US Paid $1B to Green Climate Fund, Top Polluters Paid $0

everyones definition of "live like kings" is different i would think.but this president is wreckless in his move away from the climate deal,and his moves to shrink the epa.the sooner trump has a stress heart attack the better off the country will be.
most people in the world don't have running water in their homes, even if they are lucky to have access to clean water.
guys like matt damon have been actively trying to help solve this issue.but sometimes we go into a village with the army corp and put in wells only to have them dismantled as soon as we leave.the people selling water and controlling it dont want our help there.
guys like matt damon have been actively trying to help solve this issue.but sometimes we go into a village with the army corp and put in wells only to have them dismantled as soon as we leave.the people selling water and controlling it dont want our help there.
Thats because people like Matt Damon, and Barack Obama are FRAUDS! End of story. They only hope to greaten their image and wealth. Period!
The answer why is right there in Agenda 21 at the United Nation's- carefully crafted by Obama(Barack Marshall Davis'( father's intentions) It's aim has nothing to do with the environment, green energy, or anything of the sort. It's all about crippling American Capitalism. Period. The lack of worldwide response and compliance, is direct evidence of it's hard to "societal advancement."
The answer to what question?

The Paris Climate Accord was completely voluntary. America choose to pay into it, we weren't coerced.

A billion dollars is a tiny amount, considering the $600 billion defense budget, nevermind the rest. It's a rounding error. Considering how much effort other countries have put into their compliance efforts, it's been an incredibly productive return on investment, something that cannot be said for so many other government expenditures. Like the Joint Strike Fighter boondoggle, for instance.

The Accord benefits the entire planet, save only a very few fossil fuel nations, who have used their wealth to corrupt the system. Even Exxon was against walking away.

The real men behind the scuttling of the Paris Climate Accord; Charles and David Koch smoker;
The biggest lie is that if everybody just works hard enough we can all live like kings.
There simply is not enough resources. PERIOD.
Kings are inherently wasteful.

Modern living standards are very comparable to those of royalty of centuries past. That's what the advance of technology has given modern citizens; it has made the unaffordable luxuries of old accessible to the many.
Thats because people like Matt Damon, and Barack Obama are FRAUDS! End of story. They only hope to greaten their image and wealth. Period!
Really? Then what do you think of Charles and David Koch? They're the ones who paid for the Chump's move away from the Paris Climate Accord, after all.

I highly doubt Matt Damon is merely padding his image with his work to provide clean water.

It is true that drilling more wells hurts the business of the water sellers. It is also true that giving away rice during a famine undercuts farmers and runs their market.

The best kind of aid is the kind that builds a sustainable system and benefits the local economy. Giving away free stuff is at best a stopgap measure.
Really? Then what do you think of Charles and David Koch? They're the ones who paid for the Chump's move away from the Paris Climate Accord, after all.

I highly doubt Matt Damon is merely padding his image with his work to provide clean water.

It is true that drilling more wells hurts the business of the water sellers. It is also true that giving away rice during a famine undercuts farmers and runs their market.

The best kind of aid is the kind that builds a sustainable system and benefits the local economy. Giving away free stuff is at best a stopgap measure.

I would like this post but i dont have the option yet.the koch brothers are filth,old men that should and hopefully will be dead soon.
I would like this post but i dont have the option yet.the koch brothers are filth,old men that should and hopefully will be dead soon.
They need to be the poster children for why money in politics is a corrupting and destructive force in a free democracy- because it subverts the 'free' part.

We the People must, MUST fix this, or we will end up right back in the clutches of the very kind of aristocracy that our Founding Fathers fought so hard to bury forever.

Just because we've legalized corruption doesn't make it any less destructive to our nation or our collective future.

you'd have a stroke if you went that fast and would crash the car.

So how about skidpad numbers, braking distance and back seat legroom?

The hot rod Dodge has had over 100 years of continuous development.

The Tesla model S has had 10% of that time and is not only a comfortable car in traffic but operating costs are a fraction.

If the Tesla team wanted to make a street legal purpose built drag car out of a model S, it would destroy the Demon;

100% of rated torque at zero RPM. It's the kind of performance advantage that confers an unbearable advantage.

The Demon is cool, for sure. So was the Daytona Superbird. Neither one could be reasonably considered to be a daily driver. They're toys.

This isn't;
So how about skidpad numbers, braking distance and back seat legroom?

The hot rod Dodge has had over 100 years of continuous development.

The Tesla model S has had 10% of that time and is not only a comfortable car in traffic but operating costs are a fraction.

If the Tesla team wanted to make a street legal purpose built drag car out of a model S, it would destroy the Demon;

100% of rated torque at zero RPM. It's the kind of performance advantage that confers an unbearable advantage.

The Demon is cool, for sure. So was the Daytona Superbird. Neither one could be reasonably considered to be a daily driver. They're toys.

This isn't;
One is a sedan and one is a supersport and he's celebrating 0.8sec as a win...

Which one can fit groceries in the trunk while racing? Lol.
"IF" those who run the world actually wanted to stop the pollution, they would force the industries that pollute to clean up their act instead of taxing countries, which is nothing more than another tax scam, perhpas the biggest ever
"IF" those who run the world actually wanted to stop the pollution, they would force the industries that pollute to clean up their act instead of taxing countries, which is nothing more than another tax scam, perhpas the biggest ever

No way.....Require American companies to operate within EPA guidelines overseas???

They don't have a problem building a Communist Military Island Fantasy. Comrade.