Well-Known Member
"Too many pieces of the puzzle fit the fascist pattern for it to be dismissed out of hand just because there isn't an obvious dictatorial figure. "I agree; it's about consolidation of power in the hands of those not accountable to the people... which certainly sounds like the situation unfolding in the United States today, what with oligolopostic interests blatantly buying political candidates.
The breadth of German capitalistic society was well connected with the Nazi Party, and in most other examples of fascism. In return, they got favorable treatment and a pacified workforce. The slaves came later...
On to racism; a classic tactic of fascism is to create and magnify divisions in the populace; anything to keep them fighting each other instead of the powers that be. Conservatism as currently broadcast in the media certainly tolerates virulent racism and anti Muslim speech and even behavior.
Finally, when the 'defense' industry openly bankrolls candidates for office who advocate for starting more wars, the circle closes and no other explanation fits besides fascism. How is mass murder for profit NOT a fascist policy?
A fascist state has one party under the leadership of a dictator. No dissent is allowed, and whatever role the capitalists have in that system is at the whim of the dictator and his cronies. Fascism was an outgrowth from destabilized European states after WW1 that had been under monarchy rule before-hand. The idea was that no state could survive without being in permanent state of high military alert and under leadership with total control. Maintaining a large army is expensive, so military conquest was necessary to justify these armies and, so the theory went, to help pay the bills.
No disagreement in the idea that fascist states of the 20th century employed many tactics currently used by today's US government and European rulers of the 17th century, for that matter. Its your text in bold that actually makes my point that the US govt of today isn't a fascist state. We have two parties that aren't in lock step. Also, no dictatorship. If anything, we are under an oligarchic rule or at least we are heading in that direction. Think China's political system as the end point that our wealthy class are steering us towards. Fascist dictators are too hard for the wealthy class to control. That's not where the oligarchy wants us to go, probably the only point that I agree on with the moneyed elite.
Here is an interesting item regarding Ron Paul and his links to Oath Keepers:
This represents some pretty slick propaganda.
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