Using MYCOS question?


Well-Known Member
the friends i speak of is the gazillion other microbial life that come with using compost teas (humus/vermicrop/seaweed/etc)
And if you want other AN products that works together,: tarantula/piranha/organic-B/sensizyme/..and emerald shaman-- but they discontinued it, sad.. it was pretty bomb too


Well-Known Member
o yea, granny eggys humic & fulvic, and both mother earth teas... you dont need all of them, but if got the means then they will deliver the ends.. :P


Well-Known Member
So Im new to using mycos and it says use unclorinated water, If I leave the water sit out for a couple of days will that do the job or should I use RO water?
Reading all this it appears you haven't got a direct answer yet.:roll:

If your tap is treated with chlorine, letting it sit out is fine. If it's treated with chloramine, which won't evaporate, Use the 1drop/gallon stuff for aquariums, like Am-Quell (?). You'll have to check with your water system to see what they use.

Bottled Spring water is good. The microbes and myco's can actually use the dissolved solids in the water, and distilled or RO aren't necessary.

