USA looking to invade Canada

Chernobyl? is about 3k KM away in Ukraine that land is like our Panama ..back to school sonny,

hey you don't wanna buy a 2015 Chevy no? going real cheap or swap for a 1970's Toyota? says my Canadian school teacher neighbor

in•sip•id ĭn-sĭp′ĭd adj.
Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty.
  • adj.
    Lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest; dull.

  • Without any taste; not exciting the sense of taste; without flavor or savor

does it have a dash cam?..we know none of your cars have brakes.
Hope and change...
Biden Leads In 2020 Battleground Map | MSNBC

The NBC News Political Unit unveiled the 2020 battleground map, detailing where things stand with just 86 days ahead of the presidential election. MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki breaks down the numbers.

Maybe we can help poor Canadians ...? maybe next week Oh so fucking fast being
No stockbroker thief to worry about ...and 1in 5 americans now have the covid

once again the mercians runoff..oh withdrawl
Imagine what conditions will be like in Georgia, Florida and Texas in 60 days, the are tied in the polls their now, but there will be a lot of death, state indictments , scandals and probably impeachment of cabinet officials before then. I figure Donald will lose all three big southern states by Nov 3rd. The solid south will be shattered in Donald's wake and it will cost GOP senate seats bigly.

Maybe we can help poor Canadians ...? maybe next week Oh so fucking fast being
No stockbroker thief to worry about ...and 1in 5 americans now have the covid

once again the mercians runoff..oh withdrawl
Go ahead and take Vlad's vaccine, maybe you will grow a set of horns, an impressive rack. By all means be a guinea pig for humanity, let us know how it works out for ya.
Better build a wall. We're coming Canada.
Canada doesnt have walls most parts you can continue driving into Canada back rds etc. We need the fucking wall and better leadership the US and Canadian border is more patrolled now than it has ever been Canada isnt the problem its people who doesnt know how to run a country
Better build a wall. We're coming Canada.
Elect Trump and the republicans and the situation on our southern wall could look like this in a couple of years. Napalm would have worked better and we would use it! Burn that stack of zombies to the fucking ground and made crispy critters of the works on the other side of the wall, ya gotta be proactive ya know.

I'm not impressed with your healthcare system.
Considering the right wing source with lots of health insurance ads, I'm sure it paints a bleak picture. Must be why 90%+ Canadians support it after 60 years of experience. You wish you had it so good, and would have except racist assholes fucked themselves and everybody else by being suckers for con men and now morons with and IQ of 78. How does it feel to be owned by an idiot? Many Americans are facing million dollar bills for covid treatment and 3/4 of those sick who present at hospitals will have permanent heart damage, a pre existing condition.

Private healthcare is a very stupid idea for the richest country in the world, costs 3 times as much as public care and doesn't cover everybody. Besides yer insurance won't do much good if the hospitals are overwhelmed and yer outside in a line of covid patients, wear a mask.
Russia here and we will come to rescue you Canada guys, we like the ice hokey very much and Oh some food

but sorry not them fat bitches with vatican morels, or twisted vowles

beside you know its a dumb question when we have been wanting to nuke DC for 75 plus years

sorry to say your place will be a nuked Somme like in France for 10k years
If I was you I would be more worried about Putin screwing up and blowing up his own people. Again.
Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 6.20.02 PM.png

Maybe we can help poor Canadians ...? maybe next week Oh so fucking fast being
No stockbroker thief to worry about ...and 1in 5 americans now have the covid

once again the mercians runoff..oh withdrawl
Hey, next year Uncle Sam is gonna fuck mother Russia until she shits out Vlad, not even the Chinese will trade with ya and your internet will be an internal affair, just a shit hole full of crooks hackers and bullshit spewing out of the place. Worse than useless, harmful and outgoing traffic should be cut or filtered, that takes time. Happy new year comrade, Vlad can't nuke because he has investments and besides American sub commanders would just nuke ya back, orders or not. Each American boomer can destroy every Russian population center of over 100,000 with MIRVs on missiles, that's just one sub and America has many such subs and a nuclear triad. Good luck glowing in the dark.

Better hope Vlad goes soon or things are gonna get desperate in Russia, you have no friends.
Elect Trump and the republicans and the situation on our southern wall could look like this in a couple of years. Napalm would have worked better and we would use it! Burn that stack of zombies to the fucking ground and made crispy critters of the works on the other side of the wall, ya gotta be proactive ya know.

What do you mean “our” southern border?