Unconventional plant cultivation

For all those being distracted by T.H. Cammo and Uncle Ben, we aren't talking about some magic mumbo jumbo like TH Cammo will have you believe. But what if a unconventional technique gave you a 25% increase in yield? 25% isn't all that much at first glance and might not even be all that noticeable - that would be 2.5 ounces vs. a 2 ounce plant. But what if you could do that on a continual basis? Over a year or two, that would really add up.

I'm not selling anything here - this is a topic that I am interested in. I am looking for like minded people for discussion of the POSSIBILITY that this may have some validity. But it seems this thread has done nothing but pulled the cockroaches of the dark corners of the site out to bash any type of discussion on the topic.

Just to give you some insight of what I currently am working on. I have been growing two plants in a galvanic cell - a battery, so to speak. In the pot, I placed a zinc plate and a copper plate one on each side - this creates an exchange of ions from the zinc to the copper. A by product of this exchange is electricity, about 2 volts.

Do I expect some monstrous yield? Of course not... If I did, they would be my only 2 plants - instead of just 20% of the 10 I'm cultivating. But the fact is, I have made observations that electricity does make a difference in how a plant grows. I have notices that the plant grows at a faster rate than the plant without the two plate. This could mean faster turn around.

Currently the plants are in flower so here is where we can see if the use of electricity might harm a plant - it goes both ways. I am going into this with the idea that this might very well be a bad thing - not just a magic cure. Will electricity fuck up my flowering? Maybe. I also have a plant hooked up to a solar panel. You see, the galvanic cell plants are producing electricity even when lights are off - the solar panel, only when lights are on. Even this changes the game in how a plant reacts.

Anyways, this info is given to the readers that are truly interested. Peeps like TH Cammo can go jump off a cliff, for all I care - I got nothing to prove to him or his kind :P
Interested to see the end results. We can't discover new things unless we try to discover new things. If we all sat around doing the same ol' same ol' then we would never had advancements in anything. Go for it....what could it hurt.
Hemp Husbandry

For all you negative, close minded, know-it-alls.... I'm sure you'll find something wrong with the link or how the information was derived :/

I've looked into this and actually tried the sonic bloom tech, but gave it up because the sound got on my nerves. I didnt have the amino acids spray, i mixed a lite gh nute mix, and added superthrive, lol.
Good info, keep it coming. For the haters, the truth is stranger than fiction! Embrace the new, to redefine the past!
Interested to see the end results. We can't discover new things unless we try to discover new things.

You noobs might try discovering what makes a plant tick first. Most don't even understand plant nutrition.

As much as you want to believe otherwise, there are no "new things" to be discovered.

You noobs might try discovering what makes a plant tick first. Most don't even understand plant nutrition.

As much as you want to believe otherwise, there are no "new things" to be discovered.

Haha, are you for real? You might be one hella grower, but you sure are ignorant.
Haha, are you for real? You might be one hella grower, but you sure are ignorant.

You still refuse to see the light. The ignorance is on your part! What you fail to understand (or even acknowlage) is that none of what you are talking about is new. It's all been done before, in labratories, by real scientists. They all claim some insignificant, but measurable, improvement in growth - nothing that would, anywhere near, justify the time, trouble, or expense of the experiment. Those have been the findings of the credible researchers. Personally, I believe them because they represent official university studies and various other notable organizations.

If you would rather use a PO Box in Jean, Nevada as your source of reshearch that's up to you, at least I know what your threshold is for credibility. You keep claiming that this is some "new experimentation" that you are conducting - more ignorance on your part! Do you really believe that - or is that you've never heard of these "psuedo-scientific theories" before.

It seems that you choose to only reference info that looks like it came from "The Lone Gunmen" on "The X-Files", no wonder you criticize us (wrongly, I might add!) for only being interested in the "tried and true" techniques. I love to adopt new techniques, that's why I dropped into your thread in the first place, the only pre-requisits are that they have to actually be beneficial and dependable!

But, after all that being said, you are right about one thing; this has been a terrific waste of time! Good-bye, and good luck. Maybe you will be the one to succeed where all the other, true, scientists have failed!
You still refuse to see the light. The ignorance is on your part! What you fail to understand (or even acknowlage) is that none of what you are talking about is new. It's all been done before, in labratories, by real scientists. They all claim some insignificant, but measurable, improvement in growth - nothing that would, anywhere near, justify the time, trouble, or expense of the experiment. Those have been the findings of the credible researchers. Personally, I believe them because they represent official university studies and various other notable organizations.

If you would rather use a PO Box in Jean, Nevada as your source of reshearch that's up to you, at least I know what your threshold is for credibility. You keep claiming that this is some "new experimentation" that you are conducting - more ignorance on your part! Do you really believe that - or is that you've never heard of these "psuedo-scientific theories" before.

It seems that you choose to only reference info that looks like it came from "The Lone Gunmen" on "The X-Files", no wonder you criticize us (wrongly, I might add!) for only being interested in the "tried and true" techniques. I love to adopt new techniques, that's why I dropped into your thread in the first place, the only pre-requisits are that they have to actually be beneficial and dependable!

But, after all that being said, you are right about one thing; this has been a terrific waste of time! Good-bye, and good luck. Maybe you will be the one to succeed where all the other, true, scientists have failed!

Haha... who the phuck are u to show me "the light"? U obviously have a reading comprehensive problem as not once did I say it works - even though i believe it can work.

Also, what has been studied in these "labs" u talk about.... You have anything to back up that mouth of yours - please post these results.

So far the only good thing to come out of ur mouth was that you are leaving this thread.... Thank goodness :/
You noobs might try discovering what makes a plant tick first. Most don't even understand plant nutrition.

As much as you want to believe otherwise, there are no "new things" to be discovered.


What's funny is that because I, or others, may not have as many "posts" as you do, doesn't mean we are noobs. As for plant nutrition, I have to laugh at that one too. I have been studying horticulture and botany for years now, not only academically, but in my spare time as well. Try digging a littler deeper into the science of plant life yourself buddy. There are new break throughs when it comes to growing all the time, not just for marijuana, but other plant life as well. I can put together a list of books that may help you with your growing techniques, as well as what plants are made of, all the way down to the molecular level and how they work. Start with this one, it's a good starter course "Hartmann's Plant Science: Growth, Development, & Utilization of Cultivated Plants", doesn't matter which edition, I have the third edition though. I'll come back later with some other book names that I'll pull off my shelves and can give you a brief description of what they will teach you Mr. Uncle Ben.
Blah, blah, blah urself - mouth.... Did you see in the title of this thread "Check out my grow with new shit (pictures included)"... Prolly not cause I didn't post that. This thread is for open minded people that have possibly tried or want to try a new, unproven, unconventional grow... Not a closed minded douche like yourself. Why not post something constructive? Oh, that's right, you don't got nothing that can benefit anyone - my bad :P

most of us put something under the pots to catch water.... is carpet part of the experiment? i clicked on this with hopes of finding somebody doing hydro w the fish watever thats called then i read a bunch of nonsense but im the douche? fuck u 2 homeboy...
most of us put something under the pots to catch water.... is carpet part of the experiment? i clicked on this with hopes of finding somebody doing hydro w the fish watever thats called then i read a bunch of nonsense but im the douche? fuck u 2 homeboy...

Haha... so u gonna critique me on my lack of catch pan? LOL.... ya, u a fucking douche-bag.... go beat off to ur "hydro w the fish whatever thats called" :)
Im on board gagecko, at least you're trying it out instead of just bashing on it! its not like it hurts to try it right? dont plants exchange ions to absorb the nutes anyways? so maybe charging the water with a certain charge could increase this rate or make it easier for the plant. example: like a turbo charger, its not new break through tech. Air was being put in the engine before that, the turbo just forces more air into engine so the engine doesnt have to work to draw in the air resulting in less work for the engine since it doesnt create the negative pressure to draw the air in. maybe, just MAYBE. charging the particles could result in easier in take in the plant and more energy efficient intake means more could be put towards the new growth. just maybe though ;-) point is: dont hate on what you dont understand, learn from it. if it doesnt work, oh well did it effect you at all? No. so fuck off.

better get on my fire proof suit, I see people loading up their flame throwers.

and im pretty sure fish would fuck with PH, so maybe you should take your own advice and "learn the basics" ;-)
Im on board gagecko, at least you're trying it out instead of just bashing on it! its not like it hurts to try it right? dont plants exchange ions to absorb the nutes anyways? so maybe charging the water with a certain charge could increase this rate or make it easier for the plant. example: like a turbo charger, its not new break through tech. Air was being put in the engine before that, the turbo just forces more air into engine so the engine doesnt have to work to draw in the air resulting in less work for the engine since it doesnt create the negative pressure to draw the air in. maybe, just MAYBE. charging the particles could result in easier in take in the plant and more energy efficient intake means more could be put towards the new growth. just maybe though ;-) point is: dont hate on what you dont understand, learn from it. if it doesnt work, oh well did it effect you at all? No. so fuck off.

better get on my fire proof suit, I see people loading up their flame throwers.

and im pretty sure fish would fuck with PH, so maybe you should take your own advice and "learn the basics" ;-)

i dont put my plants on top of carpet and i wouldnt waste my time trying to learn anything from somebody that does
^ so why you still here then? to be an ass? cause the world has enough of those, we need more innovators.
so what if he puts his pots on top of carpet does it stop it from being a viable experiment? No.
yea i wouldnt put my plants on carpet without drip pans, but thats irrelevant.
^ so why you still here then? to be an ass? cause the world has enough of those, we need more innovators.
so what if he puts his pots on top of carpet does it stop it from being a viable experiment? No.
yea i wouldnt put my plants on carpet without drip pans, but thats irrelevant.

yes..... it does stop this from being a viable experiment .... which is why i wanted pictures in the first place ... so i would know if its just some idiot talkn stupid
people saying the earth was round were just some idiots talking stupid at the time..

how would carpet ruin the experiment? yea it could hold moisture and cause molds underneath the pots that could cause some problems. but as fair as effecting whether or not electricity affects nutritional up take I dont see how sitting on carpet could effect it.
Mr.Jimson = Hater......lol and before your start attacking me Mr. Jimson I'm just messing around with you. But for real though....Haters lol
Mr.Jimson = Hater......lol and before your start attacking me Mr. Jimson I'm just messing around with you. But for real though....Haters lol

Mr.jimson= guy that grows pot..... i would spend a pile of money buying a stupid magnet or magnet machine or watever for a 25percent increase in yield but i wont be convinced by a guy that grows on carpet..... kinda makes me think dude has no clue