Two White Men Arrested for Murdering 3 Black Men

you have CMT, quit yer bitching.

once you have a history as a persecuted minority in this country, you can feel free to bitch and moan.
Do the Irish count? What about the Italians? Polish? Jews? Japanese? Germans? The list goes on and on and on............ ;-)
Do the Irish count? What about the Italians? Polish? Jews? Japanese? Germans? The list goes on and on and on............ ;-)

had no idea they brought the germans over in ships to be slaves for us.

learn something new everyday, i suppose.
had no idea they brought the germans over in ships to be slaves for us.

learn something new everyday, i suppose.
You didn't say anything about used the phrase "persecuted minority". Your own words my friend, now if you want to talk slavery, blacks weren't the only slaves in this country, and they damn sure weren't the only slaves in history. Every group on the planet has been "persecuted" at some point. It's how we rise above that "persecution" that defines us.;-)
Sad truth is Approx. 90% of blacks being murdered are done by our own black race. The Truth hurts. Every time I look into the mirror, I wonder when will my race learn to not kill each other.
Sad truth is Approx. 90% of blacks being murdered are done by our own black race. The Truth hurts. Every time I look into the mirror, I wonder when will my race learn to not kill each other.

Just be the best person that you, individually, can be. Try your best to look past race even when it is being shoved down your throat. When politicians and poverty pimps are doing the shoving, remember that their motive is to further their own interests and has little to do with loving one race or hating another. Try not to get caught up in the madness of the crowd.
Why thank you for your blessing to continue my bitching and moaning... I believe I will... Therez a whole lot more to White History and Culture than CMT, which I am NOT a fan of, because new country music sucks if itz not Hank III... And as an Irish-American, AND a Cherokee-American, I believe I have PLENTY of room to voice my goddamn opinion of whatz goin' on, and how itz ALL centered around black folks... I have just as much persecution in my bloodlines as any cotton-pickin', black, descendant of slaves... The Irish were slaves first, and for longer, anyways... The land u r sitting on, likely belonged to the American Indian, so, is that enough minority in my WHITE bloodline for ye?
you have CMT, quit yer bitching.

once you have a history as a persecuted minority in this country, you can feel free to bitch and moan.
And, to bring it up to today's time, the white's r the minority and are persecuted daily, especially in cities like Memphis, and Detroit, among many others... So, now that the shoe is on the other foot, one would think the Black Panthers and folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would shut up and go away, but because they never will let the whole race thing die, and progress, I suppose the Arayan Brotherhood and The Klan never will go away either... I personally love black people... But, u come live in Memphis for 6 months, and you'll meet a whole different "breed", and think twice about your stance on THESE black people here... With all that they have attained in this country, EVEN with a black President, it is STILL not enough to dampen their cries of discrimination and unfair treatment, even though 90% of city employees r black, from the mayor to the garbage men, and all in between... CMT isn't a very good substitute for a WHITE Entertainment station, as ALL whites, believe it or not, actually don't listen to "country" music... And the music thing isn't even but 5% of the issue here, in the first place... Im saying that if a black man is killed(even if he is attacking a white man), and the white man defends himself by neutralizing the threat, it is condemned as a racist act, but if a black man kills a white man for the same reason, we hear nothing about it... We don't have Rev. Billy Graham on TV talking about how racist it is, like Al Sharpton does everytime he takes a notion to do so...
And, to bring it up to today's time, the white's r the minority and are persecuted daily, especially in cities like Memphis, and Detroit, among many others... So, now that the shoe is on the other foot, one would think the Black Panthers and folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would shut up and go away, but because they never will let the whole race thing die, and progress, I suppose the Arayan Brotherhood and The Klan never will go away either... I personally love black people... But, u come live in Memphis for 6 months, and you'll meet a whole different "breed", and think twice about your stance on THESE black people here... With all that they have attained in this country, EVEN with a black President, it is STILL not enough to dampen their cries of discrimination and unfair treatment, even though 90% of city employees r black, from the mayor to the garbage men, and all in between... CMT isn't a very good substitute for a WHITE Entertainment station, as ALL whites, believe it or not, actually don't listen to "country" music... And the music thing isn't even but 5% of the issue here, in the first place... Im saying that if a black man is killed(even if he is attacking a white man), and the white man defends himself by neutralizing the threat, it is condemned as a racist act, but if a black man kills a white man for the same reason, we hear nothing about it... We don't have Rev. Billy Graham on TV talking about how racist it is, like Al Sharpton does everytime he takes a notion to do so...

correction the President is not Black, the President is mixed. Funny because growing up I have always heard that if you are any part black you are just considered black. Bullshit
Agreed... We have alot of white on white crime and all, too... It comes from all sides, at every angle... I wish we could literally just all get along, for real... We need another global gathering like Woodstock in the 60's, but for now, and all come together, and learn to embrace each other, regardless of creed or color, and make this world a peaceful and loving one, and ending marijuana prohibition would be a great place for this to start... What an awesome way to bring old and young, black and white, and all people together, in an open-minded, and open-hearted way...
Sad truth is Approx. 90% of blacks being murdered are done by our own black race. The Truth hurts. Every time I look into the mirror, I wonder when will my race learn to not kill each other.
If u are a man, and u suck another man's dick, but u r married to a woman, in my book, u r ALL gay, even though it would appear u r not... Part, whole, or whatever... He's black enough,
correction the President is not Black, the President is mixed. Funny because growing up I have always heard that if you are any part black you are just considered black. Bullshit
If u are a man, and u suck another man's dick, but u r married to a woman, in my book, u r ALL gay, even though it would appear u r not... Part, whole, or whatever... He's black enough,

of course he is. WHy not just call him white? He is half white right? But for some reason I never hear any whites saying that. Go figure
And, if someone wants to be gay, then I say knock yerself out with cock and balls... SO, in no way am I bashing gay people here... Just making a point... There's room enough for all of us, regardless of our individual beliefs...
you are correct. It's always something. I say how about we all get along and keep illegals out, thats what I say. I can't figure out why we keep crying about borders and illegal MJ getting in to the US but we won't make it legal someway, then who would need the illegal cartels?
Whatever he is, he has turned his back on so many things he's promised, and I believe it's time for someone else(Ron Paul) to give it a try... I don't care if they're purple and green... That'd actually be kinda cool... Mabye a muppet can run for the G.O.P. Fonzy 2016! lol...