Unconventional Organics

hello. what can be told about plant juice ? - putting fresh aloe cuttings and tossing them in the blender with water. will it help ? is it a know method ? any names for it ? other fomulas ?
Potassium sources:

tomato paste for tea would be easy, but could also put it supersoil recipe. 1.18% k in it, easy to source and cheap.

Also corn cob meal, supposed to be 0-0-2.

Cattail 2-0.8-3.4
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I have in another thread explained how calcium is crucial to the immune system for plants when it comes to fending off fungus and mold.
If you have root damage or a medium with an incorrect pH it may be hard to correct the issue, via the roots alone.
What you can do is make a foliar tea in the following way. Hardboil a few eggs in their shells, you can take out the eggs to eat, but keep the water.
use between. Top up the water with tap water until you have 1 liter of water to this add between 100 and 200ml of milk. It can be any dairy milk, fresh or expired.
The milk is a further source of calcium and is also antifungal.
Put it in a spray bottle, and spray down your plants.

This puts the antifungal milk on the outside of the plants, and increases the calcium inside the skin tissues, to bind with pectin and form a layer that the fungus can not penetrate when it sends out its runner for food and water.
My grandmothers "Purple Passion/ Wandering Jew" plant home fert recipe. LMAO. She had a giant bright purple cascade of vines.
my buddy uses his Dog SHIT on his vegible garden. and I piss/urinenate on my vegible garden. I knew a guy that would pick up road kill and thow it in a pile and let it compost and use it on his Weed plants
I heard from someone youre supposed to dilute urine as its high in nitrogen and could burn plants. Idk tho never peed on my stuff xD to each his own tho
don't hold me to it but when i get home from work tonight imma post a quick clip of my blatticompost bins. to save you from googling it blatticomposting is like vermicomposting except with roaches. specifically ivory head roaches. this also provides insect frass for chitin etc which other composting doesn't offer. i also traditionally compost and i also have worm bins. i keep my composting methods and inputs extremely diverse, i use all my kitchen scraps which i eat mainly whole foods and i also put all my plant material and stems and even wood ash or my weed ash in there lol. we runnin closed loop over here y'all...nothing goes to waste at my house :)