Unknown issues with grow


Well-Known Member
alright what i recomened is a flush then a shot of blood meal and a watering of nutes at 1/4 power. also 42w of cfl isnt sufficient enough you want 70-100w minimal for decent growth and bud production.

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty decent. But the plant will still be growing in nutrient deficient soil. Adding nutrients from the top of the soil is kinda deficient because you can't spread the nutes evenly in your pot. There will be patches in your pot where the deficient soil exists, making the recovery slower. What about removing that deficient soil and replacing it with MG efficient soil. And the MG enriched soil i'm referencing is mixed with gardening lime. It contains high levels of all the micro nutrients, and instantly should help with majority of our deficiencies. Your roots will instanly be able to take in your missing nutrients, and the will be distributed evenly throught out your pot.


Well I tried the epsoms salt and that seemed to make things much worse...since then I have repotted it, flushed it thoroughly with ph'd filtered water, got an additive called dr repair and got some better grow lights. I'm on 1/2 strength on calmag, mother earth, and dr repair...we'll see how this goes....question, has anyone tried using hps during veg stage?


Well-Known Member
Well I tried the epsoms salt and that seemed to make things much worse...since then I have repotted it, flushed it thoroughly with ph'd filtered water, got an additive called dr repair and got some better grow lights. I'm on 1/2 strength on calmag, mother earth, and dr repair...we'll see how this goes....question, has anyone tried using hps during veg stage?
i had the same experience with epsom salts many grows ago, but never forgot the lesson
be cautious with hitting it with all the extra stuff, fresh soil should have enough nutes for a while
i see plenty of growers that veg under hps, some fluorescents for more blue spectrum would help, but you can veg with just a hps

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
This should fix things! Give us a pic update
Well I tried the epsoms salt and that seemed to make things much worse...since then I have repotted it, flushed it thoroughly with ph'd filtered water, got an additive called dr repair and got some better grow lights. I'm on 1/2 strength on calmag, mother earth, and dr repair...we'll see how this goes....question, has anyone tried using hps during veg stage?


Pic update soon, starting to think my soil isn't the best of quality. It seems to be very dense and maybe preventing root growth. Oh well, you live and you learn...


long over due pic update...mmmm

shes made a big turn around. still getting some discolored leaves and fan leaves dying off but nothing to be too concerned about. not bad for a bag seed



Well-Known Member
i'd say now(nute cutting, not plant cutting), ripening appears to be pretty well advanced
giving a close look with a magnifier will help, see how the trichomes are doing


alright, just got my magnifier in the mail...the trichomes all appear to be milky or even clear still. So my question is, how long do i have until they will start turning amber? Do i have time for 1 more nute feed before i cut off the nutes?


Well-Known Member
every plant can be different
if this the 1st time eyeballing the trichomes, do it as much as you have time for
you'll get a feel for how the plant is ripening
and use all the information, the plant should look 'ripe', there's a good thread called Zeus's take on harvesting, the idea being if it looks ripe, it is ripe


Active Member
It looks over watered and under fed to me . The plant is smarter then people give it credit for . It will pull nutes from lower leaves to feed the top ones . when it does they will turn yellow and fall off . The first thing you should do if lower stuff starts to turn yellow is look at the water schedule and see if you have been over watering ? Then look at the new growth and see if it is light green . Both indicate that she is hungry . Don't panic try a bigger pot it will help with drainage . And son't be afraid to up the nutes . If your tips just start turning yellow then you know that's about what she can handle and not much more . The amount of food she can take will change during the life cycle . Every twisted leaf tip . yellow tip ,spot or streak they all mean something . The girls are always telling you what they want/need . If human chicks were this simple we would have life so much easier ... good luck


^ Thanks for the input....Not sure if you read my most recent posts or just read my first post? but I think she's doing alright....maybe some minor problems but i started off with a poor soil so i think drainage might be an issue. Def not over watered, im a pretty good judge of when it needs water or not...I usually water ever 6-8 days. anywho, do you have an input on my harvest?

chicken bob

Active Member
i think u really turned this around (read every post) it was kinda like a happy ending i was reading along thinkin man this guys growing in some thick mud ...... then bam buds..... they will be ready soon if your a flusher start now looks like ten more days to me maybe 2 weeks but i think sooner


Active Member
Ya bro just finished the post, great come back. U put a lot of work into it. As far as harvest I watch the trics and try to be patient...
+rep for a great finish


thanks ya'll ^ its been quite the learning experience, definitely going to be alot different next time around. I am very pleased with her turn around and how she is turning out...Overall growth of the plant is still ridiculously slow, going to be close to 5 months when all is said and done...but well worth it though.

So right now i've got her on Calmag, Mother Earth Bloom Super Tea 3-2-5, Bloombastic... Should i completely stop all nutes? Or can i keep the bloombastic going? Is there anything i can add to the soil to sweeten up the nugs or is it to late at this point?