USA looking to invade Canada

Aluminum tariffs are enough to raise the price of American beer, just like Mexico won't pay for the wall, we won't pay fur the 3% piss ya call beer. :D
lmao on a serious note tho you guys are cool US politics are really fucked up in this country Trumps playing the blame game once again. (They all do) blaming china for everything, so its said it came from china but the US did nothing to prevent an wider spread of the virus waits till last min to put precautions into play then goes on the media yet again china. With his, Lets Make.. a deal.. You want to make a deal Thats.. What i do I Make deals.. Thats peanuts right?? Its peanuts (bullshit) Kanye west really? Id move to fucking Australia Canada is right across the border
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My answer to the main question. I am not a traitor to my country or its people, I would stand beside you (Canada) and (Australia) and fight any day! The bullshit politics has gotten way outta hand. Honestly who the fuck would really want to invade Canada?
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lmao on a serious note tho you guys are cool US politics are really fucked up in this country Trumps playing the blame game once again. (They all do) blaming china for everything, so its said it came from china but the US did nothing to prevent an wider spread of the virus waits till last min to put precautions into play then goes on the media yet again china. With his, Lets Make.. a deal.. You want to make a deal Thats.. What i do I Make deals.. Thats peanuts right?? Its peanuts (bullshit) Kanye west really? Id move to fucking Australia Canada is right across the border
Patience, this is a temporary state of affairs, what don't kill ya makes ya stronger and there are over 200 improvements to America on Moscow Mitch's desk right now. Soon it will be somebody else's desk and the bills will be resubmitted minus the compromises. Give Joe a year and some willing hands and ya won't know the place. I have faith in the US, it's people and it's constitution, so do a clear super majority of Americans, keep the faith, hope and change is still the game.

Liberal means liberty and in a liberal democracy change is bottom up driven and top down implemented (will of the people), it goes better when ya got the implimetors by the balls, as African Americans will. The pursuit of happiness and a more perfect union my friend, the US constitution is the quintessential liberal document. Many signed up for liberty, not realising it meant human rights and equality for all in the end, it always does, and the ride ain't over yet.
Trump is like a long stinky fart in a closed room, now that he's outside and the wind is picking up, his smell is losing its stink and will soon be blown away by unfolding events. People are tuning out his useless self serving press briefings, he's trapped inside the WH and apparently is craving his rallies and the audulation of the base. This crisis is showing just how useless Donald Trump is as a human being, and especially as a president and leader, expect no help from him, only more problems. Look for what federal aid there is to be directed to the red states and away from the blue states, especially those who are critical of him. The epidemic is already breaking out throughout the south and there are indicators that it will be very bad there, they don't seem concerned either, Trump will come through for them, even at the expense of the blue states.

Donald got you into this mess, has hampered the response repeatedly and is constantly interfering with the experts and professionals for his own personal political purposes. A stunning failure of leadership and dereliction of duty that everybody expected that will have catastrophic consequences for the people, country and its economy. Donald continues to make this crisis far worse in America than it needs to be, based on mortality thus far Canada appears to have about 1/3 the cases per capita than the USA, we will know more in a week.

and here we are four months later..that's exactly what he did.
My answer to the main question. I am not a traitor to my country or its people, I would stand beside you (Canada) and (Australia) and fight any day! The bullshit politics has gotten way outta hand. Honestly who the fuck would really want to invade Canada?

he did try to buy Greenland.

lately, his lips seem to be getting caught on his dentured fangs from lack of hydration after ingesting so much Adderall.

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Happens everywhere when people are pissed for just cause, remove the cause and have peace, no justice, no peace. No covid response, no economy, leadership failure of the very worst kind and Trump ain't alone. All those congressional delegations and red state governors sold out their oaths and citizens over the mere threat of a mean tweet. They were owned and enthralled to a malicious sociopathic moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78. Imagine being owned by a moron a step or two above being a drooling imbecile? Imagine committing a crime against humanity and selling out your state and it's people, over a fucking mean tweet? Human life was sold by the tens of thousands over nothing other than imagined fear, life is cheap indeed among these cocksuckers. Almost 3/4 of people who are sick enough to present for treatment with covid end up having permanent heart damage and are maimed for life, wait until that sinks in, pre existing condition?
and here we are four months later..that's exactly what he did.
Prophecy ain't hard with Donald, he always does the wrong thing, even when the right thing to do is rubbed in his face repeatedly. Donald is not hard to predict at all, most here have had a hand at Donald and GOP prophecy, they are assholes for a reason, the act and speak like assholes.

The best predictor of future action is past performance and Donald is a lifelong loser who fucked up everything he ever touched. He bankrupted a casino FFS, a sucker magnet where they walk in off the street and give you money for nothing, that appealed to Donald.
Patience, this is a temporary state of affairs, what don't kill ya makes ya stronger and there are over 200 improvements to America on Moscow Mitch's desk right now. Soon it will be somebody else's desk and the bills will be resubmitted minus the compromises. Give Joe a year and some willing hands and ya won't know the place. I have faith in the US, it's people and it's constitution, so do a clear super majority of Americans, keep the faith, hope and change is still the game.

Liberal means liberty and in a liberal democracy change is bottom up driven and top down implemented (will of the people), it goes better when ya got the implimetors by the balls, as African Americans will. The pursuit of happiness and a more perfect union my friend, the US constitution is the quintessential liberal document. Many signed up for liberty, not realising it meant human rights and equality for all in the end, it always does, and the ride ain't over yet.

The first step in trying to invade another country. Why even do this if Canada by percentage has less infected? It doesn't make any sense unless there is some long term goal.

If it ever got to it and the American government asked to invade Canada, how would you guys react?

Canada A I don't get what your saying ??? All I'll say is thank Goodness your not a leader of this country (USA) . Maybe you should open a history book and actually read !!✌️
The first step in trying to invade another country. Why even do this if Canada by percentage has less infected? It doesn't make any sense unless there is some long term goal.

If it ever got to it and the American government asked to invade Canada, how would you guys react?

Russia here and we will come to rescue you Canada guys, we like the ice hokey very much and Oh some food

but sorry not them fat bitches with vatican morels, or twisted vowles

beside you know its a dumb question when we have been wanting to nuke DC for 75 plus years

sorry to say your place will be a nuked Somme like in France for 10k years
My answer to the main question. I am not a traitor to my country or its people, I would stand beside you (Canada) and (Australia) and fight any day! The bullshit politics has gotten way outta hand. Honestly who the fuck would really want to invade Canada?
Cough cough
Many bills will be rolled into one, depending on how big Nancy wins in the senate, I figure that's where the focus is now, get as many of those 23 GOP seats as she can. Putting Mitch on the spot by impeaching Barr and perhaps others will help with that and get rid of Barr, Mitch won't die on that hill. Nor one for the Postmaster General either, rural America depends heavily on the USPS, its tradition and they vote, in state elections too in many cases. Other politicians are on the ticket, not just Trump, ballots are long in some places and fucking with the mail is not popular, besides, nobody gives a fuck about Bill Barr or Louie DeJoy, except their enemies. Nancy wants those senate seats and she is an expert on how to get them, it will be her parting gift to America as she goes into graceful retirement, the dragon slain and her grand kids safe.
Id say they dont like commie war waging pieces of shit like you. Go ahead and try it when we are done wiping our ass with Putin then it will be called a job well done for all humanity
you can say what you will ...but who really listens to a weak insippid wreck like you ,,,,lololol
Russia here and we will come to rescue you Canada guys, we like the ice hokey very much and Oh some food

but sorry not them fat bitches with vatican morels, or twisted vowles

beside you know its a dumb question when we have been wanting to nuke DC for 75 plus years

sorry to say your place will be a nuked Somme like in France for 10k years

or Chernobyl?

No one likes Russia and it's peoples are becoming increasingly unwelcome here..Pooties BUTT BOY will be gone soon and then it's back to business.

Did you know that Obama still lives in Washington?..on 1/20, it's going to take longer to have everyone in place for the time it takes to haul his fat McD gas-bag diapered ass out- less than one minute because he's a pussy.

coming soon to Mother Russia..maybe you can give him the pee-pee bed..Dah?
Go there by yourself, and spout your crap there
I am there, in socialist paradise, why I can even fly to europe for vacation.:p

Only a moron would support Trump or the republicans and only idiots are confused, welcome to the future. Political polarization has brought clarity to the situation and a thawing of the social and political stasis. Hope and change is still the game and it's gonna be game over soon, racism and bigotry are now seen as a national security threat of the first order and a home for adversarial fifth columns, reactionary morons who are easily manipulated and conned. This will make all the difference in the world, as these assholes are treated like the commies of a few decades ago, like shit, like traitors.
or Chernobyl?

No one likes Russia and it's peoples are becoming increasingly unwelcome here..Pooties BUTT BOY will be gone soon and then it's back to business.

Did you know that Obama still lives in Washington?..on 1/20, it's going to take longer to have everyone in place for the time it takes to haul his fat McD gas-bag diapered ass out- less than one minute because he's a pussy.

coming soon to Mother Russia..maybe you can give him the pee-pee bed..Dah?
Chernobyl? is about 3k KM away in Ukraine that land is like our Panama ..back to school sonny,

hey you don't wanna buy a 2015 Chevy no? going real cheap or swap for a 1970's Toyota? says my Canadian school teacher neighbor

in•sip•id ĭn-sĭp′ĭd adj.
Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty.
  • adj.
    Lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest; dull.

  • Without any taste; not exciting the sense of taste; without flavor or savor