Uncle Buck keeps telling people I was raped

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lol. i just found out that failspammy created a facebook group to tell everyone that the facebook account i made is not really him. he's apologizing up and down. we all know that not everyone will get those apologies.

the plan is working.
lol. i just found out that failspammy created a facebook group to tell everyone that the facebook account i made is not really him. he's apologizing up and down. we all know that not everyone will get those apologies.

the plan is working.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
You guys are making facebook accounts about this? Sounds like maybe both of you don't have lives...

You guys are making facebook accounts about this? Sounds like maybe both of you don't have lives...


dude, it takes 5 minutes to make a facebook account, if that. and it has paid me back with hours of amusement and hundreds of photos of fin's mom and sister to bukkake on and then send to them on FB.

but do go on.
He wanted to try to make me out to be a child molester when I was a child and now he realized I wasn't a child molester as a child and now keeps telling everyone I was raped. Is this allowed? I can't even embed songs on my grow journal related to my grow, but he can post this shit on the journal? Will someone please realize that I am not the troll here?

Grow a pair.
dude, it takes 5 minutes to make a facebook account, if that. and it has paid me back with hours of amusement and hundreds of photos of fin's mom and sister to bukkake on and then send to them on FB.

but do go on.

Post the pics to a gallery if you would, I need some photoshop practice :D
Oh Fin wanted to be famous and now he wants his last words too , hahaha this game is funny .. Fin if you had brains you would see Uncle Buck can go all night and day , just look at the guys Tetris score for fucks sake .. Brilliant I do say and you are simply adding fuel to your own pyre in the end ..

In short , Boo Fucking Hoo crybaby ..
dude, it takes 5 minutes to make a facebook account, if that. and it has paid me back with hours of amusement and hundreds of photos of fin's mom and sister to bukkake on and then send to them on FB.

but do go on.

lol whatever you stalkers gotta tell each other... maybe you should just get a room and get it over with already, geez
how can a thread with this title be expected to be taken seriously? in the fucking SUPPORT section? i'm laughing so hard i'm gonna be hoarse. wtf is this?

tag restrictions. LOL. gold everywhere.
unclebuck and finshaggy are the online equivalent of trainwreck reality tv.

Post the pics to a gallery if you would, I need some photoshop practice :D

i just found a femspermy pic of her in a two piece, nice cleavage going, leaned forward with tongue out as if expecting a facial.

ostrich milk shall flow tonight.
I just dragged one of Finny's cover photos from facebook to google image search to find similar things, and it produced this:


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