US Paid $1B to Green Climate Fund, Top Polluters Paid $0

try looking up CO2 contributors you fucking retard.
yeah because co2 is all that matters in your retarded arguement lol


You're wasting your time talking to buck! I've walked on concrete that's less dense than he is! He's just a megaphone for all leftist propaganda PERIOD!
You get your facts wrong constantly and worse, argue with those who bring supporting evidence when they correct you.

That's the definition of willful stupidity. Ignorance can at least be taught the truth.

In the case of India, I find it interesting that they have the world's largest population, yet total CO2 emissions are a fraction of America's. Their CO2 per capita number is tiny!

Australia has a much smaller population than the US but their per capita CO2 emissions are even higher than ours.

I get the feeling you aren't curious. You don't ask questions. You believe what you're told from your trusted source- without fact checking- and then argue with everyone who thinks otherwise.

Until you can learn to separate your beliefs from the facts you'll continue to have this problem. What you should be asking is, 'why'? Why would people go to so much trouble to mislead you?

Follow the money...
Regarding air pollution, the US has some of the planets least polluted (pm2.5) air.
World Health Organization.

In the most recent WHO report on air pollution, the United States was listed as one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world, significantly cleaner in fact than the air in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Japan, Austria and France.

The report, which analyzed the “annual median concentration of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5) for both urban population and rural and urban population” found that the United States was one of the most pollution-free nations in the world.

The annual mean concentrations of particulate matter in the air range from less than 10 to over 100 µg/m3, the report states. At the very low end of the spectrum, the United States has a concentration of just 8, while China has a concentration more than seven times higher at 59, India at 66, Egypt at 101 and Saudi Arabia with the worst air pollution at 127.
Regarding air pollution, the US has some of the planets least polluted (pm2.5) air.
World Health Organization.

In the most recent WHO report on air pollution, the United States was listed as one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world, significantly cleaner in fact than the air in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Japan, Austria and France.

The report, which analyzed the “annual median concentration of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5) for both urban population and rural and urban population” found that the United States was one of the most pollution-free nations in the world.

The annual mean concentrations of particulate matter in the air range from less than 10 to over 100 µg/m3, the report states. At the very low end of the spectrum, the United States has a concentration of just 8, while China has a concentration more than seven times higher at 59, India at 66, Egypt at 101 and Saudi Arabia with the worst air pollution at 127.
That's because we've more landmass to spread it over, dummy.

Look at the European countries you mentioned, they are far more densely populated.
The answer why is right there in Agenda 21 at the United Nation's- carefully crafted by Obama(Barack Marshall Davis'( father's intentions) It's aim has nothing to do with the environment, green energy, or anything of the sort. It's all about crippling American Capitalism. Period. The lack of worldwide response and compliance, is direct evidence of it's hard to "societal advancement."
The biggest lie is that if everybody just works hard enough we can all live like kings.
There simply is not enough resources. PERIOD.
The biggest lie is that if everybody just works hard enough we can all live like kings.
There simply is not enough resources. PERIOD.
Really. Which resources exactly? Water? Lumber? Geo-thermiic energy, Seafood? Oil? Others??? Please explain......