Unconventional plant cultivation

Anything is possible. If it does work I could see why people might not tell anyone. It's like KFC's recipe for chicken, we know it exists and works for them, but they don't let everyone know what's in it so no one else can replicate it, that way they can corner that specific market. I've heard about restructuring water as well. I remember watching something on t.v. about the ice companies. I can't remember exactly what they were saying, but from what I can remember they had the water vibrating either right before freezing, or while it was freezing, and that's how they make ice that is crystal clear. When you freeze tap water it comes out kinda cloudy looking due to all the stuff that's in it. But I guess if you use purified, filtered, water you wouldn't have to vibrate it to restructure the water since there is nothing in it.
Funny u mention that because I know a guy that owns a few hydroponic shops and has a legal grow op.... He has been using magnetism to restructure his water for years. The magnet that is plumbed directly after his RO sysyem, costs over $500, and he swears by it.
Of course he swears by it - he has something to sell - used car salesmen always make you think you are getting a good deal! That's how they make a living, by taking advantage of, naive, impressionable buyers that don't know any better!

Perhaps he knows something you don't or has heard of something you haven't?
No, I've heard of it. He just knows that if he can make you believe it, he can sell you something!

And about those other links you posted about U.S. Patent Applications. None of that is proof of anything. The granting of a patent does not imply in any way, shape, or form that the U.S. Government declares that the device in question actually works as explained. Or, for that matter, that it was ever even tested by the government or anybody else! Having a patent granted is merely a legal formality so an inventor can establish that he came up with the idea first and had it put on the record! You would be amazed at some of the bogus crap that holds an Official U.S. Patent. Check it out on Google, some of them are really funny!
No, I've heard of it. He just knows that if he can make you believe it, he can sell you something!

And about those other links you posted about U.S. Patent Applications. None of that is proof of anything. The granting of a patent does not imply in any way, shape, or form that the U.S. Government declares that the device in question actually works as explained. Or, for that matter, that it was ever even tested by the government or anybody else! Having a patent granted is merely a legal formality so an inventor can establish that he came up with the idea first and had it put on the record! You would be amazed at some of the bogus crap that holds an Official U.S. Patent. Check it out on Google, some of them are really funny!
Yes, I know about patents... I hold one and I'm working on my second.

I'm not an expert on the topic but there is plenty of written evidence that magnetism, electronic culture, and various unconventional cultivating techniques work. Now the question is does it work for cannabis?

I imagine at one time hydroponics was considered not so useful or questionable as to what extent it worked. Today hydroponics is mainstream and people are refining it every day.

I would hope people would check their negativity at the door and keep an open mind... The arguement "if it worked, we'd already be doing it" is lame and obtuse. If you don't have anything useful to add to the conversation, there's the door - please use it.
I'm guessing most likely nobody here has used any of these unconventional techniques for cultivating cannabis. I have seen no "no it doesn't work, I tried it".... Well, let me say that I am currently doing experiments of this sort and the results are quite surprising.

Will the end result produce a larger yeild? Ill let u know :)
I'm guessing most likely nobody here has used any of these unconventional techniques for cultivating cannabis. I have seen no "no it doesn't work, I tried it".... Well, let me say that I am currently doing experiments of this sort and the results are quite surprising.

Will the end result produce a larger yeild? Ill let u know :)

blah blah blah wheres the pictures
If I had a nickel for every stupid ass gimmick, snake oil, trickery, unconventional lame experiment I've seen in my 15 years posting at cannabis forums.........
If I had a nickel for every stupid ass gimmick, snake oil, trickery, unconventional lame experiment I've seen in my 15 years posting at cannabis forums.........

I recieved some free snakeoil, the nectar of the gods simple nutrient lineup. It's something I would never pay for but it was free and will last me longer than the product is probably good for. Knowing what I'm working with strain wise helps A TON imho.
I'm guessing most likely nobody here has used any of these unconventional techniques for cultivating cannabis. I have seen no "no it doesn't work, I tried it".... Well, let me say that I am currently doing experiments of this sort and the results are quite surprising.

Will the end result produce a larger yeild? Ill let u know :)

There is nothing wrong with giving it a try. I love to try different methods side by side to see if there is any difference or advantages. This one does sound odd, but hey you never know !!

+ reps for your effort to learn the truth....please let me/us know the end result good or bad.
I recieved some free snakeoil, the nectar of the gods simple nutrient lineup. It's something I would never pay for but it was free and will last me longer than the product is probably good for. Knowing what I'm working with strain wise helps A TON imho.

Good luck with that. Do you know what's in it?
If I had a nickel for every stupid ass gimmick, snake oil, trickery, unconventional lame experiment I've seen in my 15 years posting at cannabis forums.........
Well if isn't the legendary uncle ben.. Bro, I give u props cause you know your shitznik about growing but you seem to be about the most negative person when it comes to trying something new. Which "stupid ass gimmick" are you referring to? Anything new? I ask because there is nothing specific here... Perhaps new ideas are gimmicks to you? If so, that's pretty sad bro.
blah blah blah wheres the pictures
Blah, blah, blah urself - mouth.... Did you see in the title of this thread "Check out my grow with new shit (pictures included)"... Prolly not cause I didn't post that. This thread is for open minded people that have possibly tried or want to try a new, unproven, unconventional grow... Not a closed minded douche like yourself. Why not post something constructive? Oh, that's right, you don't got nothing that can benefit anyone - my bad :P
I agree with you gagekko; if I didn't care about, or wasn't interested in unconventional grow techniques, ideas, theories, I sure as hell wouldn't waste my time by leaving negative feedback about them. I think I would just research old-school proven grow techniques ideas & theories LOL.
I agree with you gagekko; if I didn't care about, or wasn't interested in unconventional grow techniques, ideas, theories, I sure as hell wouldn't waste my time by leaving negative feedback about them.
"Unconventional" is one thing! Snake oil and "Tin Foil Helmet" theories are far beyond unconventional. This is Fantasy-land stuff! I find it amusing that each generation "stumbles" upon the idea that magnetism has some mystical effect - as if it were a new concept. There is nothing new about the theory (scam), and there is no credible evidence that it works with any more reliability than a fricken "Ouija Board". It has been around for many decades (that I have been aware of) and, still, there is no proof. Sure, there are always anecdotal stories - someone has to keep this bull shit alive - but there are never any results that can be duplicated (that's the difference between science and voo-doo).

I think I would just research old-school proven grow techniques ideas & theories LOL.
You should have done that first so as to create a foundation of what actually works instead of chasing after some magnetic mumbo-jumbo.

You know what; if I saw a bunch of people, in lab-coats with clipboards and fancy equiptment, who were trying to track down the Easter Bunny - I'd probably mock them too!
You should have done that first so as to create a foundation of what actually works instead of chasing after some magnetic mumbo-jumbo.

You know what; if I saw a bunch of people, in lab-coats with clipboards and fancy equiptment, who were trying to track down the Easter Bunny - I'd probably mock them too!
Sorry bro... But honestly, whether u are a good grower or not is irrelevant. It obvious that you are indeed one lame individual cause you got nothing better to do but try to instill ur ideals on others... I guess we should all give up and not try to experiment with anything new - T H Cammo says it can't be done and to try is worthy of his mocking... Well, if ol' TH says it, that's good enough for me cause TH Cammo obviously knows everything :P
Hemp Husbandry

For all you negative, close minded, know-it-alls.... I'm sure you'll find something wrong with the link or how the information was derived :/

Then why in the hell did you post it up? Anyone can write a book and claim whatever outrageous things they want! The first clue that it's bull shit is that the book is only available from a PO Box in Jean, Nevada - some place calling themselves Rex Research or something like that.

Here is a "Cut and Paste" excerpt from your Hemp Husbandry link:
"Thomas G. Hieronymous discovered that a plant can be grown in complete darkness indoors if it is connected by an insulated wire to a large metal surface that is exposed to sunlight. The plant must be at least 6 feet above ground and insulated to generate a voltage potential or antenna effect. The optimal size of the metal sheet must be determined by experiment so as to avoid sunburn (too large) or yellowing (too small). Plants cultivated in this manner will develop normally, while control plants will be stunted. "

Do you really believe that crap? Complete darkness, no photosynthesis? To me it sounds too good to be true - oh yeah, that's because it is pure bull shit! And you think I'm lame for mocking you - if you have the ability, I suggest you get back on your meds and contact your shrink because you need serious help. Really!

It's not bad enough that you admit to subscribing to a totally bogus theory, but you had to bring it here to the Advanced Marijuana Cultivation forum. What kind of a reception did you expect? Even Uncle Ben told you it was "Snake Oil". You obviousely lack the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy (fact from fiction); apearantly you will believe anything that is printed in a book. Grow up and figure it out!
Hemp Husbandry

For all you negative, close minded, know-it-alls.... I'm sure you'll find something wrong with the link or how the information was derived :/

After 12 years in print, you'd think think this Robert A. Nelson charactor should have won a Noble Prize for revealing such a scientific bonanza, if it were true!
This thread makes me blue.

I know that it's easy to say "magic mumbo jumbo" when talking about electromagnetic fields, or simply magnetism. I believe it's because few understand this topic, including me.
So educate yourself, and you'll quickly find out that LIGHT in fact are electromagnetic waves!

"EMR is classified according to the frequency of its wave. The electromagnetic spectrum, in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength, consists of radio waves, microwaves, infared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. The eyses of various organisms sense a small and somewhat variable window of frequencies of EMR called the visible spectrum.

"The photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic interaction".

So light are electromagnetic waves, and magnetism and elec is two sides of the same coin!

So I don't rule out the use of EMF for plants, as it's so closely related to light energy.
But in real life, I see nothing (haven't search either). This might be something botanic classes will teach in the future, or it might be of no use for plants.

Weird.... writing about stuff you don't know shit about. I just did it, was easy :-)

I hope somebody with knowlegde/education discover this thread, and enlighten it.
Then why in the hell did you post it up? Anyone can write a book and claim whatever outrageous things they want! The first clue that it's bull shit is that the book is only available from a PO Box in Jean, Nevada - some place calling themselves Rex Research or something like that.

Here is a "Cut and Paste" excerpt from your Hemp Husbandry link:
"Thomas G. Hieronymous discovered that a plant can be grown in complete darkness indoors if it is connected by an insulated wire to a large metal surface that is exposed to sunlight. The plant must be at least 6 feet above ground and insulated to generate a voltage potential or antenna effect. The optimal size of the metal sheet must be determined by experiment so as to avoid sunburn (too large) or yellowing (too small). Plants cultivated in this manner will develop normally, while control plants will be stunted. "

Do you really believe that crap? Complete darkness, no photosynthesis? To me it sounds too good to be true - oh yeah, that's because it is pure bull shit! And you think I'm lame for mocking you - if you have the ability, I suggest you get back on your meds and contact your shrink because you need serious help. Really!

It's not bad enough that you admit to subscribing to a totally bogus theory, but you had to bring it here to the Advanced Marijuana Cultivation forum. What kind of a reception did you expect? Even Uncle Ben told you it was "Snake Oil". You obviousely lack the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy (fact from fiction); apearantly you will believe anything that is printed in a book. Grow up and figure it out!
OMG, Are you a complete moron? Of course I don't believe everything on that site... The information does contain references for verification.... How many did you verify? Zero? that's what I thought.

Both you and "Uncle Ben" are a bunch of closed minded simpletons - you just regurgitate the ol' "tried and true" methods. God forbid you should try something new. Why don't you just go away? Is your life so lame that you got nothing better to do to argue against something that you yourself haven't even tried and not willing to try? Damn, I gotta say that you are pathetic. Go talk to your plants - I hear that makes them grow too :/