USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
.California and New York acted Monday to gradually push their statewide minimum wages to $15 an hour, the highest in the nation as Hillary Clinton and that soon to be vanquished Bernie Sanders again seized on wage disparity and the plight of the working poor in their fight for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Clinton joined New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo at a rally in Manhattan as he signed the law that will gradually boost that state's pay rate. The former first lady, and soon to be President, predicted the movement will "sweep our country."

Sanders, the loser that he is, (but nice guy) said in a statement that his campaign is about building on the steps in California and New York "so that everyone in this country can enjoy the dignity and basic economic security that comes from a living wage."

The new laws in California and New York mark the most ambitious moves yet by legislatures to close the national divide between rich and poor. Experts say other states may follow, given Congress' reluctance to act despite entreaties from President Barack Obama.

So, we will soon see all the business owners puking apparently,, because they will actually have to fork over some cash to their barely above poverty level workers. Oh shit, they might actually have to put off buying their new Lexus, or second vacation home, and do something right, Too fucking bad I say, let's see some REAL trickle down economics, instead of them simple pissing on the heads of their workers.

.California and New York acted Monday to gradually push their statewide minimum wages to $15 an hour, the highest in the nation

Unfortunately, this is what has to be done. "Free market" benefits the 1%. Given a choice, people in control will exploit those they control. This is a hard-wired part of humanity, unfortunately. We need to join the rest of the world to start re-balancing the ledger
This will result in the reduction of low income jobs and higher prices for some goods and services, not to mention the unintended consequences of government intervening in commerce reinforces the parent / child status of the omnipresent NANNY STATE.
I say BS. The Capitalist slave (employees) owners have been singing that song forever, and it has been proven wrong time and time again. Sure they will increase prices to make up the difference, but the benefit to the economy will be enormous, as disposable income will come into play, and people can pay for more services, like buying a new pair of shoes for their kids, and actually afford to bring their family out for dinner, even if it is Burger King.
See, Burger King wins, the shoe store wins, everyone wins. Got it?
I say BS. The Capitalist slave (employees) owners have been singing that song forever, and it has been proven wrong time and time again. Sure they will increase prices to make up the difference, but the benefit to the economy will be enormous, as disposable income will come into play, and people can pay for more services, like buying a new pair of shoes for their kids, and actually afford to bring their family out for dinner, even if it is Burger King.
See, Burger King wins, the shoe store wins, everyone wins. Got it?


Have a nice day - (said in a robot like voice)
Unfortunately, this is what has to be done. "Free market" benefits the 1%. Given a choice, people in control will exploit those they control. This is a hard-wired part of humanity, unfortunately. We need to join the rest of the world to start re-balancing the ledger

Your misunderstanding of what a truly free market is, is astonishing.

A truly free market ISN'T a crony capitalist market.

In a truly free market, the forces which you dislike, which permit the cronyism, would not exist.
Your misunderstanding of what a truly free market is, is astonishing.

A truly free market ISN'T a crony capitalist market.

In a truly free market, the forces which you dislike, which permit the cronyism, would not exist.
All I have seen of that "truly free market" which doesn't exist by the way in real terms today in my opinion,, is greed and exploitation. But that's what capitalism is all about, right?
Let's move all the jobs out of low wage areas, into lower wage areas, like that COMMUNIST pos named China. There's your truly free market, lets fuck the workers there also. That is Capitalism today, it doesn't care who it fucks, as long as it is exploiting someone, and the one doing the exploiting becomes a billionaire, because that is what drives the engine, right? Success or failure, like Detroit, right? Pure Capitalism is a fucking myth, because it was designed to benefit the community it served, which has been laid to the wayside. all it does now is to make a few very rich, and the rest, tough shit, you lose. That's why this country is falling apart, because Capitalism, as practiced today in the US is designed for one winner, and a shit load of losers, as evidenced today in the dear old USA.
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It's only the Democrats who try to make life easier for the working poor I have yet to see a Republican Governor or State Legislature propose raising the minimum wage, never! And the saddest part is you have millions of working poor who vote those clowns into office.

Horay for Jerry Brown and Cuomo they care about the poor folks and from what I understand NY is implementing their wage increase in 2018!

The true job creators are not corparations (a smaller fraction do) it's the worker who has more money to spend. The argument that raising salaries will also make prices of goods rise too, news flash, it goes up even without salaries being raised.

It's only the Democrats who try to make life easier for the working poor I have yet to see a Republican Governor or State Legislature propose raising the minimum wage, never! And the saddest part is you have millions of working poor who vote those clowns into office.

Horay for Jerry Brown and Cuomo they care about the poor folks and from what I understand NY is implementing their wage increase in 2018!

The true job creators are not corparations (a smaller fraction do) it's the worker who has more money to spend. The argument that raising salaries will also make prices of goods rise too, news flash, it goes up even without salaries being raised.


and i have demonstrated to the morons like rob roy over and over again that when min wage is increased, it always increases purchasing power as the cost of goods do not increase anywhere near as quickly.

i simply compare the rise in wages to the rise in goods on the list of BLM staple items and let the numbers speak for themselves.

morons like rob roy and dr KKKynes always claim that the prices listed by the BLM are imaginary and fake, so i take the courtesy of looking up the price of those goods in their area to show they are not.

despite these healthy doses of reality, these retards just dig in further to their conspiracies.

i just don't get it.
We have to plan for the future, so what's a little collateral damage, seeing as their 3/4 dead anyway.
Plus, their kids can afford to bury them (funeral homes win also)
Why not instead mandate that every one under 30k a year get a 50% raise, between 30k and 60k a 20% raise, and have some mechanism to even out the raise difference between the two groups there.

Because if you take minimum wage up to 15 an hour, what happens to the hard working folks making 18 an hour? They just got poorer.
and i have demonstrated to the morons like rob roy over and over again that when min wage is increased, it always increases purchasing power as the cost of goods do not increase anywhere near as quickly.

i simply compare the rise in wages to the rise in goods on the list of BLM staple items and let the numbers speak for themselves.

morons like rob roy and dr KKKynes always claim that the prices listed by the BLM are imaginary and fake, so i take the courtesy of looking up the price of those goods in their area to show they are not.

despite these healthy doses of reality, these retards just dig in further to their conspiracies.

i just don't get it.

It always baffles me that they think that just because they're entitled to make opinions about this issue they somehow think it's a fact.

You would think that the party that always brings up the economy would know this, increasing the minimum wage puts more money in people's pockets who in turn spend it driving the economy, duh!

They know this but GREED prevails from the small business owners to big corporations.

Why not instead mandate that every one under 30k a year get a 50% raise, between 30k and 60k a 20% raise, and have some mechanism to even out the raise difference between the two groups there.

Because if you take minimum wage up to 15 an hour, what happens to the hard working folks making 18 an hour? They just got poorer.
Really?!? If you take min wage to $15 @ hr those making $18@hr just got poorer, that makes the list as the dumbest statement made on RIU.

Que idiota, coño! Avé Maria!

Really?!? If you take min wage to $15 @ hr those making $18@hr just got poorer, that makes the list as the dumbest statement made on RIU.

Que idiota, coño! Avé Maria!

Rich and poor is relative. Which of the following are richer? Two men both have a 600k salary. One lives in a small town where he has the highest salary. The other in the city down the road where lots of people make over one million.

Likewise, poor is only judged by the bottom. If you go from making twice the lowest legal wage to just over the lowest legal wage, you're effectively getting a pay decrease.