watch at your own risk... it kinda shook me

Fucking amazing video and really puts it into perspective......I could write whole forums about this
suffice to say 'fascists' are controlling the country--heard Ruth Ginsberg (SC) say this like 10yrs ago
why do you think the mmj equation is where it is......?
its the 'hegillian dialectic' I always refer to....that's how govt works
whats left of the United States is now a corporation owned by and controlled by the uber rich 1%
...baby George bush friends--the 'haves' and the 'have more' people....
we are now corporate 'liabilities' and subject to all that can bring.....
--how much can you afford?
-health care
-quality of life......?
the United States govt isn't even called the US govt....it's called the 'federal' govt-
-they work for the fed.....
end the fed and take back our county like Ron Paul says.....
money isn't really anything anymore....it's magic symbols on pieces of paper that people are under the spell
-it used to be a 'certificate' that was a promissory note redeemable for gold and silver the US govt kept for us-
.....they stole all the gold folks ....(google the 911 gold heist from building 7)
money then became a piece of paper that was held as transferable wealth and now look what it is....a fucking joke!
they worship 'mammon'......even the pope last week came out and said the world govts are in bed with the 'king of money'
--mammon....and usury....the demons of old-
they have aver actuaries that can calculate the exact amount of money each person in every profession can make and what they have left over after they pay their bills and how much they can raise prices on things (gas) and squeeze ever more out of us while we kick and claw and fight for little pieces of paper that aren't really worth anything ......
.....you know who that 'one' guy is they referred to in the vid....?
the 1%....?
--it's Rothschild ....they own 60% of the federal reserve
the NWO is allready here in case you aren't aware and are wondering what it really is......
--it's called the 'federal' govt.....it's in every country and nation state in the world....look at S America --'federales'
the Mexican govt has its own cartel that controls the drugs and fights with the peoples cartel that is their competition....
--like we have here in the US....one is controlled by the govt and one is trying to compete
....that's what the DEA is all about the enforcement branch of the military academic industrial complex that controls most of the heroin and cocaine within the US borders.....all to the advantage of the uber rich and bankers that control everything
it is illegal to have or carry lots of cold cash-
yes the the dialectic moves forward inch by inch ....day by day....to their advantage and not ours
people are asleep and confused and eat too much bad food that fucks with their brain chemistry and keeps them docile and under control....like the nazis did with the Jews and their countrymen during WW2
its in the food and water kids that make you unable to wake up and see the truth
kill the fucking TV!! Don't let your children be indoctrinated by it!!
the truth sometimes can't be explained in words.....you have to experience it-
and the the truth is the right wing military academic industrial complex is at the core of the whole orchestration we are living in...
Its ts called 'social engineering' and they have a plan for everything
.....they know how much many you can make and what's left over after you pay your bills and how much they can raise the prices on things to keep us under the yoke of oppression they have us all tied into
they will never allow mmj to be accessible to the common man unless they can profit and control it like other plants/drugs
---it's the dialectic.....plain and simple
thesis ....antithesis.....synthesis
dont even think for a minute it is anything less.....
divide and conquer is their mantra like they have done to our mmj law here in the mitten
we are all now 'blue' or 'red' leaning/thinking
......it's a ruse to keep us fighting amongst ourselves with petty bullshit while they rob our parents blind and leave us nothing but FEMA camps if we don't like it and rise up against the machine they have created for themselves
they took like 200,000$ from every middle class household in the US....under baby George and his fathers banker oil friends...
don't be fooled by Obama and the movie and drama they orchestrate on him and his administration....they want everyone to turn against each other and create a civil war where they can come in and mop up the mess and get the last bit of control
--everyone's guns
but you cannot stand against the technology they have....they will win and they have it all planned out....for us and them
fight the NWO is what I say....NOT each other--
i could go on and on and on and on.........
power to the peaceful
and the more we burn the erb the more babylon fall--the prophet 'bob'
wow is all I can say!