USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

i was referring to the disposal of human remains red described.

oh, red just got taken by a telemarketer is all.

i used to work for a company which was "pro life". we would call people and read them our script and ask for money. the attention getter was when we literally described exactly what a partial birth abortion was, right down to the vacuuming out of the brains. you knew you were gonna get a donation if you could almost feel them cringe through the phone.

i decided to look into the financials of the company, about 85% or more of what we took in was just feathering the nest of the folks who set up the call center, and we'd give about $5k to the election campaign of a single rep, maybe two. so really we were doing more to take money away from pro lifers.

we started calling up supposedly for george w bush after that. i would often call him john w bush or something like that to see if these people even noticed. they almost never did. my buddy would do certain calls in a full british accent.

those were good times.
oh, red just got taken by a telemarketer is all.

i used to work for a company which was "pro life". we would call people and read them our script and ask for money. the attention getter was when we literally described exactly what a partial birth abortion was, right down to the vacuuming out of the brains. you knew you were gonna get a donation if you could almost feel them cringe through the phone.

i decided to look into the financials of the company, about 85% or more of what we took in was just feathering the nest of the folks who set up the call center, and we'd give about $5k to the election campaign of a single rep, maybe two. so really we were doing more to take money away from pro lifers.

we started calling up supposedly for george w bush after that. i would often call him john w bush or something like that to see if these people even noticed. they almost never did. my buddy would do certain calls in a full british accent.

those were good times.

sounds like you had a good did red get taken, did he donate?
sounds like you had a good did red get taken, did he donate?

well, he was basically repeating the script verbatim. he probably got called once and it stuck. the shock value tends to do that.

i guarantee you that call made a lot of people into reds.
Admit to what, that some people get abortions because of convenience? Of course. Do I think that's wrong? Not at all Will you admit that you support legally banning all abortions because some people get them out of convenience? A zygote is just as alive as human skin cells, no more, no less. Where are the rally's against scratching an itch?
Yes. A zygote is much more than skin cells. If you want to kill your own skin cells, feel free to do so. Start scratching on others and see where that gets you. Are you seriously comparing scratching your ass to abortion? Are you that devoid of intelligence?
just like you won't admit that you are racist, but your own words show it beyond any doubt.

"the truth is that black males are more inclined to criminality" - red1966

"i never said blacks have a propensity to crime" - red1966, a few months later, in response to nodrama intimating that his beliefs were racist.

Notice he edited my post. That's why there's no link to the quote. Bucky gets caught lying again.

well, this will be easy.

The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality.

I never said blacks have a "propensity" to commit crime

red gets caught lying, again.
Originally Posted by Red1966 The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality.
"I believe this has nothing to do with their skin color, but is culturally and politically based." Bucky in your usual lame attempt to paint someone a racist you have left out his next line Do you donate your time at the southern poverty law center or a different racist organization?
And Buck gets caught lying, again.
This is the most legitimate source of self-ownage I've seen on RIU. No fucking way at all to talk your way out of this, Red Excellent work UB
Way> Buck gets caught misquoting me again. Clearly not excellent work, unless one considers lying "excellent". You are almost as bad a suck up as Schuylaar.
And Buck gets caught lying, again.

where's the lie? that's the exact quote from the exact post.

i left out the part where you attribute your belief to some odd property of melanin on culture because it was not relevant to the other staement, where you deny that you've ever said blacks have a propensity to commit crime.

hint: a propensity to do something and an inclination to do something are the same thing.

but since you're here and since you chose to bring it up, will you please explain how excess melanin drives a culture towards criminality?
Way> Buck gets caught misquoting me again. Clearly not excellent work, unless one considers lying "excellent". You are almost as bad a suck up as Schuylaar.

if you didn't have me on ignore, you'd look much less stupid trying to claim i misquoted you after i just posted the exact quotes.
Where did I support that? Unless you believe in just letting a newborn baby live on the streets by itself when it's born, taxpayers will face the financial burden of raising it using the state
Were you living in the streets as a newborn? Was anybody you know? No? So, just bullshit.
Multi-quote function, buddy, it's your friend, use it.. Well, calling a woman who gets an abortion a "murderer" is the same as calling a potato a grapefruit - you can call something whatever you want, it doesn't mean that's what it is.. "The laws banning abortion were declared unconstitutional" - that would make them legal You can't tell the difference between an adult human being and a group of cells/fetus? Really? That's interesting.. Abortions are not "killing", you are ignorant of how abortions work and what they are, so, like usual, you're afraid of them "I have said repeatedly that I would have been completely in, fully in support of the federal bill that everybody supported – which was to say – that you should provide assistance to any infant that was born – even if it was as a consequence of an induced abortion. That was not the bill that was presented at the state level. What that bill also was doing was trying to undermine Roe vs. Wade." -Obama I don't support Obama, you are confused again
So you were well aware of Obama's pro-third trimester record, but pretended otherwise? That was dishonest.