Well-Known Member
Yes people are paranoidLol people are so paranoid!!!
Iv been growing off and on for 15 yrs and iv seen my share of search choppers but this is the first time iv been in a situation where one flew right over my house like it did , barely higher then the tree tops , you could make out all the details of the chopper i could have thrown a rock at it and hit it
I think in the situation and in the moment of it all me being paranoid is justified
But im no where like i was yesterday , just tired as fuck
Was up till 4 30 this mourning , you should have seen me you would have been lyao
I was smoking a bowl and next thing i knew i seen a flashing light on a car slow down at the end of my driveway ( i about shit myself )
I cut off all my lights made sure my door was locked and shit and was peeping out the window , turns out it was just the newspaper driver pulling up to a paper box lol
paranoia did fully take over me their for a min lol