Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have no idea how anyone with taste buds can drink pepsi. It as if you opened a coke left in open on the dash of your car in the middle of summer for 2 weeks then drank it soo disgusting..Doesnt the new logo look like the Stay free maxi pads logo they show on tv lol


Well-Known Member
The Old School Skunk, if you all went within 50 feet of my house lastnight while I was trimming. Bet you would have come a knockin!!!!! Smelled like a semi just ran over an whole family of skunks, cousins included. Cant wait to smoke some........



Well-Known Member
Heres some of the latest pics of my girls.

2.WW mother
3-4.WW clones
5. WW mother
6. Big ass powerskunk bud

Hope you guys enjoy!!


Well-Known Member
lol, if your asking him regarding those pics he quoted, its actually my garden. Most of the plants you can see have about 3-4 weeks left, they are all sativas, and I'm trying to give them 13-14 weeks. Other 2 in the pics are WW, and I harvested the larger of the two on sunday. Got 380g wet, with no stem weight. Theres harvest pics in my journal, just didn't have time to post them here yet, maybe tonight if you guys wanna see them. PEace TC


Well-Known Member
OH! my bad TC I see whats going on now, Duh! Well this is your new best bud whom you will share all of your stuff with :Dragonsmoke!