US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Is A Racist POS!

Is Scalia a racist piece of shit masquerading as a Supreme Court Justice?

  • Yep. Racist.

  • Nope. Not racist. Black kids don't need to be in advanced colleges

  • Keep stomping until you're up to your neck in it

  • Tyler Durden is my hero

  • Mmmmmmmm Dooooooonuuuuuts....

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But yet, you are Buck's defender? You are what is broken.

As to the thread...some of his wording was certainly racist sounding. The point he made with those words was just an echo of the actual studies and describes reality.
Cite those studies then.

I'll laugh when you can't.
I think Warren's fraud was pretty egregious and shows a pretty deep, non-trivial, character flaw.

I certainly can give a pass to Bernie on the DNC thing. However, he is a walking, talking example of a character flaw.
Calling her fauxcahontas was totally not racist of you. No character flaw there.
If that's the best you can manage, I'll never worry about anything you say carrying any credibility again.
Who said it was the best? It was just the most recent. All I'm willing to put forth the effort for when your reply was as predictable as the one you gave. Tell us more about your "97% percent of climate scientists" who turned out to be the 2012 basket weaving 101 drop outs.
When we're talking about politics? Then yes of course. So thank you for acknowledging that you were wrong and I was correct.

I figured out why the right wants to cut educational funding; it's so people will stop making them look bad by quoting factual evidence they can't refute.

I'd be laughing, but this is classic fascist information control tactics at work.
I figured out why the right wants to cut educational funding; it's so people will stop making them look bad by quoting factual evidence they can't refute.

I'd be laughing, but this is classic fascist information control tactics at work.
The right doesn't want to cut educational funding. Opposing buying votes by promising free college tuition for morons at huge increases in spending isn't a "cut". So much for "factual" evidence.

I'd be laughing, but this is classic fascist information control tactics at work.
The darkest part of the night is just before the dawn; funny how we had to lose our civil rights before they legalized a harmless plant.

Now we're losing our freedoms, so I'm wondering what else they're trying to spice down our throats.

Oh yeah; the entire right wing corporate fascist driven agenda, how could I forget? I wonder what we'll have to give up for that to change. Perhaps we already have.
This man makes me sick to be an American today. This country needs a way to remove someone from the Supreme Court.

‘We are excelling in every field’: Black students rebuff Justice Scalia
The Supreme Court justice's remarks about African-Americans and higher education cause pain and anger on campus
December 10, 2015 7:45PM ET

by Azure Gilman @azuregilman

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments this week in Fisher v. University of Texas Austin, a case that could have a far-reaching effect on the future of affirmative action in the United States. Abigail Fisher, who is white, claimed she was denied a spot at the University of Texas Austin because the system by which the school admitted freshman excluded her on the basis of race.

During Wednesday’s session, Justice Antonin Scalia said, “There are some who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well.” Scalia continued, “I’m just not impressed by the fact the University of Texas may have fewer [black students]. Maybe it ought to have fewer.”

The reaction to Scalia’s remarks was swift and severe.

On social media, many African-Americans responded to Scalia’s comments using the hashtag #StayMadAbby — referring to the plaintiff — voicing their disagreement with Fisher, graduation photos, or references to elite colleges they attended.

Meanwhile, at the Austin campus, many African-American students said that Scalia’s comments have dominated their conversations.

David McDonald, 22, is a member of the Black Student Alliance at the University of Texas, and was one of three UT students actually in the courtroom when Scalia made his comments.

“I don’t know if anyone else reacted because I was so caught up in my own reaction,” McDonald told Al Jazeera. “It just really resonated with me how disconnected he was from the true black students who matriculate through UT … we are excelling in every field.”

LaShawn Washington, a senior political science major, heard about Scalia’s comments from her mother, after calling to say she got an A in her neuroscience class. “It was kind of a juxtaposition to my actual reality at the time,” said Washington.

Washington said she felt crushed. “I’m being told by someone who is not a minority that blacks don’t succeed in these types of atmospheres and they should go to quote-unquote slower-track schools,” she said. “I’m still having to justify why I’m qualified to be in the same space as a white man.”

Washington was originally rejected when she applied to the University of Texas in high school. She went to community college for a semester, and then took two years off to take care of her disabled mother. She reenrolled in community college, and then reapplied to the University of Texas, where she was admitted on scholarship, and started in the fall of 2014. Washington said that she has a 3.89 grade point average. “I’m a first-generation college student,” Washington said. “Someone who struggled, but they came to UT, and still excelled.”

"There are lots of other races and ethnicities that are on campus, but it’s predominately white," said Melissa Herman, an American studies major who graduated from UT in May of 2014. According to an accountability report published by Texas Higher Education Data, a group created by the Texas Legislature, the autumn enrollment of 2014 was 46.9 percent white, 19.9 percent Hispanic, 17.3 percent Asian, and 4.4 percent African-American.

By comparison, the autumn enrollment of 2000 was 62.7 percent white, 11.8 percent Hispanic, 12.5 percent Asian, and 3.2 percent African-American.

Herman, an African-American, said she wouldn’t trade her UT experience for anything. “But at the end of the day, it’s still heavily white, it’s still mired in a history of racism,” she added. “[Fisher’s] whole case just kind of undermines everything that the university has done to make it a more inclusive and diverse place.”

The University of Texas did not respond to a request for comment.

“I think that a lot of times we view thoughts like these, or people’s thoughts in this area as individual racism, but I think it kind of shows a bigger picture about how institutional racism is perpetuated,” said Chelsea Jones, 22, an African-American who graduated from UT last week. “It’s these things by individuals in power that influence polices and influence important court cases that decide the fates of students of color in the future.”

Jesse Jackson said, "Excellence is the best antidote to racism". I agree with that. Demonstrate some excellence and these sorts of conversations will fall by the wayside.

Notice that nobody is claiming that first generation Chinese students ought to go to secondary-level schools. All the universities are doing their level best to keep Asian kids out; sort of a reverse affirmative action. The spectacle of race based decisions in the US are an embarrassment. How do you lefties sleep at night while these obvious facts are shining a bright light on your failures?

Quit crying and get your asses to work.

Nothing Scalia said is racist. Embarrassing and uncomfortable for those who live in fantasy land, but not at all racist.
Now, that's funny. YOU not knowing liberals are fascist!

As in "I've got a pen and a cell phone" threats. That's about all our wimpy Liar-in-Chief has. He can't even get a a street or beach named after him in Hawaii. Did get a snowcone named after him from Oahu's Island Snow, his hangout. It's all colors and just LIES around.

you are a white supremacist though, so i would like to hear anyone's opinion but yours.

Have you ever been correct about anything? Remember, I know your identity and you don't know mine, which is highly amusing as I watch you snitch on me. Unlike you, I am not a snitch, though, because I am not a Democrat/Republican and therefore have a moral code. So, you are safe from me snitching on you.

Or interesting about anything? I have lost track of all the people you claim are racists, when, in fact, they simply don't toe the foolish and blatantly racist positions of the modern Democratic party.

Democrats have had their asses handed to them in the last couple of elections. The last election was an utter catastrophe for Democrats. I think most Americans are fed up with them. Fed up with #whitelivesdontmatter,. Fed up with the dividing of Americans with propaganda. Fed up with Hillary the clawing criminal, and her serial rapist husband. Fed up with the senile, selfish, and sometimes criminal Democrats. When I think of Democrats, I think of you. Most Americans don't know you but they know your kind and you are repulsive; that's why Democrats had their asses handed to them in the last election. You guys created Donald Trump's popularity. It is a reaction to odious Democrats. When Trump flames out and Cruz replaces him, you guys are in trouble.

Sleep tight, Andy.
now you're making a claim you can't even prove, while not even disputing your own racism.

:). Three words you missed. "No" "might" and "almost".
But everyone knows you are an ineffective troll with a double digit IQ.
@ttystikk though. Shit man, how can you tie your star to this loser. Or are you behind his libel, misrepresentation, and character assassination without proof. I can see you sharing political views but taking it to this level of hate where everyone who is not you is racist is ridiculous and seriously where I had an interest in you and your grow knowledge...that is gone. Sucking the Puke's cock is not becoming.
...libel, misrepresentation, and character assassination without proof.

that's what you just did to elizabeth warren, along with a blatantly racist label to accompany it.

...this level of hate where everyone who is not you is racist is ridiculous and seriously where I had an interest in you and your grow knowledge...that is gone. Sucking the Puke's cock is not becoming.

nice homphobia to accompany that meltdown of yours, ya tiny-penis loser.