Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

Over 100 million Americans were tracked from their cell phones and assigned “COVID-19 decree violation” scores throughout the Covid lockdowns.

This mule data was then fed to the DNC to target covid concerned Republicans with ads prompting Covid "safety measures".
Over 100 million Americans were tracked from their cell phones and assigned “COVID-19 decree violation” scores throughout the Covid lockdowns.

This mule data was then fed to the DNC to target covid concerned Republicans with ads prompting Covid "safety measures".
Was this done with or without the assistance of the lizard people from planet nibiru?
none are so blind as they who choose not to see.

I tracked this to Gateway Pundit, on whose obvious dishonesty another already posted. NYT would not run such obvious tripe. The Natasha Singer article contained none of the Big Brother slant you insinuated and uncritically accepted from the hard-right agitprop merchant.

Compare directly. See how differently the same info is presented. Note the word SECRET in the propaganda site’s headline. You fell for it as a result of your obvious truthphobic bias abundantly documented in our subforum.

Search for “mule data” turned up this sparkly gem of propaganda.

none are so blind as they who choose not to see.

I tracked this to Gateway Pundit, on whose obvious dishonesty another already posted. NYT would not run such obvious tripe. The Natasha Singer article contained none of the Big Brother slant you insinuated and uncritically accepted from the hard-right agitprop merchant.

Compare directly. See how differently the same info is presented. Note the word SECRET in the propaganda site’s headline. You fell for it as a result of your obvious truthphobic bias abundantly documented in our subforum.

From the nyt article:

"In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, a voter analytics firm called PredictWise came up with a novel approach to help Democratic campaigns target persuadable Republicans: “COVID concern” scores."

So what is different from what I posted?

"To create the scores, the company first analyzed an immense data set showing the cellphone locations of tens of millions of Americans during the initial lockdown months of the pandemic. Then it ranked people based on their travel patterns.
So where is the inaccuracy buddy?

Gateway Pundit posted the literal nyt article without the pay wall via yahoo News.

There is no slant being applied here but your own.

This further illustrates how you will take the literal exact same information and apply its validity according to whomever conveyed it from the same source.
Search for “mule data” turned up this sparkly gem of propaganda.

From the nyt atricle:

"The firm said it had used the data to help Democrats in several swing states target more than 350,000 “COVID-concerned” Republicans with COVID-related campaign ads. In Arizona, PredictWise reported, the scores helped Democrats “open up just over 40,000 persuasion targets” for Mark Kelly, who was running for Senate. (Kelly’s office did not respond to emails and calls requesting comment.)"


Shits ridiculous. Honestly I don't even get how anyone wound use the "attack the messenger" debate tactic in 2022. Shit is either true or false regardless.
Not only do they have full control over your cell phones (yes they put tracing software on just about every phone to track "covid"), they spied on millions of families via 3rd party laptops that were sent home for remote learning. Forced the parents to abide by google and zooms policies or face truancy charges. In other words, they eye in the sky logged all the coversations in your house, and have your kids mapped out so well, they can predict their futures 30 years from now.. Already have their social credit scores in the works.
They only diagnose people who run around with their smart phones everywhere, because they know your phone pinged off someone else who was tricked into believing it too, who took a fraudulent PCR test for a common cold. Between the false positive tests (for a virus that has never been isolated BTW, or proven to physically exist outside a simulation), and the tracking system in place for the last few years, they can trick just about anyone they want.
Not only do they have full control over your cell phones (yes they put tracing software on just about every phone to track "covid"), they spied on millions of families via 3rd party laptops that were sent home for remote learning. Forced the parents to abide by google and zooms policies or face truancy charges. In other words, they eye in the sky logged all the coversations in your house, and have your kids mapped out so well, they can predict their futures 30 years from now.. Already have their social credit scores in the works.
They only diagnose people who run around with their smart phones everywhere, because they know your phone pinged off someone else who was tricked into believing it too, who took a fraudulent PCR test for a common cold. Between the false positive tests (for a virus that has never been isolated BTW, or proven to physically exist outside a simulation), and the tracking system in place for the last few years, they can trick just about anyone they want.
That's a fun couple of posts. I have some questions about you. What are you main new sources in general? How much education do you have? What region of the world do you live in? Who really killed Seth Rich? What shape is Earth? What is the truth about Chemtrails?

Just trying to figure out if you are a true believer or inveterate liar.
That's a fun couple of posts. I have some questions about you. What are you main new sources in general? How much education do you have? What region of the world do you live in? Who really killed Seth Rich? What shape is Earth? What is the truth about Chemtrails?

Just trying to figure out if you are a true believer or inveterate liar.

Sir, am I being detained?
You would think i get a lot of kickback, but no one really bothers me.

I have all the receipts I need to prove that every cell was force updated with new microcode, which allows them backdoor access to spy on Americans, and record millions of pages of biometric data for nearly each and every individual. I gave up carrying any kind of smart phone around almost 2 years ago, because they can suck my balls. FFS, they were giving free phones away left and right around the same time, and no one really questions why.

I have all the receipts I need to prove that corporations were and still are spying on school children, and parents rights are being taken away in order to do so. Clear violations of childrens online privacy laws. I am even willing to go to the court of law, but for some reason I just always get my way, and the government leaves me alone. I'll sue for millions if they somehow force me to use a cell phone, or my kid to take part in third party surveillance programs.
They were so nice, that if you didn't pay your bill, you would still have service. lol! I quit paying my bill, and wanted them to shut it off, but they wouldn't! They want your phone to keep tracking even if you aren't using it, or paying bills.