Two White Men Arrested for Murdering 3 Black Men

You didn't say anything about used the phrase "persecuted minority". Your own words my friend, now if you want to talk slavery, blacks weren't the only slaves in this country, and they damn sure weren't the only slaves in history. Every group on the planet has been "persecuted" at some point. It's how we rise above that "persecution" that defines us.;-)

all you're doing is questioning the degree of persecution, and trying to belittle it and say they need to get over it, as if the struggle of the germans in this country was somehow comparable to that of the blacks. people find that sentiment offensive, count me among them.
Why thank you for your blessing to continue my bitching and moaning... I believe I will... Therez a whole lot more to White History and Culture than CMT, which I am NOT a fan of, because new country music sucks if itz not Hank III... And as an Irish-American, AND a Cherokee-American, I believe I have PLENTY of room to voice my goddamn opinion of whatz goin' on, and how itz ALL centered around black folks... I have just as much persecution in my bloodlines as any cotton-pickin', black, descendant of slaves... The Irish were slaves first, and for longer, anyways... The land u r sitting on, likely belonged to the American Indian, so, is that enough minority in my WHITE bloodline for ye?

the irish don't have souls, so it's not really slavery. fucking gingers.
of course he is. WHy not just call him white? He is half white right? But for some reason I never hear any whites saying that. Go figure

does this look like a white man to you?


as you pointed out earlier, our president is biracial. but he identifies as black, owing partially to the fact that others identified him as black while growing up.

read a book, maybe.
so then why not call the president white since he is half white?

how about because he himself identifies as black? maybe a little respect for someone as a man, ignore that he is the president.

if i grew up mixed and identified as one or the other, would you respect my self-identity, or would you be such a dick as to impose your own prejudices?
Tiger Woods is the best Asian golfer. EVER!!

closet bigots are coming out in this thread. thanks for that, carne.

young eldrick was tied to a tree and beaten by his classmates as a kid because they identified him as black.

do you think an experience like that would leave an impression on you?

even though tiger identifies as "cablinasian" (caucasian, black, native american, asian) he is referred to as a black person because that's what he looks like.

what part of this mundane fact, a remnant of our american heritage, is so hard to process for people?
closet bigots are coming out in this thread. thanks for that, carne.

young eldrick was tied to a tree and beaten by his classmates as a kid because they identified him as black.

do you think an experience like that would leave an impression on you?

even though tiger identifies as "cablinasian" (caucasian, black, native american, asian) he is referred to as a black person because that's what he looks like.

what part of this mundane fact, a remnant of our american heritage, is so hard to process for people?

HAHAHA! NO Shit?! I saw that you we're on, knew it would bug you, then waited. It didn't take long! Man you are so gullable and easy to read! LOL!!! Keep ranting though, you sound like a lunatic!
how about because he himself identifies as black? maybe a little respect for someone as a man, ignore that he is the president.

if i grew up mixed and identified as one or the other, would you respect my self-identity, or would you be such a dick as to impose your own prejudices?

UncleBuck fuck you. A fact is a fact. He is Biracial I don't give a shit what your saying. And yes I would be dick and impose my own prejudices.
does this look like a white man to you?


as you pointed out earlier, our president is biracial. but he identifies as black, owing partially to the fact that others identified him as black while growing up.

read a book, maybe.

I am reading a book. It is called "Fuck UncleBuck" then there is part 2 "UncleBuck go fuck yourself" :)
all you're doing is questioning the degree of persecution, and trying to belittle it and say they need to get over it, as if the struggle of the germans in this country was somehow comparable to that of the blacks. people find that sentiment offensive, count me among them.
Oh, so now you're putting words in my mouth? Dude, get over yourself! You go right on an be offended. I wasn't belittling anything, simply pointing out FACTS!
Yo, I'm really happy for you. I'm gonna let you finish but the white race is one of the greatest races of all time.
Your title or whomever' s title is racist! Think about it.... It reads like a 1950's bigot headline, only reversed. You are a part of the problem when you do that.
Oh, so now you're putting words in my mouth? Dude, get over yourself! You go right on an be offended. I wasn't belittling anything, simply pointing out FACTS!

lol @ no rebuttal.

by trying to make the plight of the blacks equivalent to the plight of the germans, you were belittling their struggles. don't worry, you say it in such a way that it seems polite enough, but i bet you never say that to any black person in real life like you did on the internet.
lol @ no rebuttal.

by trying to make the plight of the blacks equivalent to the plight of the germans, you were belittling their struggles. don't worry, you say it in such a way that it seems polite enough, but i bet you never say that to any black person in real life like you did on the internet.
Making more assumptions? You're smarter than that Buck. Honestly, I'm disappointed by this post. You've now stooped to schoolyard tactics.......I'm not gonna take the bait.;-)

Again, I wasn't belittling anything. You made a point, I made a point. I fail to see why your panties are in a wad. :?