The definition of “Organic” isn’t open to opinion. we Have dictionaries for a reason, you might want to pick one up. What makes you think I need your approval for anything? If I wanted my plants to look like the photos you posted, I’d follow the advice of YouTube and IG growers.
Yeah ok let me rephrase it for you then, I grow organic without any shit! All you have been is a mouth. Why don’t you let actions speak louder than words? You saw my ugly plants so let’s see your beautiful ones
The definition of “Organic” isn’t open to opinion. we Have dictionaries for a reason, you might want to pick one up. What makes you think I need your approval for anything? If I wanted my plants to look like the photos you posted, I’d follow the advice of YouTube and IG growers.
any of his photos have blown away your way over dark green leaves and purple stems. That why you won’t show us a pic in regular light. You know that purple light is the only thing keeping you from looking like a fool. But we all see it anyway.
Oh fuck you! What a moron ! How disgusted I am by this post, I’m not even gonna check! You are so worthless I can’t even call a human being that you will go to any lengths to try to prove your idiocy to be right. Sitting there trashing perfectly growing plants should be more than just words, I hope you’ll get punished by nature for trashing it’a Perfect works. And I just can’t stress enough on your stupidity because there is probably not much brain cell to even hold that, but had you read my post about these plants that they are growing just on water, would make even the stupidest man on earth to realize yeah sure they might be deficient in something. Point was that cannabis grows on anything and anyhow and if you’re too stupid to understand that, just go kill yourself cuz I don’t see any worth in a person that cannot simply cannot comprehend of what’s been said even though over and over and over ....
Lol urgent help needed; I am not giving my plants the care that they want. Get real dude. I've culled plants that look better than that garbage
Trying to avoid putting "death" into your soil? Didn't see any of your crabs or lobsters chilling on top of your pots. Genius grower
Oh boy another fucking moron that knows nothing but mouth a size of an asshole! First of you wanna be that smart, let’s not go to dead crabs and lobsters. Let’s go to soil itself, do you know how many things and how many of your ancestors are dead in it!? So first off there is death in every soil! Secondly what I said I don’t want death in my garden , I referred to exactly nutrients that haven’t even been composted , that still smells like death! And that’s what bat shit, blood meal and some other shit are! My lobster compost had been so decomposted that there is zero evidence any crab or lobster even been near this soil! I could have of course explained this more polite, but I did in accordance to your response. So there genius!
Thank you so much for this info !

My pleasure. This thread is full of fun nonsense, so I don't blame you if you don't make it through the whole thing. Because of that, I'll re-post the following link. It's a good writeup of the different nutrients, and what each one does in and for the plant. Be sure to click each of the "How to spot" buttons under each individual nutrient, as the subsequent page has much more detail about the nute, and how to troubleshoot deficiency:
any of his photos have blown away your way over dark green leaves and purple stems. That why you won’t show us a pic in regular light. You know that purple light is the only thing keeping you from looking like a fool. But we all see it anyway.
To be fair, I do have this growing in another small tent. I’m pretty sure this is a shitty breed (seeds from cross pollinated herm) because it looks like it’s having Mg issues that the other strains I started this with look normal. All three of the seeds from this one strain are super purple. I’m also posting this so OP can try to ridicule me.
To be fair, I do have this growing in another small tent. I’m pretty sure this is a shitty breed (seeds from cross pollinated herm) because it looks like it’s having Mg issues that the other strains I started this with look normal. All three of the seeds from this one strain are super purple. I’m also posting this so OP can try to ridicule me.
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That looks just like his plant!

youll still yield more just sayin
My pleasure. This thread is full of fun nonsense, so I don't blame you if you don't make it through the whole thing. Because of that, I'll re-post the following link. It's a good writeup of the different nutrients, and what each one does in and for the plant. Be sure to click each of the "How to spot" buttons under each individual nutrient, as the subsequent page has much more detail about the nute, and how to troubleshoot deficiency:

Awesome thank you again for the interesting info and link !
Oh my goodness I will be a YouTube star you watch ! It’s people like you who are dangerous and shouldn’t be listed to! People like you are the ones that push all commercial fertilizing because you brainwash people that they can’t grow without them. Here is a photo for you genius. All these seeds were dumped in a pot and growing without any nutrients and hardly any water. Oh and not to mentioned all these seeds are harvested by me. So there for all of you that are saying I don’t know how to grow! Shame on all of you that said that like perfect you with your perfect technique - never encountered any problems smh... I wish you to encounter them and many more ! In the pix attached are seeds that simply were dumped in a pot without any care in the world which includes I forgot last time I watered them. So no need to sit here brainwash anyone! Truth is cannabis will grow even on shit! Oh wait it grows even better on shit!
Simply proved my point. You are a rock star lol
The definition of “Organic” isn’t open to opinion. we Have dictionaries for a reason, you might want to pick one up. What makes you think I need your approval for anything? If I wanted my plants to look like the photos you posted, I’d follow the advice of YouTube and IG growers.
I just checked your profile since your have a big brazen mouth. Goodness and then you’re talking about not taking advice from YouTubers and IG? They should take your advice right? The one where you don’t know anything. I saw your lousy postings, I thought for a huge mouth like yours, you have golden information there. You don’t even fucking know how much is too much light! So to answer to that poor person who never got answers he was seeking, it’s very simple. Light must cover entire grow tent, there can be extra free space on the edges but the more you cover with light the better. 2. It makes a huge difference which light to buy and to which give a following answer, there are lousy lights that don’t do anything, you can literally have your plant touching the LED and it still won’t burn. Such weak LED’s you can put a hundred of them in a tent and you still won’t burn your plants , they don’t work well because they don’t have enough power, that includes all the major top rated lights such as Electric Sky, SpiderFarmer, MarsHydro, GR8 LED, Kind LED and I believe these are all the garbage that I had to go thru in order to find the perfect light. When you have a powerful light you must keep your plants min 20 inches apart or else you’ll get burn. If you don’t get your plants burned in 10 inch distance then you can toss your garbage light as I have. Once you get a powerful light, you only need what manufacturers suggests which usually they state coverage area, such as 2x2. So in my tent I have 2 lights that cover 2x2 area. So I got it fully covered in 2x4 tent. Now this is an expert answer, not oh I don’t know ... da fuck do you know ? It’s ok not to know anything as long as you’re not a dick, but you’re acting here not only like the shit, and not even like you own this forum, but even more like you know all answers, rest are idiots and one need to beg you for help. God forbid to ever be dependent on someone especially people like you. So once again, I don’t give a shit how loud you scream there, when you got zero actions to prove. You got one lousy photo of some plant on your profile and that’s it a freaking world’s best genius expert all of a sudden smh.
Simply proved my point. You are a rock star lol
Well thank you for that! I’m not a rock star yet, but I will be. You watch, I will solve all my problems without any of your help and I won’t share any information with you, if you’ll wanna learn you’ll have to come to my channel.
To be fair, I do have this growing in another small tent. I’m pretty sure this is a shitty breed (seeds from cross pollinated herm) because it looks like it’s having Mg issues that the other strains I started this with look normal. All three of the seeds from this one strain are super purple. I’m also posting this so OP can try to ridicule me.
View attachment 4556553
And you are screaming the loudest and trashing my plants? You should not only be ashamed to what you have done to this poor living thing , but also shut the fuck up before giving any advice! Who the hell would even listen to you!?!?! Exactly nobody after seeing actions! Ya all sound and scream louder than anybody here but once asked for proof, here it comes , this pic just told me and everybody everything they need to know about you!
Well thank you for that! I’m not a rock star yet, but I will be. You watch, I will solve all my problems without any of your help and I won’t share any information with you, if you’ll wanna learn you’ll have to come to my channel.
No one here wants to learn what you know. Point blank period
I just checked your profile since your have a big brazen mouth. Goodness and then you’re talking about not taking advice from YouTubers and IG? They should take your advice right? The one where you don’t know anything. I saw your lousy postings, I thought for a huge mouth like yours, you have golden information there. You don’t even fucking know how much is too much light! So to answer to that poor person who never got answers he was seeking, it’s very simple. Light must cover entire grow tent, there can be extra free space on the edges but the more you cover with light the better. 2. It makes a huge difference which light to buy and to which give a following answer, there are lousy lights that don’t do anything, you can literally have your plant touching the LED and it still won’t burn. Such weak LED’s you can put a hundred of them in a tent and you still won’t burn your plants , they don’t work well because they don’t have enough power, that includes all the major top rated lights such as Electric Sky, SpiderFarmer, MarsHydro, GR8 LED, Kind LED and I believe these are all the garbage that I had to go thru in order to find the perfect light. When you have a powerful light you must keep your plants min 20 inches apart or else you’ll get burn. If you don’t get your plants burned in 10 inch distance then you can toss your garbage light as I have. Once you get a powerful light, you only need what manufacturers suggests which usually they state coverage area, such as 2x2. So in my tent I have 2 lights that cover 2x2 area. So I got it fully covered in 2x4 tent. Now this is an expert answer, not oh I don’t know ... da fuck do you know ? It’s ok not to know anything as long as you’re not a dick, but you’re acting here not only like the shit, and not even like you own this forum, but even more like you know all answers, rest are idiots and one need to beg you for help. God forbid to ever be dependent on someone especially people like you. So once again, I don’t give a shit how loud you scream there, when you got zero actions to prove. You got one lousy photo of some plant on your profile and that’s it a freaking world’s best genius expert all of a sudden smh.
I’ve never seen stems so purple! It looks like they’ve been holding their breath for a week.
I have been worried about that as well. I know purple stems can also mean very acidic soil. So it’s just so many things it can be. But at least I can rule out temperature. So my best guess is that I either have too much nitrogen in soil or deficient on some micro element. But there is also another reason why it can be purple. These are clones and they went thru stress going from flower stage to veg. Possibly it’s been stressed from that and will eventually gain green color, but it’s been about 2 months now. Also, when I first planted them, I wasn’t giving any nutrition, just water because I had them in lobster compost. I only started giving nutrients when I saw slow growth, so I can’t believe I somehow overdid nitrogen but possibly because my first guess was not enough nitrogen so I gave it more. At least I can scratch out nitrogen deficiency. As I said it’s hard to pinpoint , I was just hoping someone had same exact problem and can say oh yeah I’ve dealt with it! But all I’ve heard was oh yeah I know what it is but I won’t tell you
No one here wants to learn what you know. Point blank period
Great so fuck off my post then! I don’t know how dumbass people like you come here to express their opinion when it was clearly asked not to. So unless you want me and entire world to think you’re a complete dumbass, just leave this post quietly.