Unconventional plant cultivation

i dont put my plants on top of carpet and i wouldnt waste my time trying to learn anything from somebody that does

First off, Mr. Jizm, I only put the clones there to rush the experiment cause ur dooche lil' hater brother, TH Cammo wouldn't STFU about how shit wont work.

So go facefuck a flounder, u little dooche kunt :)
Mr.jimson= guy that grows pot..... i would spend a pile of money buying a stupid magnet or magnet machine or watever for a 25percent increase in yield but i wont be convinced by a guy that grows on carpet..... kinda makes me think dude has no clue

LMAO, I know what you mean though. I see your point a bout growing, putting your pots on carpet, and not using a tray underneath the pots. Every time I would water I would give it enough water, like probably 99% of everyone else does, to run thru the holes in the bottom of the pot. With that being said, I can see how that water getting on the carpet could cause mold, and other unwanted nasties to come about. I can also see it staining the carpet as well. Maybe putting down a little cardboard to help soak up some of the run off would help, maybe even using a $0.20 tray underneath too, cheap solution, fast solution. But......I also understand that the guy is doing an "experiment", maybe not in the best "lab" setting as we all would like, but it is just an experiment that's only going to cost him time, and a little bit of money, maybe none at all if he already had the stuff available.

It would be ideal to set the experiment up in a "static room", so that way you can rule out anything interfering with the end results. Eliminating variables is the first rule to a science experiment. As they say, it isn't proven until you can constantly replicate the results while doing the exact same thing over and over again. So if he gets an increase on yield, was it because the electrical current, or was it just a great plant, responded better to the nutes than previous plants may have. Hell, for all we know the carpet could be a contributing factor in the bigger yields, but we wouldn't know that unless he has a control, as well as another plant set up the exact same way, with the electrical current and set away from carpet. Maybe the carpet helps with producing a little extra electrical current....could be possible since you can build up a static charge by rubbing your feet across the carpet. (Side note...that reminds me of the episode of family guy when Peter finds out he can zap people when he shuffles his feet on the carpet, lmao...now I have an image of a guy shuffling his feet on the carpet and zapping his plants) But anyways, hell, now I don't remember where I was going with that....I just got finished medicating lol.

Yea...science...replicating the results....carpet could be beneficial for all we know, but we won't know unless we, or someone tries it. I fully understand your point Jimson, but I don't think the guy was telling anyone else to do what he is doing, he's just trying something new that may or may not produce good, or bad results.

"A fool is a man who never tried an experiment in his life."--Darwin
"In the spirit of science, there really is no such thing as a "failed experiment." Any test that yields valid data is a valid test. " --Adam Savage <----This guy is awesome
LMAO, I know what you mean though. I see your point a bout growing, putting your pots on carpet, and not using a tray underneath the pots. Every time I would water I would give it enough water, like probably 99% of everyone else does, to run thru the holes in the bottom of the pot. With that being said, I can see how that water getting on the carpet could cause mold, and other unwanted nasties to come about. I can also see it staining the carpet as well. Maybe putting down a little cardboard to help soak up some of the run off would help, maybe even using a $0.20 tray underneath too, cheap solution, fast solution. But......I also understand that the guy is doing an "experiment", maybe not in the best "lab" setting as we all would like, but it is just an experiment that's only going to cost him time, and a little bit of money, maybe none at all if he already had the stuff available.

It would be ideal to set the experiment up in a "static room", so that way you can rule out anything interfering with the end results. Eliminating variables is the first rule to a science experiment. As they say, it isn't proven until you can constantly replicate the results while doing the exact same thing over and over again. So if he gets an increase on yield, was it because the electrical current, or was it just a great plant, responded better to the nutes than previous plants may have. Hell, for all we know the carpet could be a contributing factor in the bigger yields, but we wouldn't know that unless he has a control, as well as another plant set up the exact same way, with the electrical current and set away from carpet. Maybe the carpet helps with producing a little extra electrical current....could be possible since you can build up a static charge by rubbing your feet across the carpet. (Side note...that reminds me of the episode of family guy when Peter finds out he can zap people when he shuffles his feet on the carpet, lmao...now I have an image of a guy shuffling his feet on the carpet and zapping his plants) But anyways, hell, now I don't remember where I was going with that....I just got finished medicating lol.

Yea...science...replicating the results....carpet could be beneficial for all we know, but we won't know unless we, or someone tries it. I fully understand your point Jimson, but I don't think the guy was telling anyone else to do what he is doing, he's just trying something new that may or may not produce good, or bad results.

"A fool is a man who never tried an experiment in his life."--Darwin
"In the spirit of science, there really is no such thing as a "failed experiment." Any test that yields valid data is a valid test. " --Adam Savage <----This guy is awesome
Okay, since people still wont let go of the carpet thing, I guess we can spend the entire thread talking about it :/

1) I just planted the clones, they were in a different location so there is no spillage on the wonderful $1.99 a square yard indoor/outdoor carpet
2) I don't water in the location the plants are - I take them to the sink and let them drain in tupper tubs to catch run off
3) I rushed beginning of experiment to try to quiet the sh1t talkers of the site that think "there are no "new things" to be discovered"
4) I haven't had time to get to hydro store
5) The current solar panel is on another plant so the newbie clone is piggyback riding on the same panel

But guess what, it's all good... A static room? Are you for real? The test works like this, 16 identical clones, one with a solar panel stimulating the roots with electricity. If the one out of sixteen plants show a substantial different rate of growth, then there is room for further study - would you not think?

But honestly, it seems nobody on this site gives a damn and all they want to do it talk shit about why things can't work (event though they never tried) and my carpeting. Well no wonder nobody wants to do anything different - like anybody wants to be ridiculed by a bunch of closed-minded douches that think they big shit cause they can grow a fucking weed. Perhaps someone should nit-pick my grammar or my spelling. Well, whatever.

I guess this is my lesson for trying to do something different and interesting. Go back to your ten-thousandth thread about "How does my plant look" or "[your state here] unite" thread. At this point, anything I discover, I'll keep to myself. That's too bad - even if all I discovered that electro-culture doesn't do jack.... But whatever... I'll just do my own thing and keep it to myself.
Honestly this thread is ridiculous. The idea is really cool. Your experiment isn't the greatest, but props to you for trying it out! Its not like you came here saying LOOK do this and get 50% bigger yield! You came in asking a fucking question and all these dumb stoners on their high horses(pun intended) are too dumb to read that its an IDEA. Anything is plausible, what do you think the first guy that heard of an ebb&flow system thought or an aeroponic system? "You think you can grow a plant without dirt? using just water? hahah yor dum fer thinking things derp"
Okay, since people still wont let go of the carpet thing, I guess we can spend the entire thread talking about it :/

1) I just planted the clones, they were in a different location so there is no spillage on the wonderful $1.99 a square yard indoor/outdoor carpet
2) I don't water in the location the plants are - I take them to the sink and let them drain in tupper tubs to catch run off
3) I rushed beginning of experiment to try to quiet the sh1t talkers of the site that think "there are no "new things" to be discovered"
4) I haven't had time to get to hydro store
5) The current solar panel is on another plant so the newbie clone is piggyback riding on the same panel

But guess what, it's all good... A static room? Are you for real? The test works like this, 16 identical clones, one with a solar panel stimulating the roots with electricity. If the one out of sixteen plants show a substantial different rate of growth, then there is room for further study - would you not think?

But honestly, it seems nobody on this site gives a damn and all they want to do it talk shit about why things can't work (event though they never tried) and my carpeting. Well no wonder nobody wants to do anything different - like anybody wants to be ridiculed by a bunch of closed-minded douches that think they big shit cause they can grow a fucking weed. Perhaps someone should nit-pick my grammar or my spelling. Well, whatever.

I guess this is my lesson for trying to do something different and interesting. Go back to your ten-thousandth thread about "How does my plant look" or "[your state here] unite" thread. At this point, anything I discover, I'll keep to myself. That's too bad - even if all I discovered that electro-culture doesn't do jack.... But whatever... I'll just do my own thing and keep it to myself.

Dude, I wasn't downing your experiment. All I was saying is that I understand where Jimson was coming from, but it wasn't that big of a deal that it was on the carpet. Yes, a static room would be the best situation for any experiment so you can take away any variable that may skew the results. I like the fact that you are trying something different to see if there are other ways, maybe better ways to grow. If I had the time I would do different experiments as well. You never know what you may find, beneficial or not. Did you happen to read my post all of the way through? I even made a comment about how you wasn't trying to get anyone to do what you are doing, that you was doing it as an experiment to find out if there are negative or positive results. Keep up your experiment, it's a good thing that someone isn't just "following" the typical grow regimen, and being that guy who just follows along with the rest of everyone else. Like my quote from Darwin said, "A fool is a man who never tried an experiment in his life". Which is true, if it wasn't for experiments, good or bad, we would still be living in the dark ages.

If you want to post your results or not is up to you. I wasn't dogging your experiment at all. So if you want to take what I said, or what anyone else said as a negative and not post your results and keep them to yourself as you stated, then by all means go ahead, it's your experiment. I for one am interested in seeing what the end results are. Just don't turn yourself into a hater like some people just because someone comments negatively on what you are doing. If Louis Pasteur didn't experiment we wouldn't have pasteurization, vaccines for rabbies and anthrax, well someone would have figured it out eventually but still. He also furthered advancements in germ theory and bacteriology. So, like I said, keep doing your experiment because you never know. You could also play with it some, turn the voltage up a little. Maybe you don't see any results with the way you are doing it, but who says it wouldn't work if you cranked it up some more. You might have to play around with it more to fine tune it some so you may have to run the experiment again but doing different things to see if you get a different result.
O.K., I did a little more research on the topic and I'll help you out with proving that electrical stimulation is a very plausible way to increase growth. http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/root-stimulator.aspx

For those who may not know, Mother Earth News is a very great magazine for gardening. They provide tons of factual information on many different gardening topics. Not saying just because one magazine published an article on this topic means it's true, but, it is from a reliable source.

Here is another source: http://www.redorbit.com/news/scienc...mulation_increases_chemical_yields_in_plants/


So there are a few articles to read about this topic. From what I was reading, it seems to work better for plants that do not get the effects of being in full sun. So with that said, the lights that most of us use, mh/hps either it be 400,600, or 1000w, we are still no where close to the amount of lumens that the sun puts out per square foot. So since the lights we use can't get close to what the sun puts out, then I think it would be beneficial to use in a grow room. Also, I never thought about it this way, but since we are using those lights, why not put a few small solar panels in the grow room to atleast absorb some of the energy that is being used, and transferring it back into your house, or wherever is possible. It's like recycling light that we are wasting.

Makes sense to me. But what do I know.
After thinking it over, I'll continue to update this thread and my experiment because some decent, interested, open minded growers asked me to. I'll post results either way - whether it works or not.

I personally think it works, simply because I am already doing it but this will be a ground level experiment, where you can make up your own mind. I can tell you all what some of the things to watch for but I am interested in seeing if others pick up on these clues that something is indeed "different" with the plants receiving the electric stimulation. Maybe it's all in my mind - if anyone is interested, follow along and judge for yourself.... Now excuse me, I have to change some ruined carpet (j/k) :P
@ gagekko,
Glad to hear it. I don't know about decent, but I am interested and open minded. Good Luck !!
Haha... The few that are interest sure makeup for the ones that do nothing but troll... Gonna get familiar with the block function soon :)
Did you read any of those articles I posted a link to? The first link I posted from Mother Earth News Magazine was very informative. They pretty much go over the theory behind what you are doing. Actually, it's more than a theory now, it seems that it is very plausible in working. I think it was from the same article, but I do remember reading that they said it didn't work for all of the plants they tried it on. Out of five or six plants they listed there was only one that they didn't see any positive results from. Who knows, maybe it won't work for marijuana, but maybe it will. I'm sure someone out there has tried it with cannabis before, but finding out if anyone did and if they got good results, real results, is what the hard part is. One of the articles mentioned that during a certain time period, can't remember how many days, but the group that had the electro stimuli was around 10 inches tall, while the other group was around 5.5 inches tall and they all received the same feedings, same soil, etc. etc.

I guess we will find out in about two or three months if there are any significant results. Well, actually, I think we should see some early results in the growth rate, as well as how healthy they look within two or three weeks. I'm predicting the plant/s with the electro stimuli will be 3 to 5 inches taller, and have more branches than the one/s without it.
Did you read any of those articles I posted a link to? The first link I posted from Mother Earth News Magazine was very informative. They pretty much go over the theory behind what you are doing. Actually, it's more than a theory now, it seems that it is very plausible in working. I think it was from the same article, but I do remember reading that they said it didn't work for all of the plants they tried it on. Out of five or six plants they listed there was only one that they didn't see any positive results from. Who knows, maybe it won't work for marijuana, but maybe it will. I'm sure someone out there has tried it with cannabis before, but finding out if anyone did and if they got good results, real results, is what the hard part is. One of the articles mentioned that during a certain time period, can't remember how many days, but the group that had the electro stimuli was around 10 inches tall, while the other group was around 5.5 inches tall and they all received the same feedings, same soil, etc. etc.

I guess we will find out in about two or three months if there are any significant results. Well, actually, I think we should see some early results in the growth rate, as well as how healthy they look within two or three weeks. I'm predicting the plant/s with the electro stimuli will be 3 to 5 inches taller, and have more branches than the one/s without it.
The mother earth site has been around for awhile.... Many threads from various forum website like this one... Only problem is, nobody has done a study from beginning to end.

Check out this site for the non-believers:


I suppose this guy has nothing better to do but make up stories as well :/
If a product or plant culture technique is being used by the commercial farming, nurseryman, or greenhouse growing community, then it has merit.

The cannabis community is weird. Growers, usually noobs, will try anything and everything to find some gimmick or an easy way out to raise a very easy-to-grow flowering annual, a "weed".

If you want the skinny on anything unconventional....products, gimmicks, equipment....anything regarding plant culture, then talk to a real scientist who has tested it all and has a real world network of scientists to draw from. That would be Dr. Mark McFarland, Professor and Extension Soil Fertility Specialist
Ph.D., Texas A&M University. http://soilcrop.tamu.edu/professors/mcfarland/profile.htm

Mother Earth and some of the other alternative venues can get pretty silly. They thrive on feelings, ideology, more than facts.

Uncle Ben
If a product or plant culture technique is being used by the commercial farming, nurseryman, or greenhouse growing community, then it has merit.

The cannabis community is weird. Growers, usually noobs, will try anything and everything to find some gimmick or an easy way out to raise a very easy-to-grow flowering annual, a "weed".

If you want the skinny on anything unconventional....products, gimmicks, equipment....anything regarding plant culture, then talk to a real scientist who has tested it all and has a real world network of scientists to draw from. That would be Dr. Mark McFarland, Professor and Extension Soil Fertility Specialist
Ph.D., Texas A&M University. http://soilcrop.tamu.edu/professors/mcfarland/profile.htm

Mother Earth and some of the other alternative venues can get pretty silly. They thrive on feelings, ideology, more than facts.

Uncle Ben
Instead of posting his bio, why don't you post the results of these experiments? I'm sure he'll answer all my cannabis questions when I email him, right? lol....
Just something for peeps interested to read - about magnetized water:

Now, does this stuff work? I haven't a clue... Anyone?

We used to run gasoline through the center of round (donut like) magnets. Supposedly, it did some molecular/magnetic thing for more power in the explosion. I really saw no difference. But you got my interest!
I'm going to repost the original experiment due to what seems to be renewed interest in the experiment (p.s. we already talked about the carpet):

Okay... Here we go... As the saying goes, "less talk, more action".

Remember, I didn't say some of these alternate cultivation techniques work.... I just said that from they little bit of research/experimentation I've done thus far leads me to believe it does - I could be wrong.... But then again, I might be right :/

I have 16 Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy clones - all from the same original plant (four clones per plant from four clones from original seeded plant). Don't mind the lil' auto white widow in the center

a1.jpeg a2.jpeg

I am gonna use the front plant, 3rd from the left as my test plant - no real reason y I picked this one. The first from the left is on the edge, bad photo qualities. The second one is one of my biggest. The third one is up front and a medium sized clone - good for taking pictures with a perspective of the other plants and wires wont be all over the place (hence, I picked it).

I will be using an 18 volt solar panel - currently hooked to another plant. The panel itself puts out up to 18 volts when lights are on - but more like 12-15 under grow lighting. But soil acts as a resistor so I might get anywheres from 2-3 volts.... I'll find my voltmeter and test it.

a3.jpeg a4.jpeg

So, anyways, that's what we got... Stay tuned, if your interested to see once and for all if this will do anything.... Oh, BTW... A little info on the grow. These are freshly rooted clones, just put in medium which is 50% ReadyGro from Botanicare and 50% BlackGold potting soil. Pots are 6x6x8 Hydrofarm white planters - I like the potential aeration of these pots but it's the first time I used them, haha.

Thanks for looking. Hopefully all this negative energy from the powers that say "things can't work, cause if it did, we'd already be doing it". That's prolly the damn stupidest thing I ever heard :P
Where did you get the solar panel from? Just in case it works, lol. Actually, I've been wanting to get some solar panels just to have so I can see what all I can do with them. I have a few ideas in mind of what I can do with solar, but the panels that I come across at the local store are waaaay too expensive, in the $200 to $400 range for a panel that measures maybe 24x36 inches, can't remember the voltage on them though.

One idea I had was to place some solar panels in the grow room and let it collect all that light and store it in one of those solar storage things, can't remember what they are called, and use it to power a fan or something in the grow room, hell, it would cut down on the electric bill, even though it may only be $0.50 a month, it's still saving and recycling all the wasted energy that I'm putting out.

Hell, who knows, maybe I could get a few large solar panels and let them collect the light to actually run the lights on, doubt it would work cause it would take a shit load of electricity. Maybe it could run an air pump, a few fans, and some other small things. I don't know, it just seems like something fun to do.
Oh...Gagekko, you mentioned that soil is a resistor, and you were going to test with a voltmeter to see if it's getting a charge, have you happened to try that yet? Curious as to what you find. I remember reading in one of those articles about using long metal probes to hook the solar panel up to in order to get the charge going to the roots, but they didn't mention anything about soil being a resistor. I know soil is, but, I wonder how much it gets in the way.
Instead of posting his bio, why don't you post the results of these experiments? I'm sure he'll answer all my cannabis questions when I email him, right? lol.... Please don't call the cops on me bro, haha :)

Stupid is as stupid does.