Unconventional plant cultivation

Exactly. It's not practical and unless something is practical, cheap, conventional, and low maintenance.....I don't want any part of it. ....... And they think they can get rich selling basil!

Live and learn.....

Cheap and practicle I agree with 100%
Get rich selling Basil :?: Don't laugh, they can and will if they have the ability to baffel people with bullshit and get away with it.

That's a good video. Playing games with this stuff is OK, but if you're gonna get into it for profits, you best have done a thorough business model and talked to a lot of people who are in it. Our university system does business models. For example, say you want to put in 40 acres of apples. They have the info to show you on paper how much your investment will be and what rate of return you might make (if any) over a period of time.

This may have been all well and good back in the 50s but it ain't worth squat today. There are not that many honest working people left in this country today. To be successful and get rich one must be greedy and exploit the system with dazzling bullshit. Diet products are a great example. Billions of dollars worth are sold every year. They are exactly like bloom foods. A great line of worthless crap that far too many people are willing to spend ignorant amounts of money on. Bloom foods just like diet foods have an ample supply of people with and endless line of crap about how good they are.
Cheap and practicle I agree with 100%
Get rich selling Basil :?: Don't laugh, they can and will if they have the ability to baffel people with bullshit and get away with it.

This may have been all well and good back in the 50s but it ain't worth squat today. There are not that many honest working people left in this country today. To be successful and get rich one must be greedy and exploit the system with dazzling bullshit. Diet products are a great example. Billions of dollars worth are sold every year. They are exactly like bloom foods. A great line of worthless crap that far too many people are willing to spend ignorant amounts of money on. Bloom foods just like diet foods have an ample supply of people with and endless line of crap about how good they are.

IOW, "a fool and his money are soon parted."
I wonder if I live in the dark and feed myself with electricity via my toes if I'll end up big, strong and healthy? Maybe if I build a copper pyramid and am located at 19.5 latitude. I heard somewhere that this is where the planets energy collects as evidenced by the face on Mars.

It's a plant. They evolved over millions of years to certain environmental factors. Let them be plants. You are better off providing them with what they need as opposed to what you THINK they need. We tend to want to meddle and over think things.

I keep bees. Have been for many years. I talk to so many new Beekeepers that think they've come up with the next revolution in beekeeping. I always say the same thing, "Bees have been around longer than we have. They know what they are doing. Understand bee biology and behavior first, then come talk to me about your brilliant idea." Same goes for plants.

There is room for innovation but you must understand basics first.

Good luck!
TH Seeds uses an electro-culture process they call "Teslaponics".... Don't believe me? Check out their website. But I guess Uncle Ben and all the h8r's know more than a successful grower/bank like TH Seeds :???:
i made a thread on this about a year ago. thats probly where you seen it. i was getting trolled for trying aqueponics i.e fish in the dwc tub . and i mentioned my other ideas like setting up an electro magnetic field around my plants. useing a car battery and 2 metal plates resulting in a burned up tree. i never got anywhere with this or magnets just dead plants .
i made a thread on this about a year ago. thats probly where you seen it. i was getting trolled for trying aqueponics i.e fish in the dwc tub . and i mentioned my other ideas like setting up an electro magnetic field around my plants. useing a car battery and 2 metal plates resulting in a burned up tree. i never got anywhere with this or magnets just dead plants .
Well, my experiments didn't kill my plants, but I didn't see any real difference in the outcome at the end... I will say that I noticed an initial growth increase that leveled off.

I haven't given up completely, but I have decided to take a small break on experiments for now - but I'm on to something.... More than I'm gonna talk about just yet :)
plants already produce electricity. they are natures solar panel . scientist like tesla knew this . and took some ideas like the solar panel ,wireless energy .ect. trying to make sustainable energy . tesla knew plants were already as efficient as possible they evolved to harness the suns energy how more efficient can you ask for. i personally think we waste enough this is why i didnt finish my experiments into this any further .
plants already produce electricity. they are natures solar panel . scientist like tesla knew this . and took some ideas like the solar panel ,wireless energy .ect. trying to make sustainable energy . tesla knew plants were already as efficient as possible they evolved to harness the suns energy how more efficient can you ask for. i personally think we waste enough this is why i didnt finish my experiments into this any further .
If this is true, then why did Tesla develop a Radiant Energy Receiver? tesla-radiant-energy-receiver.png
why did he make it for sustainable energy. what is radiant energy the suns output, rays, radiation
he noticed plants use the sun for energy and this is the precursor to the solar panel .
I'm sorry, maybe I'm not following you... Are you saying the sun is the only energy the plant needs? And what if you cant grow outside?
Might wanna flip those two digits.

Do you even know who Ed Sullivan was?
Yes to Ed Sullivan... But then answer me this: Why do you continually troll this thread? You don't agree with it, fine - u stated your case now please politely go away. You have a vast knowledge in growing so why not help people rather than trolling people that don't agree with you?

I'm not saying you are wrong and I'm right - I'm just saying let people that show an interest in this try it out. If we fail we can look back and say "gee, uncle ben was right all along". But until then let people do their own thing without trying to bring them down.
A few thing to say about Aquaponics (fish etc). I first saw it tried at my old hydro shop in the u.k. about 4 years ago (will post name if a mod allows it).
The owner was into his fish/aquariums and his assistant was into his hydro. Between them, they put a system together and ran it for about 6 months in the shop. I can't remember either the fish or the plants (think it was tomatoes). I know they were using RO water.
Their final conclusion was pretty much that it worked but was too much hassle on a small scale and they gave up on it.
One final point. EC meters don't work in these systems. It's something to do with conventional meters measuring the dissolved salts that proprietry fertilisers are made of. Fish shit isnt made of salts. I don't know the exact science but I would imagine the only way to measure nutrient composition in water would be lab analysis.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm not following you... Are you saying the sun is the only energy the plant needs? And what if you cant grow outside?
no lol the reason we use lights indoors is too replicate, mimic the sun plants as i said evolved to absorb energy from the sun . what you could do for a real experiment with this is see if plants could live without any light source pitch black darkness while hooked up with electricity and if they are thriving in a week or two of this you could win the noble prize i never wanted to discourage you from any experiments a mans reach should exceed his grasp or what is there to reach for right .
A few thing to say about Aquaponics (fish etc). I first saw it tried at my old hydro shop in the u.k. about 4 years ago (will post name if a mod allows it).
The owner was into his fish/aquariums and his assistant was into his hydro. Between them, they put a system together and ran it for about 6 months in the shop. I can't remember either the fish or the plants (think it was tomatoes). I know they were using RO water.
Their final conclusion was pretty much that it worked but was too much hassle on a small scale and they gave up on it.
One final point. EC meters don't work in these systems. It's something to do with conventional meters measuring the dissolved salts that proprietry fertilisers are made of. Fish shit isnt made of salts. I don't know the exact science but I would imagine the only way to measure nutrient composition in water would be lab analysis.

I have friends who have a very large commercial aquaponics system. I think the'yre idealogues who have more money than sense. So no, it's not practical and comes with many high cost inputs, failures, etc.
I have friends who have a very large commercial aquaponics system. I think the'yre idealogues who have more money than sense. So no, it's not practical and comes with many high cost inputs, failures, etc.
would you say the same for hydroponics theres not much difference between the two . i have done both i went back to soil less work .lol
would you say the same for hydroponics theres not much difference between the two . i have done both i went back to soil less work .lol

Hydroponics appears ten times less work/maintenance/cost than aquaponics.

Soil-less? OK. I'm about to harvest a couple of Peak19 backcrossed plants, beans I made about 10 years ago. They've been in soil with a slow release food, very little maintenance except for watering since March, outdoors. Me and some friends smoked a plug of what I pulled off one plant 9 days ago and the high from 4 tokes was ass kicking. Just frickin' freaked me out with this creeper kind of really up high with an edgy, anxious body feel and a touch of paranoia thrown in. 1 or 2 tokes, nothing. 5 minutes later and the top of my head is being blown off LOL! Friends loved it, but then again they didn't take as many tokes and are more frequent smokers. I haven't smoked in over 2 months which didn't help. :)

Back to the aquaponics thing, I asked my friends what the NPK and micro values of the water was and they didn't have a clue! Pretty typical of such organic, "natural" idealogues. One of my greenie friends who makes compost commercially in huge windrows didn't know what the nutritional value was, not until I sent a sample off to a lab! Turned out to be 13-5-8 with good micro profile - excellent! My fishy friends probably spent $100,000 on a plumbing system alone - trenching, pumps, filters, huge pipes, little pipes, fish tanks, large greenhouse with all the tanks in it....and didn't even know what salts their plant were getting? Whew! If I had to guess, they probably have sunk about $250,000 into the op.....expecting to turn a decent profit on leafy veggies, primarily basil.

Bottom line? Doesn't matter what delivery system you use - aeroponics, organics, hydro, DWC....... as long as it's practical, low maintenance and you understand what you're doing with it....what elements the plants are seeing, what they're getting in an available form.
