Typical Veg time to reach 12" height?


Well-Known Member
lol, its not a customer support helpline buddy. personally i tend to hang around in the uk growers thread and any questions i have i'll ask the boys and tbh the newbie section is populated by guys more inclined to help out with questions like yours. .....but to answer your question , in optimum conditions it usually take me 3 weeks from seed to achieve 12".


Active Member
Thanks man, that's exactly what I was looking for. And thanks for the tips. It's much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what I said, I did get an answer to my q, now didnt I? I apologize for being rude to the good ppl on this site, however a lot of you are ignorant dickheads. Don't call me impatient, the opposite is true. I just don't see the need to wait for a simple answer when other threads were receiving multiple replies when my q simply needed a answer of "3-4 weeks". Thanks to those who replied kindly and I apologize if I offended you good people. The rest of you can fuck off.
I admire your internet balls.


Well-Known Member
have look and see if you can identify one that looks similar, your pic isnt showin it too clearly.....most common problem is over feeding and most people will suggest you flush the soil to remove excess nutes and shit. this is normally done by pouring 3 x's the pot volume of clean water thru your soil/medium. i'd advise that.....leave them till they dry out and start with a half or quarter strength feed. and gradually build to full strength.


Well-Known Member
tbh honest, after another look your plants looks ok, you could be suffering from '1st grow paranoia', we've ALL had it, it usually starts with checking your grow every 45 mins or so, fuckin about with the plants, lights, soil, feed , ....fuckin anything thats at hand, you read every fuckin idiot and there fuckin dogs opinion on growing and end up even more confused. my advice is skin up and crack open a can of beer, these fuckin plants were growing before mankind fell out the fucking trees , they'll probably be here after we've all dropped dead....unless we pollute the planet beyond recovery. just flush and leave them mate. even if theres nuthin wrong it wont harm them.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what I said, I did get an answer to my q, now didnt I? I apologize for being rude to the good ppl on this site, however a lot of you are ignorant dickheads. Don't call me impatient, the opposite is true. I just don't see the need to wait for a simple answer when other threads were receiving multiple replies when my q simply needed a answer of "3-4 weeks". Thanks to those who replied kindly and I apologize if I offended you good people. The rest of you can fuck off.
what do want 12"????Can't help ya wish i could.


Active Member
Regardless of what I said, I did get an answer to my q, now didnt I? I apologize for being rude to the good ppl on this site, however a lot of you are ignorant dickheads. Don't call me impatient, the opposite is true. I just don't see the need to wait for a simple answer when other threads were receiving multiple replies when my q simply needed a answer of "3-4 weeks". Thanks to those who replied kindly and I apologize if I offended you good people. The rest of you can fuck off.
Wow, you really know how to make friends and charm the crowd with your social graces, don't you?


Active Member
Regardless of what I said, I did get an answer to my q, now didnt I? I apologize for being rude to the good ppl on this site, however a lot of you are ignorant dickheads. Don't call me impatient, the opposite is true. I just don't see the need to wait for a simple answer when other threads were receiving multiple replies when my q simply needed a answer of "3-4 weeks". Thanks to those who replied kindly and I apologize if I offended you good people. The rest of you can fuck off.
hey man it takes hours and days to get answers on here, the ent people move very very slowly

all these young kids want everything so quickly, if you aren't willing to search for an answer yourself like a big boy, then you wait for charity to be handed to you, you don't complain when we don't come to your rescue