Well-Known Member
He used inverted language concerning gay couples. Guess you missed that.They invert the language and then wonder why no one takes them seriously.
He used inverted language concerning gay couples. Guess you missed that.They invert the language and then wonder why no one takes them seriously.
Yes, I agree about term limits. They should do two terms; one in office and one in the penitentiary! And definitely some noogies!Fuck wishing for chicken bones and accidents. They need term limits.
Yes, I agree about term limits. They should do two terms; one in office and one in the penitentiary! And definitely some noogies!
I have begun to question the motivation of any public official past or present. I guess it's an over 50 thing because I did not always believe that way.
You mean the guy who just had to apologize because his people stole data from the DNC and before apologizing he tried to point fingers disingenuously at the DNC...trying to make them the bad guy or the woman who utilized affirmative action herself to fasttrack her way through law school. Fauxahontas indeed.Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren *might* be the exceptions. Aside from them, I agree with you. Bunch of corporate shills.
Ha! That's rich. You mean intolerant like not wanting gay couples to have same rights as everyone else?
You mean the guy who just had to apologize because his people stole data from the DNC and before apologizing he tried to point fingers disingenuously at the DNC...trying to make them the bad guy or the woman who utilized affirmative action herself to fasttrack her way through law school.
Seems like you better prepare yourself for a woman President. Hillary is locking it downSanders is a victim when it comes to owning it. DNC is a big mess with some of the poorest choices in history. It's laughable! Look at the content of their debate rebuttals, they're all a bunch of buffoons.
Seems like you better prepare yourself for a woman President. Hillary is locking it down
Thank you. I'm glad to see your public school has paid off for you.*Which readings. Public schools strike again.
Don't blame me. I actually contributed to Bernie...TWICEThis is disappointing. In a democracy, we're supposed to have elections, not coronations. Corporate America has dictated the pool of acceptable choices and We the People are supposed to simply accept it?
WAKE THE FUCK UP, PEOPLE! How well has voting for the one you've been told to worked out SO FAR?!
Don't blame me. I actually contributed to Bernie...TWICE
I don't think he can stop Hillary and I personally would take Hillary over ANY Repuke.
I would but my vote will be going to the Trump in the Repuke primary.Good for you, but personally I think the fight is only lost when the caucuses check in and the tally is final. So go support Bernie at your local democratic caucus, THAT'S where your vote really counts for something!
Thank you. I'm glad to see your public school has paid off for you.
Please keep paying your property taxes to insure the success of our public schools. I also would like to thank you for your contribution to my retirement payments.
actually I think the people paid for my solar panels for the laundromat.If public schools are so successful , why must they use threats of force to fund them?
Do you go out and threaten people to pay you even if they don't use your laundromat? Should you?
actually I think the people paid for my solar panels for the laundromat.
I think I will take the family out to dinner with some of your tax money.
You mean the guy who just had to apologize because his people stole data from the DNC and before apologizing he tried to point fingers disingenuously at the DNC...trying to make them the bad guy or the woman who utilized affirmative action herself to fasttrack her way through law school. Fauxahontas indeed.
Yep, two who walk the high road.
You're not much of a man if you compromise your principles.
actually I think the people paid for my solar panels for the laundromat.
I think I will take the family out to dinner with some of your tax money.
This is disappointing. In a democracy, we're supposed to have elections, not coronations.