sun pulse are lying misleading money grubbers...all they do to change the kelvin temp rating is manipulate the yellow and green portions of the spectrum which changes nothing for the plants...buyer beware the poppy cock
me and my boy are giving them a good bashing right now too.... you should read the politicking assholes email back to him.i am not a hps too much lankiness in veg
sunpulse is not really changing much in the bulbs for the different ratings other than mostly the amount of green/yellow...that is the problem with k temp does little to indicate spectrum output...hence I am sure why I have not seen any spectral analysis charts for sunpulse bulbs... if there are any I would love to see them
face palm.
anyways MH dont emit UVB coated or not, its all in the galss its made from, the coat is for UVA and protection fabrics from fading and sunpulse never got back to me, so i highly doubt they are using the proper glass to emit UVB so all you can count on them for is some UVA and deep blues which can emulate the effects of UVB.
but besides all that using MH last 2 weeks of flower wont hurt, probably would increase thc level a little, but your buds will probably not get larger during that time period tho.(vs using hps) and the frostyness acheived porbably wont be all as impressive as you thought.
@racerboy ask dbkick about the 10k sunpulse he used it the last 2 weeks.... from what ive seen of db i say that was normal frostiness for him and it didnt do much of anything.
HPS has hardly any red. ALSO look at the spectrum change of sunlight in the summer to fall. There is a red shift but not to the degree most slide to and still plenty blue. And what of the equatorial varieties? No shift. Full spectrum including UVB is the ticket.
Have a look then sirI'd have to dissagree on the HPS has hardly any red. Fark me, when I change the MH bulb from vegging out for the HPS one for budding it makes the room totally pink/red. Now Im not an expert & I have no scale or meter, but Im just talking abuot what I see. Looks pretty damn red to me.