I just checked maxi grow and bloom fertilizers. It’s all 100% chemicals. General hydroponics is 100% unnatural and 100% chemicals - all their products no exception. I suppose it’s one’s choice how and what they wanna consume, but I’d like to tell you something that will make you wonder a few things. When you buy strawberries in a grocery market, do you enjoy them? Nobody does, they are gross , no taste and should never be called strawberry since it doesn’t even smell like one. Now ask yourself how is it grown? Hydroponically or maybe even in soil but still on chemicals that’s why you get big pretty fruit with shitty taste. That applies to all fruits and vegetables in US. Now what makes you think that cannabis is any different from all these other plants ? So my belief is you will taste the difference In cannabis for sure from grown on soil and grown hydro. One thing I know for sure is that I had many rashes and breakouts after smoking premium flowers purchased from dispensaries. My thought on that, it’s all the chemicals you’re ingesting. So sure flowers will look all pretty and fat, but remember about the chemicals you’ll be consuming . Frankly my personal belief for cancer warnings on cannabis products is not for cannabis but for how it was grown- 100% chemicals. So yes your tree is pretty and all, and I can easily achieve same results! You think I can’t buy maxi gro? Sure I can, and I just googled what’s in it, and even if was gonna give wings to my plants- I won’t use it nor I would recommend anyone using it for the reasons I mentioned. In nature they are not loaded with chemicals like that, they grow in regular soil and take time. We wanna speed it up without thinking of consequences but truly the consequences will be in our health. I can’t stand weed from dispensaries anymore for the reasons I can tell straight up how toxic these flowers are, even the best of the best because non of these growers will be dealing with bs I am dealing with trying to grow all natural, they stick to a schedule and chemicals that NEVER fail! That’s why they can afford producing consistently. Reason nobody even knows answer to my problem here because nobody ever got out of their book to go grow it other ways, experiment etc... most everybody think there is no way to grow without chemicals because they were given a book how to grow and must have nutrients in a bottle. I could do the same but like I said I believe in contrary that one can grow without chemicals all vegan in fact! My last several grows were 100% vegan despite the fact that people keep stressing you have to buy all kinds blood bone meals... I used golden tree which is vegan. It got me thru entire growth but I never had rich green color, it was faded green so I’m sure it doesn’t have all necessary nutrients but still doesn’t mean I have to blood to get good results. I just had to figure out what else it’s missing. But I don’t use that nutrient anymore, I’ve been trying to avoid liquid fertilizers since I haven’t had one that was good yet. I see better results with dried fertilizers.