Under A Cabin In The Woods of AK - AUH#2, White Rhino, Carolina, and MTU.


Well-Known Member
As I explained to a few folks, I was attempting a life saving maneuver on a moose calf that was stranded in the middle of the river above our camp when a line snapped and tossed me and my new cam into the water. Needless to say class three rapids dont make for easy recovery of anything....

I have been sick ever since, down with a nasty cold and unable to get much done. I will order yet ANOTHER camera ASAP. I suppose I could go take a few snap shots of the situations with my wife's cell phone thingy...

Quality would be lacking to say the least, but I think you would be able to see what I am talking about.
Sorry about all this folks, unforeseen challenges are the name of the game here in my neck of the woods. I am just rolling with the punches and hope you all have the patients to do the same.

On another note: I see that there is interest in the life style here and was wondering if you folks would be interested in seeing more of my area. I have no problems with showing you around. What do you think???


Well-Known Member
Bring Alaska to RIU woodsman... all your shots so far have been amazing.. gotta love a big ole moose strolling through the yard...amazing you get to see that so often, very envious!


Well-Known Member

awsome man, meat in the freezer.

its awsome to see an alaskan on here, my room mate spent alot of time up there.

he's told me stories of some of the dankest bud ever coming from outdoor alaskan grows. they were using plastic to make a green house and a thermal vent to melt water and keep it +freesing for the durration of the season.

long story short "alaskan thunderfuck" is some of the best stuff i've ever seen, heard of or tasted.


Well-Known Member
Whhhheeewww, Big Boy DOWN!

Sorry I didn't get right back to you folks, I ran out and put one through the dude, then the work began. But what a stud this old bull is, I would say hes a 10 year old bull at least and his rack measures 71 inches. Not typically the bull I would take considering the meat tends to be tough, but its hard to pass up bulls that stand 20 yards from my freezer! LOL

At any rate I did get some shots of the plants. Like I said, they are less than quality but I think you will get the point.

Tomorrow I will make an effort to show you around my neck of the woods. I look forward to showing you some of my favorite places.


Well-Known Member
Meet Carolina Blue!

Next is Jacks Cleaner.

Followed by the latest AUH#2 Clone

Lastly Beasters AKA Chucky, the last photo is under natural light for color perspective



Well-Known Member
As you can tell the A pheno has less foliage. This can be contributed to loss. These plants have lost buckets and buckets of leaves. As much as they have lost they replaced, but you can imagine what they would be like if in good health.




Well-Known Member
dam thats so badass you just go out in your yard and take down a huge moose. thats some shit you will never see in most places. your girls look pretty dam good for all the leaves lost. keep the pics comin.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Meet Carolina Blue!

Next is Jacks Cleaner.

Followed by the latest AUH#2 Clone

Lastly Beasters AKA Chucky, the last photo is under natural light for color perspective
I'm enjoying the updates

Carolina blue has huge fan leaves, but not so much sativa looking. Interesting

Chucky looks good too, very blue foliage

Keep 'em coming :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the nice comments folks! Glad to have YOU back Canefan. Floridasucks, Floridas not that bad I have lived in Jackson, Panama City, and Key West. I enjoyed walking into my back yard to collect crab pots full of yummy blues, spearing snapper, taking a ride out to catch the most beautiful green and blue dolphin's you ever did see. Florida ain't so bad buddy, its what you make of it. I know you can see the lighter side of things by your kind comment. Jimmypot, LOVE the avatar, that guys a hell of an actor! As for MTU, it will never be lost! If its up to me, some day you will. Thanks for the look folks!!!