Using Urine As a Fertilizer

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of course it will have nitrogen its urea but only cheap ass nutes have nitrogen dirived from urea. Please remind me to never smoke your piss weed. No thanks, the uni bomber shit in his own garden as well. Yes it can be done but why?your already getting free sunlight maybe you could spring for some bone meal and bat guano. they really dont cost much, but go ahead and save and pee on your smoke. You can drink your own pee as well but again why would you. Good luck with your project
there's nothing wrong with using pee guys i fed it to mine during veg with no smell probs and my plants loved it i stopped using it when i flipped them, pics in sig
i heard if you blow your load on your HPS ballast it will be able to use MH bulbs,,,, Anyone?? Confirm?"

... They say ignorance is bliss, and I'm gonna guess you're one amazingly happy guy

"of course it will have nitrogen its urea but only cheap ass nutes have nitrogen dirived from urea. Please remind me to never smoke your piss weed. No thanks, the uni bomber shit in his own garden as well. Yes it can be done but why?your already getting free sunlight maybe you could spring for some bone meal and bat guano. they really dont cost much, but go ahead and save and pee on your smoke. You can drink your own pee as well but again why would you. Good luck with your project"

... So let me get this right, after showing you the picture of my amazingly beautiful and healthy plants (grown under T5's); You're argument is that instead of urine I should used crushed animal bones and bat shit? Please, I know you're probably stoned, but think about that for a second.

And everyone else who doesn't jump to conclusions with clearly no sound evidence backing you.. there is no smell. You dilute the urine. The soil breaks down the urea and urine into usable nitrogen to uptake to the plants.. Not to mention the trace minerals provided from the multi-vitamin taken 3 - 4 hours before. But hey, all I have to offer is sound proof and pictures of dark green plants with stunning growth and no other fertilizers used to attain this.
I'm gonna have to agree with munchie on this one, urine seems to work great as a fertilizer. I use about 1.5 - 2 cups per gallon of pure water, along with an organic fish and seaweed emulsion from Neptune's Harvest. My plants were starting to go yellow early in veg (same soil I always use, must have gotten messed up from being frozen??) and after I started this treatment they have an amazingly lush green look and have doubled their growth rate. This kind of green could not be from the seaweed emulsion alone, because that stuff has a nitrogen rating of 1 (it's like 1-4-3 or something). Also, I have never been able to smell the urine at any point in the process, whereas the normal organic fertilizer THAT I BOUGHT smells SOOO Bad. So all this argument about pee being gross is just immature nonsense. We're here to grow great plants folks, and hopefully not spend money unnecessarily in the process. take a step back, light one up, and remember to keep an open mind....
Oh and munchie that basil is lookin pretty sexy too, I just had a great harvest of that stuff. It'll outsmell a pot plant any day (well maybe not a full flowering female, but it's pretty close!). what an aroma! happy pesto-munchin!
I plan on using a little urine as part of my organic tea during this years guerrilla grow not only for it's fertilizing propertys but also to repel any animals that may be thinking about digging up my girls.
anything 1-2 feet around the piss spot will burn, but plants on the outside perimeter will be lush green. keep piss 2 feet at least from plant
I agree that just pissing on plants that you are going to consume later is just plain gross.

Really though, if you boil it, you are just going to evaporate the water and concentrate what makes it piss (salts, toxins in your body, etc). Urine is sterile, so there is really no reason to boil it.

Still though, I don't want to smoke piss plants. :neutral:

this is interesting.. I'd think you would dilute it like you do with regular nutes. I dont think its any grosser than guano and worm castings....LoL
I use1 part urine to 10parts chlorine free water for young plants 1-2 weeks old & plants between 3-4 weeks I use 1 part urine to 5 parts chlorine free water & plants are fed out of a watering can. During Flowering no pee pee.



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Im curious as to what happens when you take vitamins and drink tons of water and green tea. My urine always comes out very yellow and strong smelling. The vitamins causes this. How does the piss content change? Does it have some of the elements from the vitamins in it?
YOU ARE SAUPOSED TO DILUTE THE PISS URINE WTF EVER U WANT TO CALL IT. dilute it 1-10=large plants 1-20=medium plants 1-30=small plants. if u piss straight on the plant u will kill it DUH would u pour straight concentrated nutes on you're plant NO go by that formula i gave and you'll be fine.(i've used urine on multiple plants and it work's great as nitrogen supplement trace mineral intake and for outdoor repelant of animals). and any ???? just msg me i would subscribe but ppl are just makeing a joke out of this when it is a viable source of nitrogen and work's great i'll pull some info together and edit into this post
Main article: Fertilizer
Urine contains large quantities of nitrogen (mostly as urea), as well as significant quantities of dissolved phosphates and potassium, the main macronutrients required by plants. Diluted at least 8:1 with water it can be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer. Undiluted, it can chemically burn the roots of some plants, but it can be safely used as a source of complementary nitrogen in carbon rich compost.[10] Urine typically contains 70% of the nitrogen and more than half the phosphorus and potassium found in urban waste water flows, while making up less than 1% of the overall volume. Thus source separation and on-site treatment has been studied in Sweden as a way to partially close the cycle of agricultural nutrient flows, to reduce the cost and energy intensivity of sewage treatment, and the ecological consequences such as eutrophication, resulting from an influx of nutrient rich effluent into aquatic or marine ecosystems. The fertilization effect of urine has been found to be comparable to that of commercial fertilizers with an equivalent NPK rating. [11]
However, depending on the diet of the producer, urine may also have undesirably high concentrations of various inorganic salts such as sodium chloride, which are also excreted by the renal system. Concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, commonly found in solid human waste, are much lower in urine (though not low enough to qualify for use in organic agriculture under current EU rules).[12] Proponents of urine as an agricultural fertilizer usually claim the risks to be negligible or acceptable, and point out that sewage causes more environmental problems when it is treated and disposed of compared with when it is used as a resource.
It is unclear whether source separation and on site treatment of urine can be made cost effective, and to what degree the required behavioral changes would be regarded as socially acceptable, as the largely successful trials performed in Sweden may not readily generalize to other industrialized societies.[11] In developing countries, the application of pure urine to crops is rare, but the use of whole raw sewage (termed night soil) has been common throughout history.

here is the low down on urine there are alot of other site's just search urine as a fertilizer there are multiple recipes for urine and other thing's here check out this article on tomatoes.
One time years ago I woke up one sunny warm Fl. morning and had to poop real bad, well the old girlfriend was in our only bathroom so I shot out the back door like I was 17 years old. I mean fast my but cheecks were about to erupped. Well I laid one out there right where I allways throw my seeds when I clean my bud. Man I laid out a turd the size and shape of a large sweet potatoe. two weeks after that altercation there shot up a sweet female of reg bud but she produced some good shit.
Ive heard that urine can potentially harm plants because of the sodium content found in urine. However I question whether there actually is sodium in urine. I do know that sodium causes ALOT of issues in any grow
Ive heard that urine can potentially harm plants because of the sodium content found in urine. However I question whether there actually is sodium in urine. I do know that sodium causes ALOT of issues in any grow

it is true that there are salt's in urine that is why u dilute the urine so u don't burn the plant or have excess build up of any salt's minerals AND URINE IS NOT A FIX FOR EVERYTHING i only use it for nitrogen supplementation:weed: get big healthy green leaves scroll up look at my other post and that should help u peace hope i helped man
I agree that just pissing on plants that you are going to consume later is just plain gross.

Really though, if you boil it, you are just going to evaporate the water and concentrate what makes it piss (salts, toxins in your body, etc). Urine is sterile, so there is really no reason to boil it.

Still though, I don't want to smoke piss plants. :neutral:

first of all dumbass you put cowshit, chicken shit, batshit, compost.. ect.. and you think piss is gross? you need to do some reading bro
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