Uncle Buck keeps telling people I was raped

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so you think editing his quote to call him a chimo is an appropriate response?

pot, meet kettle.

Yes, because he just did it to me. I'm not going around telling people he was RAPED though, if this happened to a female on this site ya'll would be freaking the fuck out on Buck.
As far as I can tell, uncle buck is only nasty and rude to those that are nasty to him.

Bullshit. I posted a book by Abbie Hoffman, and he deleted half of it when he was a mod, and started telling people that I steal things from Wal mart. And he has been trolling me ever since.
too much high grade cannabis? organic food? top shelf coffee? tons of breweries? readily available health care?

No one lives there. No one wants to live there. Oregon as a state has one of the HIGHEST drug addict rato in the nation, and Portland has THE highest, so even with less people, you have more addicts.
YOU'RE the one telling people I was raped, not me.

more lies and nonsense.

another memory refresher:

dude, 14 year old drunk girls are in no way able to consent. they're not even of consenting age, much less of clear mind.

that makes it sexual abuse, and that's what makes you a child molestor.

I was 14 and drunk too, I wasn't able to consent either. And the first time I had sex I was actually throwing up and trying to sleep. If anything I was the one who was raped.

How are ya'll gonna sit here and make fun of me for being raped when I was young and drunk??

you also said it three more times after that in the same thread.
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