Update on MJ12Led light

Be lucky if you get 14 g dry from the ones on the top Row.Get a HPS light and starting getting good weights,or even a couple of Mars LEDs ,would do far better ,ya would get 1/2 lb from 2 Mars LEDs easy if that's the way you want to grow .that middle one is a not so good looking 8th.if your Lucky.14 g for all your effort is it worth it,you can grow ,it's just the lights letting you down
Were just growers that dont struggle with hps and find a lot of what your saying not true in our grow rooms.

On Vapour pressure deficiet, most of what you read online is false and the actual equation is one bitch to get all readings let alone complete. Vpd is secondary to other factors and again if these considerations not applied then you cannot ever understand its complexity. Its easier to say a plant still transpires at 105% humidity and let you work backwards till you can hold that conversation on another thread not here.

This was never going to be an easy conversation between me and led science, i bring much more feasable answers which slander yours and dont portray hps as such a red hot flaming beast.

So yer i applied ir heat and light to photosynthesis and small tent growing in response to the obvious and soooo wot? :-)
Our one-trick pony is at it again. :sleep:

Show us your plants... :roll:
Our one-trick pony is at it again. :sleep:

Show us your plants... :roll:

Stop standing in the way of the real science then, even i stand to be wrong but not by that much. I can never hold that conversation until you drop the led heat rubbish and inaccurate ppfd they struggle with.

Before this the science was in agreement, leds went in a tangent and now its a debate. God even some came close to hps with trained t5 flourescent grows, its not a high target by any means but leds are not surpassing hps just yet and for years ive been quiet whilst they backtrack and make fresh claims whilst rubbishing there last.

Even then leds are a rippoff unless you go cheapo and blurple, there far too much for bigger grows and ive seen snakeoil cost less with fewer skin sheddings.

Years here you see fads come and go, im feeling that upto now leds are just that, couple of years and ill get this years latest model for a tenth of the price. I run hps because i worked long and hard to get it to work, sure seemed like heat stress when i first got one but boy was i wrong cause they love that light :-)
Stop standing in the way of the real science then, even i stand to be wrong but not by that much. I can never hold that conversation until you drop the led heat rubbish and inaccurate ppfd they struggle with.

Before this the science was in agreement, leds went in a tangent and now its a debate. God even some came close to hps with trained t5 flourescent grows, its not a high target by any means but leds are not surpassing hps just yet and for years ive been quiet whilst they backtrack and make fresh claims whilst rubbishing there last.

Even then leds are a rippoff unless you go cheapo and blurple, there far too much for bigger grows and ive seen snakeoil cost less with fewer skin sheddings.

Years here you see fads come and go, im feeling that upto now leds are just that, couple of years and ill get this years latest model for a tenth of the price. I run hps because i worked long and hard to get it to work, sure seemed like heat stress when i first got one but boy was i wrong cause they love that light :-)
So many posts, so few likes. :dunce:

You are a fraud and unqualified to give advice on anything.


Show us your plants... :roll:
Not all leds are trash, but some are.

Hps is not NEARLY as hard to grow with as many led users think. It was just the only light used for like... what? 20 plus years?

Lights on at night, lots of air moved, really not complicated. Even the hottest month of summer here it will top out at 68-70 at night. Easy peasy.
Most New grower get say 2 HPS Light,then a 4 inch out let ,I use 2 600's and a 8 inch out let 4 inch inlet 2 16 inch Oss wall fans,and that room runs Cooler than my t5 Room.Im not saying LEDs arnt worth using ,because there ok for certain areas.I would rather grow 2 plants under 2 of the LEDs I use,and produce 1/2 lb of dry bud than have to buy shit or crappy .8 for a tenner of the little wanna be wanksters.I am using a led in one of my rooms vegging,they love it in there.If you look at my last led grow ,The Blueberry Gum ,that plant was Amazing structure.Bud Quality was real high grade.If I could have done that under the HPS lights I would have been well happy with a couple of lb of that .The Quality of the End Product was all ways great ,one thing I have to say .I ain't done with the lights yet ,gonna use both LEDs over the LAKush,then after that I want to flower 6 clones,real small see I can get better results with smaller plants scrog.while where on that has anyone done Blueberry Gum # 2 .
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You gonna stand for that King a Grow,some one pass that spoon this needs stirring

I dont take offence, theres a bigger picture here and i'm not perfect either.

Been here before with a few subjects, always come out ok.

Blame my stubborn Welsh attitude mainly :-)
Not all leds are trash, but some are.

Hps is not NEARLY as hard to grow with as many led users think. It was just the only light used for like... what? 20 plus years?

Lights on at night, lots of air moved, really not complicated. Even the hottest month of summer here it will top out at 68-70 at night. Easy peasy.

leds have a whole subset of science to make hps growing complicated AND sell a lot of exspensive light :-)
You gonna stand for that King a Grow,some one pass that spoon this needs stirring
He doesn't grow.
Probably tried & failed -- now he's an expert. :roll:

He loves trolling LED forums to defend HID lighting, and has tried to pick fights with me even though I've told him repeatedly that I grow with HID.

So now I'm trolling him just to ruin his stupid little game.

The troll has become the trolled... :twisted:

Heres his thread. Plants look good overall to me. The choice of container seems a little small to me but thats no big deal im sure he will transplant soon enough to make no real differance. Not too streched out
Meh, his plants look OK.
At least we know he actually has a few plants.

But given how superior he thinks his grow methods are & the quantity of advice he gives out, I expected more. :roll:
On this forum saying someones plants look ok, or alright is actually a pretty big compliment since we are all such shittalkers, an pretty sure hes just backin me up when purpsmagups tryed saying some crazy shit/claiming im making stuff up. I got no reason to make stuff up, ive seen plenty an done plenty. Recognize the rocks i been around the block enough times haha
Meh, his plants look OK.
At least we know he actually has a few plants.

But given how superior he thinks his grow methods are & the quantity of advice he gives out, I expected more. :roll:

Yer im totally average at growing as with everything else, sucks but if thats what god wills so be it as im still getting high.

As this is an led thread i will say that led science is wrong. Im probably a few steps of what it really is but no way im believing leds, this site got over run is the reason it even peaked.

So much debate the truth is not available, a better idea and approach desperatly needed...
Yer im totally average at growing as with everything else, sucks but if thats what god wills so be it as im still getting high.

As this is an led thread i will say that led science is wrong. Im probably a few steps of what it really is but no way im believing leds, this site got over run is the reason it even peaked.

So much debate the truth is not available, a better idea and approach desperatly needed...
What is led science? Never heard of that.