Ultra Ghetto Growbox - Hippysmokes and Likestosmokealots Journal

The box has actually undergone many changes, damn this soil but yea did some changes in flower at this moment as of yesterday with a combo of the new 3 and some of the old muses (melpomene came back with a fierceness!!) changed the lights to 2700K stocked with fox farm if I have anything I am not ashamed to show around such masters of cardboard I'll update but for now project is semi paused, been focusing on the speaker box also plus the veg closet. Handful they are... hell I may update in the next few days if nothing else messed up happens.
yeah hippy no judgement here bro, we can maybe even help out with ideas for setups if you're designing stuff, i'm constantly redesigning in my head or in reality... it's cool to pick up ideas from other riu'ers (there should be a better word for that). i just ordered a solar powered mini fan, got the idea from meta's sun powered toy plant. but i digress lol.
yeah hippy no judgement here bro, we can maybe even help out with ideas for setups if you're designing stuff, i'm constantly redesigning in my head or in reality... it's cool to pick up ideas from other riu'ers (there should be a better word for that). i just ordered a solar powered mini fan, got the idea from meta's sun powered toy plant. but i digress lol.

haha i feel you on that...seems like all i ever do is draw out blueprints of growboxes in my head.... at work, home,... school sometimes lol life is boring, growing weed is fun
I love what you have done with your cheap and easy box. Although, I'm using a computer desk, I might want to add to the top of it by using something like your setup. I love the instant lunch cups being recycled, god use for 'em. Nice. Love following all the small CFL growers on this site, it helps keep my spirits up! Sub'd.
Chapter 5: Nothing impressive but it's better than nothing.

Well folks haven't updated in a while as previously stated honestly ashamed of my current projects especially with such masters of ghetto riggin' around here on RIU but due to the support you guys provide I'll show off my crappy results so far.

101_0269.jpg Well the project has gone mini SOG I started flowering nearly a week ago. I know they need more foliage for optimal intake of light for the production of buds but there are 2 factors that played in there. 1 these PK plants are sativa dominant and my box is small 2 I have so many plants around here that this is a worthwhile experiment for me.

101_0270.jpgthose light adaptors were 3 bucks each from wally world and well worth it, rated upto 260 watt's and I love how they allow the light to be totally horizontal saving space and using the light most efficiently. In a month maybe less I will add three 13 watters to the bottom section of my t joint lights to increase total light while still keeping heat down. Also I will be using 13 watters to make sure the light up top is stronger than the light at the sides, not trying to confuse the plants now.

101_0271.jpg Remember poor Melpomene? Look at her now! Not amazing but compared to the horrible looking stick she was a few weeks ago she is friggin' lush. Gave her a special spot in the mother closet and special attention and she has come back now. You can see I am supercropping her a bit so her tinyness can hold up the hopefully swollen cola she will produce.

(Note some of my plants got topped some didn't I didn't have them in veg long enough after they were topped for any decent new growth I am just hoping to avoid the V shaped bud pattern but hey it happens)

101_0278.jpg Here is the plant in the ghettofied speaker cabinet, she looks angry so we will be repotting her before she gets any farther into flower. She was repotted about 2 hours before her dark period to reduce stress and planted into a 3 gallon smart pot with FFOF then watered thoroughly. Yea it is hard to tell but there are baby buds on there, I need a loupe (creds to homer371 and microgrower for the loupe idea)

101_0283.jpg Here she is in her 3 gallon smart pot every day I will be adding a hint more soil as it takes a few days to settle in these here smart pots.

101_0285.jpg And here she is back in her cab, the 3 gallon smart pot is just barely small enough. Up there are 4 26 watters so 104 watt's at 2700K I'd add more light but I need an aggressive exhaust at the top before I can do that and my current exhaust is passive with an aggressive intake to double as a "air mover" along with heat exchange. And yes that is a dryer sheet in there. It helps block the little light that may get in and give the room a fresh scent... She looks angry still hopefully she forgives me for the stress.
101_0288.jpg Garbage bags are a must have for all growers, earlier if you noticed I used (and always use) a black one as a drop cloth with rolled up towels around the edges under the trash bag to make sure the water runs to the middle and not off the bag onto my carpet (dropcloths are a home growers necessity) and in here I took a white one to line the cabinet as these smart pots just drip and drip they are messy as hell but air to the roots is worth it. Happy roots means more fruits.

So thats that... any thoughts? And thanks again you guys for the support it's enough to stroke me ego. :)
i was just stopping by to admire the ghettoness! its lookin good just keep up the tlc, but also dont kill em with kindness
i was just stopping by to admire the ghettoness! its lookin good just keep up the tlc, but also dont kill em with kindness

Life itself the maintence continuation and creation of it are about balance. If one attempt to merely keep balance, and applys this outlook to their life and their growing style then you are on a good path. Balance is everything. :) Thanks for stopping in.
hey hippysmoke, thanks for the update! a lot of useful info in there, love the wallyworld light fixtures, might have to get myself a couple of those. and the trashbag idea is key -- i need to line the bottom of my box with one, because even though i use trays for my pots, there's always the chance for some run off.

your plants look great man, nothing to be ashamed of at all! look forward to seeing those babies grow :)
GK... +rep for ego strokage :)

Why thank you homer! I just see the beauties I produce at the patients I work with grows and the amazing crops you CD SmellyTreez and some of the other cfl's growers are producing and then I look at these angry little clones and I feel... well ashamed as I said to show these off to such masters of ghetto growing. So thank you very much for the complement homer I really appreciate it.
Hey H S, don't give up "The Cardboard Crew" is pulling for you!!!!!!!!! Too many don't believe in cardboard box,you gotta help show'em.Don't give up yet,if all else fails show ur girls ur green-hand and make them go back to work! A few of us are with you!