Unconventional plant cultivation

Like they say, if you are outside in an thunderstorm don't stand under a tree because the electricity from the lightening can travel down the tree and across the soil for a few feet because the water (from the rain) that runs down the tree and out into the soil around it will carry it.

I had to work on some wiring on a house where lightning had hit a tree in the woods next to the house. It jumped from 1 tree to another then traveled through the roots towards the house. The ground looked like it had been plowed up with a blade. It hit an ungrounded cable line next to the house and did all kinds of damage. The part that amazed me was it was not a direct hit to the tree that had the roots "plowing". After seeing that I don't want to be anywhere close to a tree during a thunderstorm. Like 60 feet close !
I dont know if anyone has mentioned it yet but thseeds has a strain called electric lemon g that they used some sort of electric stimulation on, I dont think they elaborate much on it though
Many years ago at uni I remember some studies being done on electrified sports turf. They were burying grids of copper/zinc at different depths and playing around with the volts/amps/frequency and flow direction. From what I can remember they had success with adjusting pH, controlling the water table and were working on cation exchange rates when I finished my course and left.
So we see then that electricity can travel through soil. How far it can travel I'm not sure. I imagine that the dampness of the soil will probably play a huge roll in it though. Was the soil moist when you tested the current?
I don't know. I am sure it was another variable tested. I was on a different course but took an interest in this. I do remember it was a sand-based substrate and was based on either flood and drain or USGA (United States golf association) specification soils (kind of like a natural flood and drain based on soil paticle size, surface tension of water and gravitational pull on water).
If you want to understand drainage, reading up on sports turf is the way to go. Hooghoudts equation is a good place to start.
So we see then that electricity can travel through soil. How far it can travel I'm not sure. I imagine that the dampness of the soil will probably play a huge roll in it though. Was the soil moist when you tested the current?
It is said that Tesla sent electricity from one side of the earth to the other. Electricity does travel through damp soil - how far depends on different variable: i.e. frequency, voltage, amperage, or whatever.

The soil was moist when I tested it... Also, tested it again today... Was up to 1.78 volts with no changes from last time. This is leading me to believe that the soil acts also as a capacitor maybe and actually stores energy or maybe the plant is... Either case, it is interesting.
They have magnets for pillows as it realigns muscles why you sleep, magnet health and growth has been around since the magnet was discovered, just like gay marriage, people will fill up 10 pages of bullshit about it
The soil was moist when I tested it... Also, tested it again today... Was up to 1.78 volts with no changes from last time. This is leading me to believe that the soil acts also as a capacitor maybe and actually stores energy or maybe the plant is... Either case, it is interesting.

All organic material containing moisture has some degree of electrical storage or conductivity. Most of your ideas and things like the Electric Fertilizer are not just stupid ideas that don't work. Perhaps your not old enough to remember great novelties such as clocks that could be powered by placing the electrodes in a potatoe or any number of vegies.:idea:

The negative replies you are getting are not necessarily generated by ideas that do not or cannot work but by lack of profitability. The ideas such as Electric Fertilizer can at times work but there is no was to produce an economical means of application. You cannot spend a dollar to apply a fertilizer that only gets 10 cents worth or yield. Failure to find a way to make an idea profitable will generate both real and imaginary reasons for maintaining that an idea is stupid, cannot possibly work.
You cannot spend a dollar to apply a fertilizer that only gets 10 cents worth or yield. Failure to find a way to make an idea profitable will generate both real and imaginary reasons for maintaining that an idea is stupid, cannot possibly work.
That makes sense with say, a potato.... Doesn't make sense to spend an extra 40% to get a 20% better yield. But with cannabis, when were talking about maybe saving $15 a gram, the return may very well outweigh the investment :)
The negative replies you are getting are not necessarily generated by ideas that do not or cannot work but by lack of profitability.

Exactly. It's not practical and unless something is practical, cheap, conventional, and low maintenance.....I don't want any part of it. Case in point - I have some friends who have a very large aquaculture project going, I mean big. I think they're nuts. Why? Aquaculture is not practical. Like all idealogues, they don't even know what minerals they're feeding their plants. I just groan when they answer "I don't know" in response to my questions regarding plant nutrition, "what minerals are held in solution?" This after spending hundreds of thousands on tanks, fish, plumbing both water and electrical, greenhouses, etc. And they think they can get rich selling basil!

Live and learn.....
Exactly. It's not practical and unless something is practical, cheap, conventional, and low maintenance.....I don't want any part of it. Case in point - I have some friends who have a very large aquaculture project going, I mean big. I think they're nuts. Why? Aquaculture is not practical. Like all idealogues, they don't even know what minerals they're feeding their plants. I just groan when they answer "I don't know" in response to my questions regarding plant nutrition, "what minerals are held in solution?" This after spending hundreds of thousands on tanks, fish, plumbing both water and electrical, greenhouses, etc. And they think they can get rich selling basil!

Live and learn.....

they prob watched this guys dvd lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYR9s6chrI0.
they prob watched this guys dvd lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYR9s6chrI0.

That's a good video. Playing games with this stuff is OK, but if you're gonna get into it for profits, you best have done a thorough business model and talked to a lot of people who are in it. Our university system does business models. For example, say you want to put in 40 acres of apples. They have the info to show you on paper how much your investment will be and what rate of return you might make (if any) over a period of time.
That's a good video. Playing games with this stuff is OK
EXACTLY.... So why are you andothers so down on the idea of people trying new things. Actually, why do you guys flock to this thread just to bring down peeps that want to try something new?
but if you're gonna get into it for profits, you best have done a thorough business model and talked to a lot of people who are in it. Our university system does business models. For example, say you want to put in 40 acres of apples. They have the info to show you on paper how much your investment will be and what rate of return you might make (if any) over a period of time.
Not all of us grow because we are making money at it. Perhaps you do. And I give you credit, you are probably a great grower. You have a lot of knowledge. I'm sure you know more than what you share - and that's cool. You're in it for the money so you gotta keep some trade secrets or you would just be average if everyone could grow like you.

But to be honest, while I give you props for your growing because you probably forgot more than I might ever hope to know, the best grower I've seen thus far is Heath Robinson. He obviously knows a lot more than he's sharing. Perhaps there is something "new" that the community (including good growers like you) don't know. Just saying....
Well, just an update on the experiment with the solar panel. Nothing new or exciting about the plant receiving electric stimulation. It is now pulling 3.6 volts and I haven't seen any real benefit to the electric stimulation.

My plants are clones that were put straight into flowering and are pretty stretched out - most likely because I went into flowering so soon? But anyways, that's the scoop. Like I said, I'll report all good and bad - I have no agenda here.
2012-10-03_11-08-52_150.jpg one foot tall 4 ft across. LST 2012-10-03_11-12-10_968.jpgusing hooks and weights, also staking down and lots ofbtopping.I am also trying a heilux style. I figure its the most efficient wayto fit a 3 foot long branch into a one foot space. I am training another to look like the spiraled arms of the Milky Way.


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@gagekko cool thread, i'm always searching the web & written works for the 'unconventional' :) don't let ("haters" / negative individuals) get under your skin.. trust me --the best MJ growers on this planet aren't in it for the "profits"
