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Chapter 1: Send in the clones.
Hello everyone, this will be my first attempt to do an online journal of one of my grows so please bear with me.
The grow: I will be growing 5 Purple Kush plants in a ghetto cardboard box with the help of my friend likestosmokealot, I will be using CFL's throughout the grow, and I will be keeping everything organic. To start things off we will be using a fortified organic potting soil that is sold in my local area. (local brand) Currently there are close to 100 watts of cfl's in there mainly 6000 to 6500K light spectrum with one 8 watter at the 2700K spectrum to mix it up a bit So lets see some pics...
- And here we have the exhaust vent with my digital temp monitor, typically my vented air is about 3-5 degrees hotter than what it is in my box... need more thermometers.
- Ok here we have a few shots of the purple kush clones they were taken out of their dome exactly 6 days ago 3 out of 5 clones had strong legs and they were all cloned in peat pellets.
What ya'll think?