Types of libertarians

Anarchy can also be defined as simply the absence of a central authority. Meaning individuals are not ruled by others, they are free to
have self rule. Most of the Anarchists that I know subscribe to the Non aggression principle, which is another way of saying do not initiate force against another. IE : Peaceful, voluntary and consensual interactions are part of and the main stay of their credo.

The problem with that Credo is that there are always people in society that use the aggression principle to dominate or kill the peaceful anarchists...
Why are the producers sitting on their retained earnings?

wow, johnny...i really expected more from you.

your answer to the WHY is that progressives hate success.

yes, you heard it here folks...it is not that a lack of demand in the market makes it pointless for businesses to hire...it is rather that they know that progressives hate success.

wow. just wow.

watch out johnny, that limb you have gone way out on is about to snap.:mrgreen:

btw, not sure how refusing to take a job that sounds like it is in the oil fields of alberta proves any point whatsoever. i am not even on UI anymore. like i said earlier, i would technically be counted as a 'discouraged worker'.

and also working hard at success. by your logic, i must not be a progressive, or hate myself.
i didn't even get a call back for a job that was near min wage picking organic veggies and other farmwork.

anybody want to pay me to build them a bed?:hump: how about a grow space?
Can you drill a well? do you have an auger? how many feet are wells in the desert? and can you drill well water even in a desert?
i can't help you.
Thats not the winning attitude I expected from you. no wonder I'm paying for your unemployment. I could go to home depot and ask a guy who dosent even speak english and he would say yes and get it done...and cheap.
The problem with that Credo is that there are always people in society that use the aggression principle to dominate or kill the peaceful anarchists...
That's why we had Sheriffs. The people got together and pooled their money and basically hired a security guard for the town. Of course today the sheriff is subserviant to the central authority and not to the people.
no wonder I'm paying for your unemployment.

this might help you.


if you would like, i can also help you balance a checkbook. it is an amazing process, it involves addition and subtraction. very cool stuff. helps you avoid paying all those overdraft fees.
why not? i ran out the clock on UI and don't have a legit job. i thought that would qualify me, no?
No, if they counted the discouraged worker the facade of bettering employment conditions would go right out the window. As soon as you fall off the UI role you are no longer counted as unemployed. If the "Discouraged worker" were added into the Unemployment numbers, that statistic would increase from 9.9% to something more like 15-16%. that would make the current administration look very very bad.

Want the REAL numbers? You might want to be careful, some of this stuff will literally make you sick to your stomach....http://www.shadowstats.com/
That's why we had Sheriffs. The people got together and pooled their money and basically hired a security guard for the town. Of course today the sheriff is subserviant to the central authority and not to the people.

But would Anarchists respect a sheriff who represents authority?
No, if they counted the discouraged worker the facade of bettering employment conditions would go right out the window. As soon as you fall off the UI role you are no longer counted as unemployed. If the "Discouraged worker" were added into the Unemployment numbers, that statistic would increase from 9.9% to something more like 15-16%. that would make the current administration look very very bad.

that is exactly what i am talking about...9.9% is the "official unemployment number" and when you add discouraged workers you get 17% (that was the number i saw today).

also, there is no 'facade of bettering employment conditions'. there would have been no shellacking last month if there were. even during normal times of 5-6% unemployment there are still a few percentages worth of discouraged workers.

so i think i would be counted among discouraged workers for now.
wow, johnny...i really expected more from you.

your answer to the WHY is that progressives hate success.

yes, you heard it here folks...it is not that a lack of demand in the market makes it pointless for businesses to hire...it is rather that they know that progressives hate success.

wow. just wow.

watch out johnny, that limb you have gone way out on is about to snap.:mrgreen:

btw, not sure how refusing to take a job that sounds like it is in the oil fields of alberta proves any point whatsoever. i am not even on UI anymore. like i said earlier, i would technically be counted as a 'discouraged worker'.

and also working hard at success. by your logic, i must not be a progressive, or hate myself.
Once you go off the UI, you are no longer unemployed according to government statistics. As such, you are no deadbeat. If they counted you, the number would be much higher.

Of course Progressive hate success. What else explains the class warfare and hatred of the affluent?

Progressives put in place obstacles to business which disproportionally affect the small businessman/entrepreneur. Obstacles which reduce the reward for taking risks. Add to that a great deal of uncertainty as to just how high those obstacles will rise.

It's government meddling which extends the hardship.

Allow the market to function unobstructed and the economy will right itself.
Allow the market to function unobstructed and the economy will right itself.

I don't know about that, the way I see it is because it has been unobstructed with NAFTA, CAFTA and whatever the free trade agreements with the asian markets are called is what has hurt the American economy the most. I saw this show on how this town in the US that lost it's Maytag plant, because all the jobs went to Mexico, so pretty much the entire town shut down, like a mining town when the mine runs dry. I don't think they -Maytag for example- should have access to the market if they don't create the stuff in the country of that market. I get what you are saying about the small business/entrepreneur, but if no body has the money to spend then those businesses will not last very long, and it just is not worth the risk and start-up costs. But what do I know, I grow animal feed.
But would Anarchists respect a sheriff who represents authority?

Absolutley, Anarchism is NOT about having no rules, its about having no displaced central government to tell you what you can or cannot do. The Basic laws/human laws/Common laws still apply, its not a system of lawlessness like some believe.
I don't know about that, the way I see it is because it has been unobstructed with NAFTA, CAFTA and whatever the free trade agreements with the asian markets are called is what has hurt the American economy the most. I saw this show on how this town in the US that lost it's Maytag plant, because all the jobs went to Mexico, so pretty much the entire town shut down, like a mining town when the mine runs dry. I don't think they -Maytag for example- should have access to the market if they don't create the stuff in the country of that market. I get what you are saying about the small business/entrepreneur, but if no body has the money to spend then those businesses will not last very long, and it just is not worth the risk and start-up costs. But what do I know, I grow animal feed.

You are right, Free trade took all our jobs away. And people snickered and booed at the demonstrators in Seattle over the WTO and free trade practices.
Absolutley, Anarchism is NOT about having no rules, its about having no displaced central government to tell you what you can or cannot do. The Basic laws/human laws/Common laws still apply, its not a system of lawlessness like some believe.

So, theoretically... If the federal government just vanished tomorrow and all federal laws, regulations and taxes were eliminated. And all that was left were state and local laws. Would that be anarchy? Or would the state governments have to vanish as well leaving only county and local laws? Or would the county laws have to disappear too? I mean, how small does the authority have to be divided to be not considered central? A guy living 20 miles from town hall might consider the authority to be central because it wasnt in his living room...
So, theoretically... If the federal government just vanished tomorrow and all federal laws, regulations and taxes were eliminated. And all that was left were state and local laws. Would that be anarchy? Or would the state governments have to vanish as well leaving only county and local laws? Or would the county laws have to disappear too? I mean, how small does the authority have to be divided to be not considered central? A guy living 20 miles from town hall might consider the authority to be central because it wasnt in his living room...

You would have to look up what common laws are, they have zero to do with city, county, state, or national statutory laws at all.
Common laws are basically rights that derived from the ownership of property.
You can't have a society without rules. What you would have would be Chaos, not Anarchy.
You would have to look up what common laws are, they have zero to do with city, county, state, or national laws at all.

But see, there is where your argument starts to break down. We cant get people to agree on growing pot, how are we all going to agree what the common laws are?