Yeah.. keep telling yourself that.. best how? We're deep in f*cking debt, hate towards Americans has never been higher in the world, our military is spread everywhere and our military advisers even admit we are weaker militarily than we have been in the past 10 years, nothing is manufactured here anymore, our freedoms are being eroded daily.. again.. we are the best how exactly?
Or did the people on the television tell you that?
"...cats SHOULD NOT be expected to dress up on halloween EVER and I swear that I pass a bill stating that, 'No cat shall ever be expected to dress up on halloween.' if voted president..." President Bush 2000
Ignorance is bliss.
B's up.
5 all day
Apparently we are the best at sticking our heads in the sand to ignore the problems at hand.
Yeah.. keep telling yourself that.. best how? We're deep in f*cking debt, hate towards Americans has never been higher in the world, our military is spread everywhere and our military advisers even admit we are weaker militarily than we have been in the past 10 years, nothing is manufactured here anymore, our freedoms are being eroded daily.. again.. we are the best how exactly?
Or did the people on the television tell you that?
I'll clean it out, but seriously it's not even full.. lmfao.. please.. ive gotten pmed by two people in the past 3 weeks, lol, no one talks to me anymore since I stopped posting half naked avatars.. lol
well said sirI talk..... this country is being run crapily just like every other one in the world. There is no difference, accept the people doing it.... and the biggest similarity is that not enough people care enough to do anything about it accept for whine in their "Spare" time.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
BULLSHIT BULLSHIT! you dont feel free?sounds like ur paronoid.well the best thing is you have the freedom to LEAVE.think about it.and come on seatbelt laws. they do that to protect us stoners from fuckin ourselves up. the fact is KNOWONE has it like us and you shood be proud to be here.people die to...literally.and agin if you dont like it that much LEAVE.Psssh, we don't have shit. We think were free, but take a look around ya'll? Most days I don't feel free, I don't know about you, but i surely don't. The hoops the government makes me jump through to get a passport to leave the country, the f**kin seatbelt laws, the GD Patriot Act, where is the f**kin freedom there? How do we have it so good when the government spies on us? Huh? Is that freedom to you, cuz im one freakin second from packin for the damn jungle and trying my luck with f**kin tigers, at least they kill to live!
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
good man...holy shit!
we made it through the great depression right.. things are bad right now.. but it will be good again..
There isn't a more free country that the USA.. no where do you have the opportunity to be persue whatever you want.. I'm with USA through good or bad.