Using MH bulb for last 2 weeks of harvest? What is the science?

I do not place much faith in mr. Rosenthal as he is a marketing piuppet that is paid to feed misinformation to increase sales for the chosen few as well as he is a good author and marketer and in my experience flat out lies if it pays well

Hope this helps

I too am starting to come to the same conclusion about Mr Rosenthal. For that matter any cannabis "expert" and the books they publish seem to be pushing their own agenda.

If you read many of these books you'll find that that the authors often times will disagree with themselves from one chapter to the next. In one chapter something is good and then in a latter chapter the same thing is not so good! Makes me wonder if they even have an editor that reviews their writing. (jorge cervantes is the worst!!)

If you're reading this thread then you know the truth, nothing beats knowing your environment/genetics and doing your own tests, developing your own grow style and trusting in your own observations.