Free here. Just make an appt at the local drug store and show up for the shot. Pretty sure if you had to pay for it you're only paying for the one dose. The rest of the doses in that bottle get paid for by the next people who get some from it. When vaccines were in short supply if there were doses left over they would announce over the PA in stores that you could get your shot right now if it was free or at half price in places that charge just so the doses wouldn't get wasted. They can't go back into the freezers. Phizer needs the really cold freezers but Moderna is OK in a regular freezer so that's all we've got here is the moderna.
It could be nuts this winter with everyone thinking this is over. The flu has been repressed from all the mask wearing so there will be lots of that as well as covid flare ups especially in red states. TB has been ignored thru all this and is now killing many more than covid is and a lot more than it has in past years. This RSV virus is also flaring up and can be quite devastating to the very young. And now polio and some smallpox is popping up in various places to add to the joy. People have become so complacent about these 'extinct' diseases that half the world is susceptible to becoming an epidemic instead of namby-pamby pandemic.
Then there's the thawing arctic and permafrost releasing bacteria, virus and fungi that we've never encountered before.
Oh well. Once WWIII wipes humans off the planet it can heal itself for a few million years until some mutant chimpanzee figures out how to control fire then we can start the whole damn thing up again for another fun ride.