in the gutter,when you easily have the resources to help them,dont be suprised if it blows up in your face.
Somebody tries to force me to live in the gutter and either Im going to move or straighten that out. Not being white really hasnt been a huge burden to me, neither has not having a higher education. I never even went to high school. The only person who can hold someone down is themselves. That white man holds me down crap is a bunch of bull. Yeah I lived in places like that so I moved. There are so many who arent white, come here from other countries and have to learn a new language and somehow become successful cause they figured out this one thing: I found out by working hard there was money in it, worked a little harder and made more money, saved money and then I had money. This entitlement idea is false and is what keeps people waiting for someone to give them something instead of going out and earning it. Of course there has to be opportunity to do so which is why people go and live somewhere that presents a greater opportunity to them, or they start their own bussiness.