URGENT!! opinions needed


Well-Known Member
dude u need tp chill with smoking if ur getting worried over something like that. cops arent gona just walk in ur house if they see 1 plant or an.they would do something like report it and forget about it. cops arent worried about pot like that. if they saw an oz of blow then it'll be a different story u have nothing to worry about


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
We do have some nice weather in the summer months, but I hear her on the cold weather, I am so done iwth it now, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

trying to talk my wife into moving, she likes cali, i like canada... i cant get her past the cold


Well-Known Member
dude u need tp chill with smoking if ur getting worried over something like that. cops arent gona just walk in ur house if they see 1 plant or an.they would do something like report it and forget about it. cops arent worried about pot like that. if they saw an oz of blow then it'll be a different story u have nothing to worry about
are you saying the cops wouldnt care if you had a marijuana plant in your house? i need to move where you are! i would be worried.. thats a felony in most places if im not mistaken.......

and YES... the cops will walk in your house if they see just ONE plant? it doesnt sound like cops.. more like a stupid kid... but a pot plant walking out of your house is something to worry about! someone did it and now someone knows you grow weed and someone might come back. call me paranoid but thats something to worrya bout


are you saying the cops wouldnt care if you had a marijuana plant in your house? i need to move where you are! i would be worried.. thats a felony in most places if im not mistaken.......

and YES... the cops will walk in your house if they see just ONE plant? it doesnt sound like cops.. more like a stupid kid... but a pot plant walking out of your house is something to worry about! someone did it and now someone knows you grow weed and someone might come back. call me paranoid but thats something to worrya bout

thank you!! you understand!! +rep for you. i dont want to kill my plants, not that dumb, but at the same time, i do want to get them out of the house if i cant figure out who did this. at the same time, if it was some stupid kid, i would like to set his ass up for it again and catch him/her in my house:twisted:


Well-Known Member
are you saying the cops wouldnt care if you had a marijuana plant in your house? i need to move where you are! i would be worried.. thats a felony in most places if im not mistaken.......

and YES... the cops will walk in your house if they see just ONE plant? it doesnt sound like cops.. more like a stupid kid... but a pot plant walking out of your house is something to worry about! someone did it and now someone knows you grow weed and someone might come back. call me paranoid but thats something to worrya bout
k im a stupid kid. sorry you dont know how the legel system works. im not saying that if a cop walks by and sees a garden that there not gonna knock at the door and maybe walk in but they're not gonna do shit if they see a pot plant on the kitchen table. for all they know it could be Cleome plant or even a Aralia plant. although they prob knwo what it is there not gonan risk anything for something so small. think what you want and i guess it doesnt hurt to be safe but donrt worry urself sicck.


dude u need tp chill with smoking if ur getting worried over something like that. cops arent gona just walk in ur house if they see 1 plant or an.they would do something like report it and forget about it. cops arent worried about pot like that. if they saw an oz of blow then it'll be a different story u have nothing to worry about

dude, i was arrested years ago for a roach; a plant is def enough to worry about here


Well-Known Member
were u sitting in ur own house and did a cop walk in ur house and say "i smell weed oh look ur smoking a roach, im gonna arrest u" or where u in public or somewhere a cop can go freely where u got caught bc u werent safe with it. if ur walking around town with a pot plant sure u gonna get in some shit but what would give a cop the right to look into ur window and then come into ur house they have to notify u that they are comming in no matter what. they cant walk into ur house witout a warrent 1st off and even if they do they need to announce it or get a different warrent that allows them to come in unannounced im telling u ur fine and u shouldnt be worried


Well-Known Member
are you saying the cops wouldnt care if you had a marijuana plant in your house? i need to move where you are! i would be worried.. thats a felony in most places if im not mistaken.......

and YES... the cops will walk in your house if they see just ONE plant? it doesnt sound like cops.. more like a stupid kid... but a pot plant walking out of your house is something to worry about! someone did it and now someone knows you grow weed and someone might come back. call me paranoid but thats something to worrya bout
Yes , exactly my thought someone now knows you grow!! Worst of all you dont know who!!


Well-Known Member
regardless, if it was the boogie man, big foot, cops, a stupid kid, whoever...

anyone knowing about your grow that you dont want to know is a security risk



Well-Known Member
I do agree with that its not good that others know, but see if u can narrow it down and then if u find out who it is make sure u let them know not to open their mouth


Well-Known Member
Dude, its April fools day, im sure someone of your friends are just messin with you dude. haha. APRIL FOOLS!!! THEY STOLE YOUR PLANT LOL


Dude, its April fools day, im sure someone of your friends are just messin with you dude. haha. APRIL FOOLS!!! THEY STOLE YOUR PLANT LOL

i hope so, but there is only one friend, and he lives here; i suppose we will see,


Well-Known Member
I think It's Pretty funny that someone stole a male plant from you. I would hope that the dumb ass tryies to dry it out and smoke it.. Word of advice, Get better friends.