I think it would become more about what country had the best doctors, LOL the MD Olympicsi honestly don't understand the anti doping for sports.. come on people, these are games, meant for our entertainment.. these aren't people who are writing our laws, or doing anything meaningful, who the hell cares if they want to take performance enhancing drugs. it has zero effect on anyone's lives, zilch, nada, have at it. let the best man or woman or drug company win.. bring home the gold.. rah rah rah..
seriously though, i just don't understand why it's so forbidden for an adult playing a kids game to take a performance enhancing drug for our entertainment.. jimmi hendrix was an entertainer and took huge amounts of drugs, made things better for him and me as far as i'm concerned.

I don't know. These are huge questions I could not wrestle with my simple mind. It's why I took up surgery, remove, repair, replace for flat rate service hours