Ultra Ghetto Growbox - Hippysmokes and Likestosmokealots Journal

She's got a large shop light supplemented with some cfl's at this moment, I have a 175W metal halide I was using last year but haven't gotten around to buying another bulb and putting it back in the closet. Hasn't been needed really.

Well there is a little new growth on the clones they are now 2 weeks and a day or twp old will take a few pics of them in the morning nothing impressive yet honestly they have developed a third node from the bottom of the stalk so once that third node is fully developed or a 4th node pops up I will be doing the first of two topping. My plan is pretty much make 4 main stalks that will then be lst'ed. I'll take some pic's in the morning but for now heres a few pics of some other plants...

Chapter 1.5 select areas of the mother closet
(which due to space issues has a vegging plant for buds in there too... last frost come already so I can get some of the suckers outside.)

grow2 001.jpg Various mothers now you'll notice the one in the white pot recently had severe cal/mag lockout she is just now coming back to life. Thankfully she is a mother because if I lost that much foliage on a plant I wanted to bud I would be a wee bit ticked at myself. Heck I am already ticked that it took me 2 weeks to figure out what the issue was. The one in the 3 gallon smart pot is a reveg to mother I accidently budded her last fall and forgot she was the only diesel out of the batch of clones I traded for so back in the mother room she went. And you can kinda see the clone in the slurpee cup in the background that I let dehdydrate slightly too much debating what to do with it save it for spring or bud it.... hrm... whatta do whatta do.... And yes there is a lot of stretchage because I had to take the cfl's I had in there and put it on the PK on the other side of the closet but stretching doesn't bother me on mothers as long as it is kept balanced. More stem to turn to root thats all it is to me.

Finally to end the night I would like to say.... bubble cloners rock!!! These cloners were in my ghetto super budget cloner for 5 days.... (these pics are from last saturday there are now 1.5 weeks in the cloner)
grow2 002.jpggrow2 003.jpggrow2 004.jpg

Build a bubble cloner if you want to increase clone speed they work great! Never really messed with DWC before but the experiment is working well.

Well thats all for tonight I'll take some pics tomorrow of my ghetto ghetto grow box. :)
just started on my journal, not many pics yet, just of my seedling, its actually got itsw 2nd true node coming in right now but i will post some pics of my closet real soon too
With cloning I have a strange magic touch or something... 95% of my clones in any medium take off peat, starter mix, and now dwc cloning. But I have noticed that peat takes much longer to grow... much longer. And now with the crazy speed of this bubble cloner I can make 20 clones a month approximately. Getting ready for outdoor time and giving some out to a few medical patients I help out. Your bubble cloner still working well sim?
Chapter 2: Oh little clones oh little clones I wish you had more indica characteristics. Blasted hybrids shoulda put diesels in there...

Well folks as the post states I forgot that the PK out of all my hybrids has the most sativa growth characteristics (suprisingly stoney and giggley high too amazing hybrid for that quality) of all my strains. But ah well once I double top and LST them I will still be able to make a nice yield while keeping em small enough. I would FIM but I have issues accurately FIM'ing.

101_0192.jpgHere they are about 2 weeks from when they came out of the dome now and I am noticing a difference between the plants that had a chance to get their nylon taken off the peat before transplant and the plants that didn't. Not a huge difference but a noticeable difference. So if anyone want to clone with peat I'd reccomend before it get's "legs" cut off the nylon gently rinse what peat you can off then transplant and put a bag or bottle dome over it for a few days then veg as normal

Strange thought I took photos of all 5 individually but guess just 4... well here is a close up on these 4 been bending the stalks over every 48 hours to stimulate a strong main stalk and hopefully help keep the nodes tight with a little supercropping during veg. Bend and pinch then a couple of days later do it again. :)

So far this grow is not too impressive but hopefully once it's done it'll make it's point... a cardbox box and a few dollars combined with know how and patience can lead to a nice harvest.

My plans: Well almost all of them are ready for topping but I think I will wait for the last 1 before I top any of them so I can try to keep the growth somewhat uniform in there and sometime today or tomorrow need to get another couple of 23 watters to replace the 2 13's that are in there.

Well thats another update. :) thanks for joining me folks wish I could show off something impressive but working with what I got for now (blasted economy) just wanted to give back to RIU a little bit been enjoying everyones grow logs for nearly a year now so I decided to build a project just for RIU :) thank again for reading questions and comments appreciated.
hippy, you do have a touch for the clones, great job man. i was using those peat pellets and they did a while, this one now was put straight in to the soil and rooted much faster. looking good man!!
Chapter 2.5 My dear my matrons and the neglected bubble cloner.

Alright folks well the dear matrons would be my mother plants and they are looking lush ready to give off many clones :D 101_0212.jpg
101_0217.jpg here we have a some kind of diesel (long story) plant that I have been growing I need to take some clones if it tonight or tomorrow because it is my most potent strain, so would like to get some going. I had to reveg her because i forgot she was the only one of her kind when I flowered her last year.101_0216.jpg Heres a clone in a slurpee cup that I have been supercropping that I think I will be a ghetto box to flower soon... want some bud's even if a little in the next few months been having to deal with the black market a while now due to not doing my math right last year and just financial straits.

And due to honest laziness I neglected my bubble cloner for 48 maybe 72 hours... and look at what happened!! 101_0213.jpg101_0214.jpg101_0215.jpgHoly crap! I have GOT to go DWC soon just seeing what can happen with a cloner is amazing, new growth and 4 out of 5 have moderate to INSANE root networks. And all of this are showing new foliage! Off dechlorinated tap water alone too. Soil or hydro growers trust this testimony... make a bubble cloner they are cheap and easy to make and they are so worth it soooooooo worth it.

Chapter 3: Do ya FEEL the burn!?
Well folks as I was afraid would happen the naturally fortified soil is burning a few of these babies pretty bad, they'll probably all pull through but from now on using this mix only for transplants on larger plants. So for now I will be flushing them thoroughly each watering until they seem to be a bit more balanced then gauge from there when to begin the FF.

101_0223.jpg101_0225.jpgThat one had a dead leaf that I forgot to pick :P grabbed it right after the shot101_0219.jpg101_0226.jpg and here they are back home again from a good flush... thanks everybody for checking out my log thoughts comments questions suggestions all appreciated.


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Chapter 4: Thanks I needed that! (A flush that is)

Hey everybody no explosive growth yet, but I am happy to say 4 out of 5 are recovering quite nicely from the fortified soil burn and I am now 95% sure they all will survive (although one is so stunted she may come out of the box and become one of the plants that will be heading outside once it warms up to keep the canopy even) so since I am sure they will live they have gotten names.

box 4 006.jpgTerpischore
box 4 004.jpgPoor melpomene may be going in the mother closet till warmer weather if she doesn't catch up.
box 4 011.jpgErato
box 4 010.jpgEuterpe
box 4 008.jpgClio

box 4 001.jpgAlso this week I spent $25 on various budget grow stuff, 2700K's for a flower box I am rigging ($1.80 each 26W) and 2 6500K 26er's $2.20 each for the cardboard box and a light connector to turn a light sideways. By flower they all should be sideways to optimize light and space. And 3 more thermometers, analog $1 each and 2 and a lamp cord $2 for the flower box.... not bad for less than $30 2 veg bulbs 6 flower and some other crap.
box 4 012.jpgYet more light ranging from 5000K to 6500K not sure how much but over 100W
box 4 003.jpgAnd here they are back home, can already see a difference in the new growth but this fortified potting soil is weirding me out, can't wait to get em on the FF trio.

Now to go work with the Mama's and prepare more clones for spring or donations to new patients.

Questions comments thoughts suggestions all appreciated.

P.s. having issue with the image uploader ignore the attached double shots thanks.


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nice man, love the names!! LoL. i like all the goodies too!! a trip to the store is always fun to get new stuff for the box. looking good man. those girls will thank you for the FF trio.
Time is coming soon, I am still giving it another week before I begin application of Grow Big as like I said this soil is fortified as a army base and I need to find a fan I can rig up for this speaker box in the next few days hope to have it going, got a nice bush prepared for it :D

Well even with the added lights I am still maxing out at 79 in the box during the middle of the day. Dang this fan gets loud though, debating trying to find a way to fit everything in the closet and section it off for noise insulation.
Looking Damn good bro, looks like you have your hands full Haha.
And I love the new goodies too, like concord said, I love gettin new things for my grow room.