Using MH bulb for last 2 weeks of harvest? What is the science?

sun pulse are lying misleading money grubbers...all they do to change the kelvin temp rating is manipulate the yellow and green portions of the spectrum which changes nothing for the plants...buyer beware the poppy cock
sun pulse are lying misleading money grubbers...all they do to change the kelvin temp rating is manipulate the yellow and green portions of the spectrum which changes nothing for the plants...buyer beware the poppy cock

Really? My last run I used the 3k and my yield was around 20% more than using a standard hps. Thought running the 10k would make it even better. Have you tried them? I have a buddy that grows some amazing AK-47 with sunpulse. A few folks on RIU have had some good luck with them also. To each his own I guess.
Oh I am not knocking you your choice nor your grows..please do not take it that way... I just do not like dishonesty from manufacturers
I am a cmh user and it definitely flowers better than hps as well...although I found that 1 hps and 2 cmh in flower produced best yield without any quality drop...cmh also raises potency...but I use many different sources together from uvb t5 and mh to actinic t5 pink t5 and cmh/ hps...pretty much enhanced sunlight indoors
I see a few guys on here running hps throughout the whole grow. What are your thoughts on those? And i'd rather not spend 130 bucks on the 10k if it's not going to make much of a difference. In what way is Sunpulse misleading? I'm no expert with indoor and always looking for ways to tweek my grows for better overall success.
i am not a hps too much lankiness in veg

sunpulse is not really changing much in the bulbs for the different ratings other than mostly the amount of green/yellow...that is the problem with k temp does little to indicate spectrum output...hence I am sure why I have not seen any spectral analysis charts for sunpulse bulbs... if there are any I would love to see them
i am not a hps too much lankiness in veg

sunpulse is not really changing much in the bulbs for the different ratings other than mostly the amount of green/yellow...that is the problem with k temp does little to indicate spectrum output...hence I am sure why I have not seen any spectral analysis charts for sunpulse bulbs... if there are any I would love to see them
me and my boy are giving them a good bashing right now too.... you should read the politicking assholes email back to him.

SunPulse lamps are made for living things. We don't dope the glass the way other companies do to block UV, and our glass is expensive and custom made. We do have a UV meter, yes. This has all been tested, our lamps have been out for 13 years. All testing data is in our archives, but you've reached technical support. I'm not in charge of the archives.

What I can tell you is that any lamp graph is a combination of a particular lamp in a particular fixture with a particular ballast. If you change any one component, you change the graph. Each customers installation is different. If someone overdrives our lamps in a shitty Lumatek ballast, they will change the spectral output by overdriving the voltage to the lamp. That's just one example. Dimming is just under-driving, changing the spectral output again.

My message to a "forum" on UV light......Plants just want the Sun. The Sun never changes, its always the same. Humans won't reinvent nature, evolution or plant physiology and the plants demand for proper photosynthesis. To focus on UV is like focusing on "treble" in a song, there's a lot more going on in the song. Plants evolved with all the light of the Sun and UV is one part of that light. End of story. Their "hot topic" was all figured out a long time ago. It's not new, its just plant science and life science.

I suspect its the people who use HPS light that are talking about UV's, because HPS light has no usable UV for plants, so the plants are anemic. HPS light is the worst light ever made for any living thing, its only 22% of the Sun. Any plant ever grown under an HPS light has been genetically drifted at a cellular level.

We're the only company that are plant scientists who make lighting for plants. If you want to learn more about basic plant physiology, or photo-biology, you can contact the Hydroponic Society of America. If you want to learn more from me about all this, it would take more than an email to educate you on light science, photo-biology and plant physiology. You have my number, and in this day and age of technology, the hearing impaired have plenty of advantages. There's certainly phone services available to you. Call anytime or let me know if you prefer to Skype or something.

sure wants you to call so you cant share what he says as you just did...his answer is obviously pure bullshit
As for MH or HPS I think there are small benefits to mix the two in flower, as for the last 2 weeks under MH I have no idea why such a change in light spectrum for so little time near the end of a complete grow cycle would help at all.
As for Sun Pulse, they are a scam. We used these bulbs back in late 2011, when I was mostly assisting my grow buddy rather then growing on my own. I remember they ran very hot, they made no noticeable difference in yield or potency and most failed in a matter of 3-6 months. One did blow up during normal use as well. It's been Digilux ever since. I have two flower rooms and one had Hort eyes last year and there was never a noticeable dif in yield or potency compared to digiluxs.
I think debating these different brands and types of lights is about the same as debating actual light schedules, there are only one or two right ways to do it.
I'm running 2 shitty Lumatek ballasts right now. I thought they were okay. Only a year or two old. Guess my bulb isn't working to it's true potential according to Sunpulse. I won't be buying the 10k. I am thinking about running a 600 mh with another 600 hps. Sounds like the best of both worlds.
What is a cmh bulb?

I have experience with all three. All MH grow, all HPS grow, MH veg/hps flowering. I use enhanced spectrum bulbs though both MH and HPS. My best grows (not even close) have been MH veg/HPS flowering.

NOTE* My full MH grows were close to 20 years ago. Maybe modern technology makes full MH grows better than 20 years ago technology.
I just realized I had budded the past 8 weeks using a MH bulb. 2 came with the light kit & I got the HPS & MH mixed up. I noticed my yield is not where it would have been using the HPS bulb.

I just started 2 plants using the MH bulb & will switch to the HPS for the budding as prescribed by past experiences.

I have read others get good results with MH bulbs for the complete grow, but my experience has been crap. I wonder if its a different TYPE of MH bulb? I assume they would all be the same temp of light.. I dont know the brand of bulbs I got with the lights. Its was the cheapest light set I found, there isnt even amy markings on the bulbs themselves other then 400.

Probably the worst lights you can get :) But they work for me (I just grow a couple a year for my own use)

face palm.

anyways MH dont emit UVB coated or not, its all in the galss its made from, the coat is for UVA and protection fabrics from fading and sunpulse never got back to me, so i highly doubt they are using the proper glass to emit UVB so all you can count on them for is some UVA and deep blues which can emulate the effects of UVB.

but besides all that using MH last 2 weeks of flower wont hurt, probably would increase thc level a little, but your buds will probably not get larger during that time period tho.(vs using hps) and the frostyness acheived porbably wont be all as impressive as you thought.

@racerboy ask dbkick about the 10k sunpulse he used it the last 2 weeks.... from what ive seen of db i say that was normal frostiness for him and it didnt do much of anything.
The HPS mimics the change of spectrum that the sun gives off as you enter fall. Don't use a MH during flowering that doesn't make sense. Your looking for bud growth, not leaf growth. If you want you can use a full spectrum and that will work better. Go with nature man and switch that shit to HPS.
HPS has hardly any red. ALSO look at the spectrum change of sunlight in the summer to fall. There is a red shift but not to the degree most slide to and still plenty blue. And what of the equatorial varieties? No shift. Full spectrum including UVB is the ticket.
I'd have to dissagree on the HPS has hardly any red. Fark me, when I change the MH bulb from vegging out for the HPS one for budding it makes the room totally pink/red. Now Im not an expert & I have no scale or meter, but Im just talking abuot what I see. Looks pretty damn red to me.

HPS has hardly any red. ALSO look at the spectrum change of sunlight in the summer to fall. There is a red shift but not to the degree most slide to and still plenty blue. And what of the equatorial varieties? No shift. Full spectrum including UVB is the ticket.
I'd have to dissagree on the HPS has hardly any red. Fark me, when I change the MH bulb from vegging out for the HPS one for budding it makes the room totally pink/red. Now Im not an expert & I have no scale or meter, but Im just talking abuot what I see. Looks pretty damn red to me.
Have a look then sir


As you can see hps has lotsa yellow and orange but not much red...the mh you are using is mostly red absent and if you truly look at the hps you realize that it is yellow orange that you see
if i have a 400w industrial mh do they cost more to run as the ones in hydroponics stores are is it all the same because they are both 400w