Thanks so much for the link and information. Look I am a nice guy and if I was know it all ,8 wouldn’t be here asking for advice. It’s just you see how rude people get here and I’m the kind of person that gives what he gets, you’re nice to me and I’m nice to you for example. So the rude ones got rude answer.
as for the link, I checked but unfortunately didn’t see my problem displayed on a pic. Possibly it’s described in the description but I wouldn’t know without a comparable pic. Is it possible to buy some sorta tester that can tell all nutrients in soil and point out deficiencies?from what I know it’s measured in general all nutrients as ppm and one shouldn’t exceed 1000. Is that the only way?
Why in the fuck would I give two shits about cannabis company stock prices? Again, if you could read, I've been growing for nearly three decades. I am against the legalization greed grab, and all of those LPs need to see their share price drop through the floor.

Perhaps if your cannabis market analysis abilities were as good as your cannabis growing abilities... wait, never mind.

It's especially entertaining if you just randomly gamble on the market without doing any research, but that's just your type. However, with that said, I am very confident that you buying stock is just another lie to gain attention to your pitiful self.
I thought you were finally gone ? I don’t need to lie to get attention , look how much I got already ! I own 2 cannabis stocks, both Canadian and both shit. I invest in stock market everyday, I’m no Warren Buffet but I can tell you the only stocks I ever lost in were cannabis stocks. In over a year I at least got paid some dividends but these garbage stocks actually take money from me , like 30 cent fee I recently saw. So zero gains and 90% loss. I invested in these stocks naturally thinking it will be more valuable now cannabis is legal in Canada. But after 2 years of seeing how you guys cannot handle this industry at all, I am not surprised to see these stocks devalue. And point wasn’t for you to give a fuck about these companies, point is, if you’re so smart then make a difference ! The only difference you made is bitch here, Canadian cannabis stocks are still garbage, weed is scarce in entire country, poor selection and I can just go on and on...
I thought you were finally gone ? I don’t need to lie to get attention , look how much I got already ! I own 2 cannabis stocks, both Canadian and both shit. I invest in stock market everyday, I’m no Warren Buffet but I can tell you the only stocks I ever lost in were cannabis stocks. In over a year I at least got paid some dividends but these garbage stocks actually take money from me , like 30 cent fee I recently saw. So zero gains and 90% loss. I invested in these stocks naturally thinking it will be more valuable now cannabis is legal in Canada. But after 2 years of seeing how you guys cannot handle this industry at all, I am not surprised to see these stocks devalue. And point wasn’t for you to give a fuck about these companies, point is, if you’re so smart then make a difference ! The only difference you made is bitch here, Canadian cannabis stocks are still garbage, weed is scarce in entire country, poor selection and I can just go on and on...
Finally! If you know so much about cannabis maybe you should go educate growers around you and not on internet! Worst cannabis stocks are in Canada yet cannabis is legal nationwide and demand if bigger than the supply . Yet every Canadian cannabis stock worth nothing and everyday devalues to even more nothing. So a Canadian grower would be the last one I seed advice from... figure out your own shit first and then go teach others. Had you known so Much about cannabis your stocks would have skyrocketed when it became legal nationwide. In contrary it devalued like 90%. I bought $100 worth of best cannabis stocks in Canada last year , now it’s worth $19. Has cannabis been legalized in US, the stocks would worth as much as Tesla now. Peace
See told you had something out for @spek9 it’s cause he’s from Canada. What a tool this guy is.
These are the plants growing right now. For the one flowering I don’t even remember if I ever gave any nutrition to, certainly not in the last few months which I only been watering. And tap water which is well over 9 Ph! The second pic, mama Mia actually flowered then went back to veg state. Grown solely on water and nothing else, again very alkaline water! So don’t you be yelling at me here that I don’t know how to grow! You being so anal about everything about every detail and you still get occasional problems! For someone who just dumps a seed in a pot and feeds with super alkaline water then have this beautiful flowering is pretty damn , why don’t you try to harvest this way and then tell me I don’t know how to grow! I know how to grow and I expected to meet likeminded individuals , not the wannabes that recently joined and all of a sudden feel like they are the boss and now it all and one has to kiss their ass to get such a valuable information out. Wether you help or not, I will eventually figure the problem out and when I do, you won’t ever find out what it was because you’ve been nothing but rude to me. Frankly I didn’t expect to find an answer, like I said I’ve read 10000s of other posts and never ever seen anyone pin pointing the problem, every one starts their lucky guesses listing all 100 possible problems smh. But I wanted to give it a try hoping I’ll find my answer faster- instead this app been just aggravation and waste of time.


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Do you even have any idea of what we said the problem was?
Omg just fuck off already, you’re just a disgusting person! You will simply keep repeating same dumbass thing Over and over. Any normal human being would have already said it, not you. You have to linger around like a moron you are. I don’t care to know what it is from you and I don’t care to hear from you ever again. So peace off!
These are the plants growing right now. For the one flowering I don’t even remember if I ever gave any nutrition to, certainly not in the last few months which I only been watering. And tap water which is well over 9 Ph! The second pic, mama Mia actually flowered then went back to veg state. Grown solely on water and nothing else, again very alkaline water! So don’t you be yelling at me here that I don’t know how to grow! You being so anal about everything about every detail and you still get occasional problems! For someone who just dumps a seed in a pot and feeds with super alkaline water then have this beautiful flowering is pretty damn , why don’t you try to harvest this way and then tell me I don’t know how to grow! I know how to grow and I expected to meet likeminded individuals , not the wannabes that recently joined and all of a sudden feel like they are the boss and now it all and one has to kiss their ass to get such a valuable information out. Wether you help or not, I will eventually figure the problem out and when I do, you won’t ever find out what it was because you’ve been nothing but rude to me. Frankly I didn’t expect to find an answer, like I said I’ve read 10000s of other posts and never ever seen anyone pin pointing the problem, every one starts their lucky guesses listing all 100 possible problems smh. But I wanted to give it a try hoping I’ll find my answer faster- instead this app been just aggravation and waste of time.
I think you have just proved you can't