It's great to see you're so excited mellow! As you should be! Don't be afraid; the journey ahead of you with your mother Skywalker won't be as daunting as some may have you believe. Just do as the others have said thus far:
1. Put it under CFLs for now, the larger the wattage and amount of bulbs, the better.
More specifically, CFLs with a 5000k-6500k spectrum for vegging.
2. Transplant it to a larger container with quality soil. Try something organic!
3. Give her water when the top of your soil has dried out.
4. Love her unconditionally and she will reciprocate the same.
Now, dive your nose into the forums and look up some n0ob tutorials. There are plenty of threads to help get you started. You're going to have a great time and learn a lot. Everyone is here to help but make sure to look your question up first!