Abortion is currently legal, Red said "a million and a half every year" is unacceptable, so I asked how many was acceptable, and pointed out that even if were illegal, women would still get illegal abortions, which leads to the question of if we should turn those women into criminals and have them undergo less safe procedures instead.
So making abortions illegal would be changing the law
What does what someone else does with their own body in the privacy of their own life have to do with anything but themselves? Why is this at all a societal matter? Why are conservatives so concerned with abortions, drugs, sex, etc? Things people do behind the privacy of closed doors? What does it matter?
abortion, drugs and sex make baby jesus cry.
It comes down to weather a person considers it a life or not.
Personally i think it starts at a certain date which is up for debate.
I will say that I like MOST Americans support some common sense restrictions not nessasarily a ban.
People like Obama who support 3rd trimester abortions and partial birth abortions
are in a very small minority in America. I consider there position radical and sick.
Your wrongPretty sure that's not what Obama supports
I dont oppose anything. I vote for representatives (just like you) who then vote -Its called AmericaWhy is it OK to impose what you believe to be the moral position that not every other equal American might not also believe?
Your wrong
Why do you think it should be OK to give the government the power to tell people what to do in one instance (abortion) At a certain age a fetus becomes human. Because Amercians value life we must restrict
abortion to a degree it doesnt kill humans. we dont allow murders of adults either.
The majority of Americans share this opinion.
I dont oppose anything. I vote for representatives (just like you) who then vote -Its called America
Some Americans probably suport things like baby rape etc the majority opinion and morality must over rule them
even though "not every other American might not also believe" as you put it
Isn't the traditionally conservative position to be limited government?
I am not a traditional conservative I am an independent. Are you suggesting we dont have laws to protect people?
so your answer is "no"? no harm caused, just indifference?
he's not on the side of prohibition and criminalizing women for daring to exercise control over what happens to their own body, a concept you might know as "liberty" or "freedom".
0 are acceptable. Abortions were never made legal. The laws banning them were declared "unconstitutional". Those woman are already criminals. We call them "murderers". Abortions aren't done in the privacy of home. It's not their body or life they are sacrificing, it's the child's. Why are liberals so concerned with abortions, drugs, sex, etc? Are you implying you can do anything if you hide it? It seems that way. Someday, perhaps, someone will invite you into their grow room to have a look at their crop. Once there, they will overpower you, tie you up, and begin the process of slowly chopping you into a slurry like material. You will be alive and conscious when this process begins. When they are finished this grisly task, they will vacuum up the mess and incinerate your remains. Since it was done in the privacy of the home, it's all good. This is what you condemn millions to, just so you can have casual sex.Abortion is currently legal, Red said "a million and a half every year" is unacceptable, so I asked how many was acceptable, and pointed out that even if were illegal, women would still get illegal abortions, which leads to the question of if we should turn those women into criminals and have them undergo less safe procedures instead. So making abortions illegal would be changing the law What does what someone else does with their own body in the privacy of their own life have to do with anything but themselves? Why is this at all a societal matter? Why are conservatives so concerned with abortions, drugs, sex, etc? Things people do behind the privacy of closed doors? What does it matter?
So killing should not be recognized by the law? Just because some people find nothing wrong with rape, robbery, and murder, we have no justification for outlawing it? You want limited government when it comes to regulating your actions, yet demand government regulation for others. You are such a hypocrite.Pretty sure that's not what Obama supports Why do you think it should be OK to give the government the power to tell people what to do in one instance (abortion), but not anything else, like drugs (I would hope)? Why is it OK to impose what you believe to be the moral position that not every other equal American might not also believe? Isn't the traditionally conservative position to be limited government?
Obama voted multiple times time against laws outlawing partial birth abortions.Pretty sure that's not what Obama supports Why do you think it should be OK to give the government the power to tell people what to do in one instance (abortion), but not anything else, like drugs (I would hope)? Why is it OK to impose what you believe to be the moral position that not every other equal American might not also believe? Isn't the traditionally conservative position to be limited government?
Could you be any more unaware of the history of the politician you support?Can you provide a source that says Obama supports 3rd trimester abortions? Who gets to decide what age a fetus becomes a human? And using what basis? Are you saying you agree with the "majority rule"? Whatever the most Americans believe is true, no matter what it is, should be the law? I am suggesting we limit the laws we have to actually protecting people from other people, not "protecting people from themselves"
USCB radical feminist porn professor whose area of emphasis is black cultural studies, pornography and sex work assaulted a 16 year old girl, violated
her free speech (in a special free speech zone), committed assault, and vandalism. This perhaps should be considered a hate crime as well since she committed the violence because she disagreed with someones religious beliefs.
Is it way past time to cut student loans to institutions that teach such mindless dribble.
PhD. New York University (American History and History of the African Dispora
M.A. New York University (American History and History of the African Dispora)
B.A. Emory University (History)
Dissertation: "A Taste for Brown Sugar: The History of Black Women in American Pornography."
1* professors university web page
0 are acceptable. Abortions were never made legal. The laws banning them were declared "unconstitutional". Those woman are already criminals. We call them "murderers".
Are you implying you can do anything if you hide it?
So killing should not be recognized by the law?
Obama voted multiple times time against laws outlawing partial birth abortions.
Could you be any more unaware of the history of the politician you support?
Wow!! She wrote the book on my favorite subject!- not surprising
IAC, she didn't go nuts. Did you even see the incident or the read the pap?"![]()
partial birth abortions.
"I have said repeatedly that I would have been completely in, fully in support of the federal bill that everybody supported – which was to say – that you should provide assistance to any infant that was born – even if it was as a consequence of an induced abortion. That was not the bill that was presented at the state level. What that bill also was doing was trying to undermine Roe vs. Wade." -Obama
Let me guess. You are up to your eyeballs in student loan debt taken out to pay for a degree in mid evil French Literature, or maybe drama, and nobody will hire you. You can only discharge your student loan debts except by repaying them, so you are kinda screwed. In the grown up world a marketable skill is worth while.
A long time ago I worked for Hughes Aircraft. One of the guys on the technical staff with a degree in Computer Science was bitter because his CS degree was his second pass through college. His first degree was a BA in French. He got tired of being unemployed so he went back and got a BS CS. He was quite indignant that nobody offered to hire him with his French degree. Liberal arts degrees are meant for dilettantes. For those of us who have to earn a living, literature classes are a luxury, and why anybody would study "feminist studies" is beyond me.
It strikes me as very bad form for a college professor to assault a teenager and to violate her civil rights. I guess I am just old fashioned that way.
Let me guess. You are up to your eyeballs in student loan debt taken out to pay for a degree in mid evil French Literature, or maybe drama, and nobody will hire you. You can only discharge your student loan debts except by repaying them, so you are kinda screwed. In the grown up world a marketable skill is worth while.
A long time ago I worked for Hughes Aircraft. One of the guys on the technical staff with a degree in Computer Science was bitter because his CS degree was his second pass through college. His first degree was a BA in French. He got tired of being unemployed so he went back and got a BS CS. He was quite indignant that nobody offered to hire him with his French degree. Liberal arts degrees are meant for dilettantes. For those of us who have to earn a living, literature classes are a luxury, and why anybody would study "feminist studies" is beyond me.
It strikes me as very bad form for a college professor to assault a teenager and to violate her civil rights. I guess I am just old fashioned that way.