Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

..but isn't what this whole thread is about? Even the vaxxed can still spread, and/or get reinfected. It's impossible to track who infected who, but it'd be an interesting graph to see anyways.
I am proud to say I am unvaccinated and so is my entire family. Also proud to say that no one in my family has had the virus. But I must say that I have a few friends that are vaccinated and they caught the virus last year. I personally know no one that is unvaccinated and caught the virus.
..but isn't what this whole thread is about? Even the vaxxed can still spread, and/or get reinfected. It's impossible to track who infected who, but it'd be an interesting graph to see anyways.

Indeed. The vaxxed spread it more than those with natural immunity. They pretended we were spreading it and they could not. This gave them a very high pole with a horse head to ride on as they suggested that we be denied medical services, employment, education and to tell loved ones goodbye as they kept a close eye on the stock ticker for Zoom and Skype. The teachers unions insisted it was never going to be safe to return to in person learning as they dm these sentiments from a vacation beach somewhere maskless.

They wore cloth masks and pretended they were n200 which even would only stop 200% of DUST particles and it made them imagine that super tiny little viruses didn't pass right through unimpeded.

The ones who shut down small businesses procured their services in private and let them go under but the box stores were essential. They sent their kids to private school in person the whole time and vacationed in Florida close to others with no masks.
wasn't it the last guy that shut down the country? yes it was

Right? He was racist for shutting down incoming flights while Pelosi was partying in China Town. Remember?
Here's what's not up for debate, the vaccinated are much less likely to end up in the hospital, or die, than the unvaccinated.

Given that words mean things, this is a false statement.

The vaxxed and unvaxxed are all equally likely to die. Of you mean die from covid, "cause unknown" or myocardial issues, blood clots ect you will have to wait for more data, especially considering peer reviewed studies are including natural immunity as vaccinated status.